Finn Moore, Dimash Umirbayev
- Create fun and exciting remote-controlled cars with live video streaming
- Compete in a fast-paced racing game and explore inaccessible locations
PS2 controller hacked over SPI
- Custom PID module in C
- Speed control (PWM) and direction (H-Bridge) controlled with right joystick
- Camera panning servos controlled with left joystick
- Camera position reset:
button, LED flashlight toggle:O
button - Start race with
- XBee modules on base station and each car wirelessly transmit via UART protocol
- ESP32-CAM module records, compresses (JPG), and transmits video over UDP
- Blue finish line is detected using the color connected components mode on PixyCam modules on each Car
- Sends data over XBee indicating which car crossed the finish line
- When this data is received, a UART Interrupt is triggered on the base station stopping the race and displaying winner