#EBNF Diagram
node-ebnf-diagram uses js taken from Mark Portier's EBNFDiagram jQuery plugin
This is hooked up to node-canvas to draw EBNF diagrams in node without needing the DOM.
$ npm install ebnf-diagram
If not previously installed, you will want to install the cairo graphics library version >= 1.8.6 first using the package manager available to you, or building from source.
ebnfDiagram = require 'ebnf-diagram'
If your ebnf is in a file:
ebnfDiagram.fromFile('./gherkin.ebnf', './gherkin.png',2000,6000)
If you already have the text:
ebnfDiagram.fromText('''"EBNF defined in itself" {
syntax = [ title ] "{" { production } "}" [ comment ].
production = identifier "=" expression ( "." | ";" ) .
expression = term { "|" term } .
term = factor { factor } .
factor = identifier
| literal
| "[" expression "]"
| "(" expression ")"
| "{" expression "}" .
identifier = character { character } .
title = literal .
comment = literal .
literal = "'" character { character } "'"
| '"' character { character } '"' .
} "EBNF is a cool syntax for describing syntaxes."
''', './ebnf.png',1000,1000)