This repository provides bbb endpoints provisioning
- One main.yml entrypoint which handles all bbb hosts configuration
- Keep most of generic config in group_vars
- Use hosts file variables to provide region, sponsor name and url (avoid creating multiple host_vars for each server) - to maintain single-point-of-knowledge file
- Hosts is also our secret store so keep it encrypted
- bbb - Install BigBlueButton instance with letsencrypt and coturn
- bbb_customize - Customize BigBlueButton settings (remove default presentation and replace it with blank pdf which will act as a whiteboard, add sponsor info in welcome message, remove BBB landing page from /)
- common - System common config (ssh keys, firewall, etc.)
- heartbeat_daemon - landing page hartbeat daemon which registers instance in landing page system.
- cloudflare - role that locally executes cloudflare api dns update to populate it from ansible hosts+ansible_ssh_host
- misc - directory for all non-ansible stuff (scripts)