Form waveforms used in experiment.
We encourage installing waveforms via the pip tool (a python package manager):
python -m pip install waveforms
To install from the latest source, you need to clone the GitHub repository on your machine.
git clone
Then dependencies and waveforms
can be installed in this way:
cd waveforms
python -m pip install numpy
python -m pip install -e .
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from waveforms import *
pulse = cosPulse(20e-9)
x_wav = zero()
y_wav = zero()
I, Q = mixing(0.5*pulse, freq=-20e6, DRAGScaling=0.2)
x_wav += I
y_wav += Q
I, Q = mixing(pulse >> 1e-6, freq=-20e6, phase=np.pi/2, DRAGScaling=0.2)
x_wav += I
y_wav += Q
I, Q = mixing((0.5 * pulse) >> 2e-6, freq=-20e6, DRAGScaling=0.2)
x_wav += I
y_wav += Q
t = np.linspace(-1e-6, 9e-6, 10001)
plt.plot(t, x_wav(t))
plt.plot(t, y_wav(t))
Please report all issues on github.