The goal of this module is to make possible the use Handlebars in systems that cannot run javascript (Java, PHP, etc), using nodejs instead of rhino or other havier stuff :D
It exports a Connect/Express middleware and a method for using with sockets
Make a directory with your handlebar stuff:
|-templates |--> helpers.js |--> template1.html |--> template2.html |--> partials |---> partial1.html |---> partial2.html
Create a HTTP server with connect:
var connect = require('connect'), handlebars = require('handlebars-server')('./templates'), var httpServer = connect() .use(connect.bodyParser()) .use('/handlebars', handlebars.middleware) .listen(3000);
Now you are ready to make POST requests to ´´´http://localhost:3000/handlebars´´´. You can also use the module like this:
var handlebars = require('handlebars-server')('./templates'), request = { "template": "templateName", "context": { "msg": "hello!" } }; handlebars(request); // returns the rendered template
npm install handlebars-server
Run the tests:
- npm install -d
- node test/server.js
- npm test
- To access to the partials just refer to them like
{{> partial1}}
- The partials directory can have subfolders. To access to those partials use ´´´{{> folder/partial2}}´´´
- For examples look at the test directory
- This module can also be used with file sockets:
var handlebars = requiere('handlebars-server')('./templates'), socketServer = net.createServer(function (client) { client.on('data', function(data) { try { var req = JSON.parse(data.toString()); client.write(handlebars(req)); }catch(e){ console.log(e); client.write(e.toString() + '\r\n'); } }); }) .listen('/tmp/handlebars.sock');
- make automated tests for sockets