A MongoDB adapater compatible with the fh-rest-express-router. Allows one to easily create a RESTful API that uses MongoDB as a datastore.
The code below will generate routes that can be used like this
'use strict';
var app = require('express')()
, fhRestRouter = require('fh-rest-express-router')
, fhRestMongoAdapter = require('fh-rest-mongodb-adapter');
// Collection to expose
collection: 'user-tasks',
// Optional mongo connection string. When on RHMAP this is filled for you
mongoUrl: 'mongodb://host-name.com/27017/database-name',
// Indexes you'd like to apply to collections in use
indexes: [{
userId: 1
Works just like the memory adapter, with the exception being params.query passed to adapter.list can contain Mongo specific operators, e.g $gte. For example:
var payloads = fhRestMongoAdapter({
// Collection to expose
collection: 'payloads'
query: {
createDate: {
$lte: new Date()
}, function (err, payloads) {});