A set of functional primitives for PHP, heavily inspired by Scala’s traversable collection, Dojo’s array functions and Underscore.js
- Works with arrays and everything implementing interface
- Consistent interface: for functions taking collections and callbacks, first parameter is always the collection, than the callback.
Callbacks are always passed
. Strict comparison is the default but can be changed - Calls 5.3 closures as well as usual callbacks
- C implementation for performance but a compatible userland implementation is provided if you can’t install PHP extensions
- All functions reside in namespace
to not raise conflicts with any other extension or library
cd functional-php/
sudo make install
Put the require statement for functional-php
in your composer.json
file and run php composer.phar install
"require": {
"lstrojny/functional-php": "*"
Checkout functional-php and include the _import.php
include 'path/to/functional-php/src/Functional/_import.php';
Everytime you want to work with Functional PHP and not reference the fully qualified name, add use Functional as F;
on top of
your PHP file.
Functional\every(array|Traversable $collection, callable $callback)
array Functional\invoke(array|Traversable $collection, string $methodName[, array $methodArguments])
mixed Functional\invoke_first(array|Traversable $collection, string $methodName[, array $methodArguments])
mixed Functional\invoke_last(array|Traversable $collection, string $methodName[, array $methodArguments])
use Functional as F;
// If all users are active, set them all inactive
if (F\every($users, function($user, $collectionKey, $collection) {return $user->isActive();})) {
F\invoke($users, 'setActive', array(false));
mixed Functional\invoke_if(mixed $object, string $methodName[, array $methodArguments, mixed $defaultValue])
use Functional as F;
// if $user is an object and has a public method getId() it is returned,
// otherwise default value 0 (4th argument) is used
$userId = F\invoke_if($user, 'getId', array(), 0);
bool Functional\some(array|Traversable $collection, callable $callback)
use Functional as F;
if (F\some($users, function($user, $collectionKey, $collection) use($me) {return $user->isFriendOf($me);})) {
// One of those users is a friend of me
bool Functional\none(array|Traversable $collection, callable $callback)
use Functional as F;
if (F\none($users, function($user, $collectionKey, $collection) {return $user->isActive();})) {
// Do something with a whole list of inactive users
array Functional\select(array|Traversable $collection, callable $callback)
array Functional\reject(array|Traversable $collection, callable $callback)
use Functional as F;
$fn = function($user, $collectionKey, $collection) {
return $user->isActive();
$activeUsers = F\select($users, $fn);
$inactiveUsers = F\reject($users, $fn);
Alias for Functional\select()
is Functional\filter()
array Functional\drop_first(array|Traversable $collection, callable $callback)
array Functional\drop_last(array|Traversable $collection, callable $callback)
use Functional as F;
$fn = function($user, $index, $collection) {
return $index === 3;
// All users except the first three
F\drop_first($users, $fn);
// First three users
F\drop_last($users, $fn);
Fetch a single property from a collection of objects or arrays.
array Functional\pluck(array|Traversable $collection, string|integer|float|null $propertyName)
use Functional as F;
$names = F\pluck($users, 'name');
Splits a collection into two by callback. Truthy values come first
array Functional\partition(array|Traversable $collection, callable $callback)
use Functional as F;
list($admins, $users) = F\partition($collection, function($user) {
return $user->isAdmin();
###Functional\group() Splits a collection into groups by the index returned by the callback
array Functional\group(array|Traversable $collection, callable $callback)
use Functional as F;
$groupedUser = F\group($collection, $function($user) {
return $user->getGroup()->getName();
Applies a callback to each element in the collection and reduces the collection to a single scalar value.
starts with the first element in the collection, while Functional\reduce_right()
with the last element.
mixed Functional\reduce_left(array|Traversable $collection, callable $callback[, $initial = null])
mixed Functional\reduce_right(array|Traversable $collection, callable $callback[, $initial = null])
use Functional as F;
// $sum will be 64 (2^2^3)
$sum = F\reduce_left(array(2, 3), function($value, $index, $collection, $reduction) {
return $reduction ^ $value;
}, 2);
// $sum will be 512 (2^3^2)
$sum = F\reduce_right(array(2, 3), function($value, $index, $collection, $reduction) {
return $reduction ^ $value;
}, 2);
Takes a nested combination of collections and returns their contents as a single, flat array. Does not preserve indexes.
