A Spring Boot starter and auto-configuration for the faucet-pipeline:
tl;dr: faucet-pipeline is a framework-independent, pluggable asset pipeline that takes the pain out of preprocessing JavaScript, CSS and associated files (e.g. images or fonts). It simplifies the process of converting modern JavaScript (ES6) to support older browsers (ES5), or Sass to CSS - eliminating typical low-level configuration nightmares.
The faucet-pipeline bundles your application files, fingerprints them and creates a manifest for them. It also can be used to watch the configured files and rerun the process during development.
This starter is needed when you want to use faucet with your Spring Boot project. The following issues have to be tackled:
The resource processed through the pipeline ("assets") should not be part of the regular Java / Groovy / Kotlin sources and other resources of the project. As such, the assets would be copied by the build system (either Maven or Gradle) itself. You have to provide a place for the assets, this is not something the starter can do for you.
The processed assets need to be in the class path of the Spring Application. This is also a build step, that the starter cannot do for you.
What the starter does however are the following tasks:
It checks whether a faucet-manifests exists (defaults to
) and if so, loads it -
It checks whether the application is either a servlet or reactive web application. If not, the starter does nothing.
For a web application it registers a
that is able to retrieve internal urls that might are the output of finger printing and map them to external urls.
This works for servlet and reactive Spring applications.
git clone [email protected]:faucet-pipeline/faucet-pipeline-spring-boot-starter.git
cd faucet-pipeline-spring-boot-starter
./mvnw clean install
cd demo-webmvc
FAUCETPIPELINE_CACHEMANIFEST=false ./mvnw spring-boot:run
Goto localhost:8080.
Just include the starter in your pom.xml:
or in your build.gradle:
implementation 'org.faucet-pipeline:faucet-pipeline-spring-boot-starter:1.3.0'
or in your build.gradle:
implementation 'org.faucet-pipeline:faucet-pipeline-spring-boot-starter:2.0.0'
The starter can only work if Springs resource chain is active. The starter won’t activate this for you, so please configure
The resource resolver will be mapped to /**
, so basically that’s it.
Make sure that your assets end up into /classes
(maven) or
(gradle). This project contains two demos,
and demo-webflux
. The following approach is from
Follow the instructions from the website:
npm init # gets you a fresh package.json
npm install --save\ # Installs the pipeline for you
In your package.json
add the following scripts:
"scripts": {
"compile": "faucet --fingerprint --compact",
"watch": "faucet --no-fingerprint --watch"
The compact
-switch is optional.
Create a faucet.config.js
next to package.json
. Here’s the one from
let targetBaseDir = "./target/classes/static"
const path = require('path');
module.exports = {
js: [{
source: "./src/main/assets/javascripts/application.js",
target: targetBaseDir + "/javascripts/application.js"
sass: [{
source: "./src/main/assets/stylesheets/application.scss",
target: targetBaseDir + "/stylesheets/application.css"
static: [{
source: "./src/main/assets/images",
target: targetBaseDir + "/images"
manifest: {
target: "./target/classes/manifest.json",
key: 'short',
webRoot: targetBaseDir
You’ll notice that it puts the all processed assets into
. That is where Spring Boot looks for static
files by default. Pushing it directly into the classes folder allows
dynamic reloading later on. An alternative would be going through
As the above configuration writes the assets into subdirectories, you have to configure your Spring application to include those path patterns:
faucet-pipeline.path-patterns = /javascripts/**, /stylesheets/**, /images/**
frontend-maven-plugin is ``Maven-node-grunt-gulp-npm-node-plugin to end all maven-node-grunt-gulp-npm-plugins.'':
With the package.json
and faucet-configuration in place, add the
following configuration:
<arguments>run compile --fingerprint</arguments>
This downloads Node and NPM and installs all dependencies via
and executes the pipeline during build. Assuming that
your Spring Boot application has the Spring Boot Maven plugin configured
like so
you can run the application with mvn spring-boot:run
. When you use a
supported template language like Thymeleaf and the URL-helper they
offer, links to assets will contain the finger printed resources
automatically. Those links
<link th:href="@{/stylesheets/application.css}" rel="stylesheet" data-turbolinks-track="reload">
<script th:src="@{/javascripts/application.js}" data-turbolinks-track="reload"></script>
Will be turned into
<link href="/stylesheets/stylesheets/application-70d5f3dc18d122548efadcedfc0874f0.css" rel="stylesheet" data-turbolinks-track="reload">
<script src="/javascripts/javascripts/application-8af210bcc164a457cb381a627729320b.js" data-turbolinks-track="reload"></script>
buildscript {
repositories {
maven {
url "https://plugins.gradle.org/m2/"
dependencies {
classpath "com.moowork.gradle:gradle-node-plugin:1.2.0"
apply plugin: "com.moowork.node"
to your build.gradle to being able to execute npm/yarn.
Then add a frontend build task and let the bootRun
task depend on it:
task buildFrontend(type: YarnTask) {
args = ['run', 'compile']
bootRun.dependsOn buildFrontend
Now you can run gradle bootRun
to run your application.
Use spring-boot-devtools
to automatically reload the application when
things change:
The manifest is cached by default but that can be turned off via
faucet-pipeline.cache-manifest = false
. One easy way to do this
without hardcoding it into a properties file is as an environment
Run the demo in one window like so:
FAUCETPIPELINE_CACHEMANIFEST=false ./mvnw spring-boot:run
And in another terminal
npm run watch
And you’ll see the assets being processed and refreshed in the app.
Both demos - for WebMVC and Webflux - collect ideas. They use Turbolinks for quick navigation between server side rendered sites. Turbolinks come from Ruby on Rails.
The demo is a Bootstrap-based site branded with the INNOQ-theme and it looks like this: