- This template is for Blueinno Flutter Course (411) L5
- This template is used for developing with Google's ML Vision Kit (Official) (Flutter package)
- Empty main screen with pre-defined routes
- Four simple sub-screens, each match to corresponding function in ML Vision Kit
- Some nice image files (find them in images folder)
- Check if you have any testable devices
- If (Android devices + Windows/Mac):
- Android version >= Lollipop
- Enabled Deverloper setting on your device
- Install Android Studio
- Else if (IOS devices + Mac):
- IOS version >= 12.0
- Install XCode
- Apple ID
- Else:
- Install Android Studio
- Install Android emulator with Google Play Service
- If (Android devices + Windows/Mac):
- Run this template and resolve any build errors
- Resolve Android build error
- Resolve IOS build error:
- Use the pre-defined routes and navigate to other screens upon press events
- Install relevant packages and implement face detection
- Draw the bounding boxes (maybe difficult)
- Require image package to process image files
- Require path_provider package
- Require CustomPaint
- Polish the app appearance
- Implement the other 3 functions in Google's ML Vision