array Functional\flatten(array|Traversable $collection)
use Functional as F;
$flattened = F\flatten(array(1, 2, 3, array(1, 2, 3, 4), 5));
// array(1, 2, 3, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5);
Returns the first index holding specified value in the collection. Returns false if value was not found
array Functional\first_index_of(array|Traversable $collection, mixed $value)
use Functional as F;
// $index will be 0
$index = F\first_index_of(array('value', 'value'), 'value');
Returns the last index holding specified value in the collection. Returns false if value was not found
array Functional\last_index_of(array|Traversable $collection, mixed $value)
use Functional as F;
// $index will be 1
$index = F\first_index_of(array('value', 'value'), 'value');
Returns true or false if all elements in the collection are strictly true or false
bool Functional\true(array|Traversable $collection)
bool Functional\false(array|Traversable $collection)
use Functional as F;
// Returns true
F\true(array(true, true));
// Returns false
F\true(array(true, 1));
// Returns true
F\false(array(false, false, false));
// Returns false
F\false(array(false, 0, null, false));
Returns true or false if all elements in the collection evaluate to true or false
bool Functional\truthy(array|Traversable $collection)
bool Functional\falsy(array|Traversable $collection)
use Functional as F;
// Returns true
F\truthy(array(true, true, 1, 'foo'));
// Returns false
F\truthy(array(true, 0, false));
// Returns true
F\falsy(array(false, false, 0, null));
// Returns false
F\falsy(array(false, 'str', null, false));
Returns true if given collection contains given element. If third parameter is true, the comparison will be strict
bool Functional\contains(array|Traversable $collection, mixed $value[, bool $strict = false])
use Functional as F;
// Returns true
F\contains(array('el1', 'el2'), 'el1');
// Returns false
F\contains(array('0', '1', '2'), 2);
// Returns true
F\contains(array('0', '1', '2'), 2, false);
Recombines arrays by index and applies a callback optionally
array Functional\zip(array|Traversable $collection1[, array|Traversable ...[, callable $callback]])
use Functional as F;
// Returns array(array('one', 1), array('two', 2), array('three', 3))
Functional\zip(array('one', 'two', 'three'), array(1, 2, 3));
// Returns array('one|1', 'two|2', 'three|3')
array('one', 'two', 'three'),
array(1, 2, 3),
function($one, $two) {
return $one . '|' . $two;
void Functional\each(array|Traversable $collection, callable $callback)
Applies a callback to each element
array Functional\map(array|Traversable $collection, callable $callback)
Applies a callback to each element in the collection and collects the return value
mixed Functional\first(array|Traversable $collection[, callable $callback])
mixed Functional\head(array|Traversable $collection[, callable $callback])
Returns the first element of the collection where the callback returned true. If no callback is given, the first element
is returned
mixed Functional\last(array|Traversable $collection[, callable $callback])
Returns the last element of the collection where the callback returned true. If no callback is given, the last element
is returned
mixed Functional\tail(array|Traversable $collection[, callable $callback])
Returns every element of the collection except the first one. Elements are optionally filtered by callback.
integer|float Functional\product(array|Traversable $collection, $initial = 1)
Calculates the product of all numeric elements, starting with $initial
integer|float Functional\ratio(array|Traversable $collection, $initial = 1)
Calculates the ratio of all numeric elements, starting with $initial
integer|float Functional\sum(array|Traversable $collection, $initial = 0)
Calculates the sum of all numeric elements, starting with $initial
integer|float Functional\difference(array|Traversable $collection, $initial = 0)
Calculates the difference of all elements, starting with $initial
integer|float|null Functional\average(array|Traversable $collection)
Calculates the average of all numeric elements
array Functional\unique(array|Traversable $collection[, callback $indexer[, bool $strict = true]])
Returns a unified array based on the index value returned by the callback, use $strict
to change comparison mode
mixed Functional\maximum(array|Traversable $collection)
Returns the highest element in the array or collection
mixed Functional\minimum(array|Traversable $collection)
Returns the lowest element in the array or collection
mixed Functional\memoize(callable $callback[, array $arguments = array()], [mixed $key = null]])
Returns and stores the result of the function call. Second call to the same function will return the same result without calling the function again
To run the test suite with the native implementation use php -c functional.ini $(which phpunit) tests/
To run the test suite with the userland implementation use php -n $(which phpunit) tests/
- General help and development list: http://groups.google.com/group/functional-php
- Commit list: http://groups.google.com/group/functional-php-commits
- Richard Quadling and Pierre Joye for Windows build help
- David Soria Parra for various ideas and the userland version of
- Max Beutel for
and all the discussions - The people behind Travis CI for continuous integration