I plan to implement some elementary computational geometry algorithms and some example programs which use them.
You must have SFML installed to
compile the examples.
If you're using Linux, its likely that SFML is available in your
distro's default package repository. For example, on Arch-based
distros it is available in the sfml
package and on Debian-based
distros, it goes by the name libsfml-dev
And of course, it goes without saying, you must have a standard C++ compiler. (I will only test with the latest stable GNU C++ compiler).
After installing the dependencies (g++
and sfml
), cd
to the root and run
one of the following examples.
g++ -c convex-hull-example.cpp && g++ convex-hull-example.o -o convex-hull.app -lsfml-graphics -lsfml-window -lsfml-system Graphics.cpp && ./convex-hull.app
g++ -c example-line-segment-intersections.cpp && g++ example-line-segment-intersections.cpp -o intersection.app -lsfml-graphics -lsfml-window -lsfml-system Graphics.cpp && ./intersection.app
Press 'Q' to quit.