One Master with one slave is enough to run, follow the for how to setup Mesos.
After the build/install, set MESOS_PROJECT enviroment.
export MESOS_PROJECT=/home/ws/mesos-dev
Before the building, setup http proxy and DNS server correctly, refer Dockerfile.* for details.
docker build -f Dockerfile.mpiexec -t ubuntu:mpiexec .
docker build -f Dockerfile.orted -t ubuntu:orted .
After the building, save and reload Docker image into Mesos slave node.
On Mesos master:
docker save ubuntu:orted > ubuntu-orted.tar
On Mesos slave:
docker load < ubuntu-orted.tar
docker run --net=host -v $MESOS_PROJECT:$MESOS_PROJECT -ti ubuntu:mpiexec /ws/ $MESOS_PROJECT
Find eggs in /home/ws/mesos-dev
INFO:root:Connecting to Mesos master [email protected]:5050
INFO:root:Total processes 4
INFO:root:Total nodes 1
INFO:root:Procs per node 4
INFO:root:Cores per node 4
I0806 18:54:50.582767 45 sched.cpp:226] Version: 1.1.0
I0806 18:54:50.587851 48 sched.cpp:330] New master detected at [email protected]:5050
I0806 18:54:50.588016 48 sched.cpp:341] No credentials provided. Attempting to register without authentication
I0806 18:54:50.589655 48 sched.cpp:743] Framework registered with 1dd61f94-e33e-49cd-9163-e2df4aa1e74e-0002
INFO:root:Registered with framework ID 1dd61f94-e33e-49cd-9163-e2df4aa1e74e-0002
INFO:root:receiving offering....
INFO:root:Launching proxy on offer value: "1dd61f94-e33e-49cd-9163-e2df4aa1e74e-O15"
INFO:root:Replying to offer: launching proxy 0 on host
INFO:root:Call-back at
INFO:root:Finalize agents
INFO:root:Running mpiexec:
['mpiexec', '--allow-run-as-root', '-H', '', '-n', '4', '/ws/a.out']
INFO:root:Open TRE cookies:
orted --hnp-topo-sig 0N:1S:1L3:4L2:4L1:4C:8H:x86_64 -mca ess "env" -mca ess_base_jobid "1326972928" -mca ess_base_vpid 1 -mca ess_base_num_procs "2" -mca orte_hnp_uri "1326972928.0;usock;tcp://" -mca plm "rsh"
INFO:root:Connect to host port 31000
INFO:root:Sent the Open RTE cookies
INFO:root:Done finalizing agents
Hello world from processor mesos-ompi-slave, rank 0 out of 4 processors
Hello world from processor mesos-ompi-slave, rank 1 out of 4 processors
Hello world from processor mesos-ompi-slave, rank 2 out of 4 processors
Hello world from processor mesos-ompi-slave, rank 3 out of 4 processors
INFO:root:All processes done, exiting
I0806 18:54:53.327512 53 sched.cpp:1987] Asked to stop the driver
I0806 18:54:53.327672 53 sched.cpp:1187] Stopping framework 1dd61f94-e33e-49cd-9163-e2df4aa1e74e-0002
I0806 18:54:53.328322 45 sched.cpp:1987] Asked to stop the driver
- Add more functionality
- Introduce
Mannual lancher
to OpenMPI