Implementation of the hybrid EMTR/ML methods for a range of applications including electromagnetic source localization, source recunstruction, and microwave imaging.
Please refer to this paper for detailed explanation of the method.
Clone this repository:
git clone [email protected]:fanfeum/EMTR_ML.git
- Open jupyter notebook in the current directory:
jupyer notebook
Open and run '1sesnor.ipynb':
- Specify the path to the source images and how many images to use for training and evaluation.
- Specify which coordinante of the source to estimate (whether x- or y- coordinante).
- Re-run the code for the other source coordiante.
- The model's estimation for the source coordiantes along with the ground truth source positions will be automatically saved for further inference.
Run 'figureMaker.m' in Matlab:
- Using the saved model's outputs and the target positions, this code will generate the followig plots:
- Estimation of the x- and y-coordinate of the randomly selected source locations.
- Histogram of the location error
- Average location error presented as a heatmap chart inside the detection region