Redradix Weekend con Angularjs. Saturday 17-January-2015. GNAs Container
Find weekend info at Meetup: http://www.meetup.com/Redradix-Weekends/events/219715822/
- Front-end: Angularjs
- A series of 5 lessons, each one that explains in a very basic way a new Angular concept.
- Each lesson contains some teorical view and a practical exarcise.
- This practical exercise is a GNA (Geneador de Números Aleatorios) and in each part this App gets growing accordingly to the explained Angular concept.
- What is seen in the Stage 1 of the Redradix Weekend is:
- Double Data Binding.
- Controllers ($interval)
- Directives (Template, Attributes & Link function)
- Services ($rootScope.$broadcast and $scope.on)
- External API Service ($http request)