Release 0.8.0
This version brings several fixes and enhancements like support of OpenShift.
See log here:
- remove option --static-linters and use tag ([email protected])
- Fix mtf/metadata test ([email protected])
- Rename tools -> test and create two directories inside generic and static ([email protected])
- Add support for static linters ([email protected])
- Automatic commit of package [meta-test-family] release [0.7.10-1]. ([email protected])
- Several fixes based on PR. ([email protected])
- add odcs into requirements.txt ([email protected])
- OpenShift fixes catched by real testing ([email protected])
- Couple fixes based on #195 Pull Request ([email protected])
- Using OpenShift 3.6.0 ([email protected])
- Include OpenShift into Travis CI and testing ([email protected])
- Fix typo in returncode ([email protected])
- cath exception from subprocess to know return code ([email protected])
- remove and replace it by subprocess to see outputs on the fly ([email protected])
- add tee to all integration tests for easier debugging ([email protected])
- speed optimization for avocado based test tag filtering ([email protected])
- Automatic commit of package [meta-test-family] release [0.7.9-1]. ([email protected])
- fix metadata if bug is found ([email protected])
- add tests for tooling if imported tests are included ([email protected])
- add git cloning abilities to metadata ([email protected])
- existing file should not be replaced via metadata (keep local version) ([email protected])
- url_downloader option in metadata.yaml allows download tests via URLlib ([email protected])
- improve search for helpMD file ([email protected])
- helpmd and docker lint cleanup of loading classes ([email protected])
- Update PR with PEP 8 and use @Property also for ([email protected])
- Keep backwards compatibility ([email protected])
- Couple updates. dependency_list and remove getters ([email protected])
- Remove obsolete function which is not used anywhere ([email protected])
- Fixes #167 First try for property, setter and getter ([email protected])