My lovely developer enviroment.
bash <(curl -s
If you install it from scratch, you would need some dependencies to be installed first. Use or manually install:
- Install Ansible.
- Install Git
apt install git
If you have one machine that is already provisioned. You can setup a fresh one remotelly.
ansible-playbook playbook.yml --ask-become-pass
ansible-playbook playbook.yml --tags=vars,$(tags) --ask-become-pass
- Pop!_OS defaults configuration
- Apps installation via apt
- Snazzy theme for NVIM, ZSH, Alacrity
- ZSH configuration, aliases, mappings, completion etc.
- VIM configuration, mappings, custom functions etc.
- Alacritty as main terminal app
- Tmux configuration, plugins, keybindings (terminal tabs)