[https://bymynix.de/couinjector/] CouInjector (formerly MadInjector) is an injector for CS:GO. It's an open-source project since 11.09.2021 and no longer closed-source. From the 29.05.2022 it's a real Git project, as the previous versions consisted of a file structure and I was too lazy to make the effort.
In this project "CouInjector" resources were embedded:
The resource "Updater", a winforms application as auto-updater (Branch-Auto-Updater), which takes care of automatic updates.
The resource "VAC-ByPass", i.e. the VAC-ByPass file (Branch-VAC-ByPass).
These two resources, which are already embedded in "CouInjector" can of course be replaced by compiling the two applications mentioned and then embedding them as resources.
[Make sure that the build configuration is "Release / x86" and simply press on "Build Solution" in Visual Studio]
[Compiled application to use is in "\bin\x86\Release"]
Please note that up to version 1.9 there is a file structure and it is not a single, let alone one Visual Studio project, which cannot be compiled in a simple way to use. From version 2.0 onwards, it is without a Setup Compiler and "CouInjector" can be easily compiled.