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A marketplace contract that can facilitate the listing and buying of ERC721 and ERC1155 tokens.

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The intefaceID for the multiplace is 0x52ed7671, i.e. type(IMultiplace).interfaceId=0x52ed7671.


A marketplace contract that can facilitate the listing and buying of ERC721 and ERC1155 tokens. The marketplace supports ERC2981 and calculates the royalties due to the receiver when an item is listed. If an ERC721 or ERC1155 does not support ERC2981, a low-level call is made to see if the NFT has an owner attribute, if so, this address is set to the receiver and this address can update the royalty amount after listing an NFT.

Upon listing, the seller would have needed to approve the marketplace to spend the NFT. If the seller revokes the approval or transfers the NFT, the unlistStale method can be called to remove a listing from the listings array.

Any ERC20 token can be used to list an item (provided that it has been added to the list of supported payment tokens). Upon purchasing, the buyer's balance is checked to ensure they have enough ERC20 tokens to make the purchase, as well as making sure that the seller still owns the NFT and that the marketplace still has the approval to transfer the NFT.

The marketplace follows a pull funds method with regards to the ERC20 tokens transferred to the seller, artist and protocol's wallets. The pullFunds method can be used to extract available funds for a given ERC20 token. A protocol fee is charged for each purchase and a percentage of the ERC20 token (set using protocolFeeNumerator and protocolFeeDenominator) is transferred to the protocol wallet's balance in the marketplace.

Improvements from previous marketplace

This repo builds on the marketplace built here and uses the name Multiplace instead of Marketplace to make a distinction between the two architectures. The main shortcoming of the previous marketplace was that it could not facilitait multiple 1155 token purchases - this repo address that issue by letting the primary key of a listing be the tuple: seller, tokenAddr, tokenId instead of just tokenAddr, tokenId as with the previous marketplace. This allows the marketplace to have multiple listings for a tokenAddr, but only one listing per tokenId (within a tokenAddr) for a seller.

Adding the additional nesting level (seller) per listings as well as the addition of a few other helper methods had the consequence that the compiled bytecode for the Multiplace contract exceeded the 24.576 kb size limit intdroduced in the Spurious Dragon hard-fork. This led to a redesign in the architecture of the multiplae moving all the listings into the Listings contact and moving all "admin" related logic to the Admin contract. At the time of writing the contract sizes are as follows:

 |  Contract Name    ·  Size (KB)  ·
 |  Admin            ·      2.854  ·
 |  Listings         ·     22.169  ·
 |  Multiplace       ·     24.091  ·
 |  MultiplaceProxy  ·      4.792  ·

At a high level the architecture looks as follows:

Getting Started

Install all the required packages

npm install

Make sure you have nodejs installed and can use hardhat - see here for more.

Run the unit tests to make sure everything is working as it should.

npx hardhat test

The marketplace uses OpenZeplin's TransparentUpgradeableProxy proxy - to deploy both the proxy and marketplace using hardhat you can run

// deploy the marketplace
const Multiplace = await ethers.getContractFactory("Multiplace");
multiplace = await Multiplace.deploy();
await multiplace.deployed();

// deploy the proxy, with the afore mentioned marketplace as the default marketplace
const MultiplaceProxy = await ethers.getContractFactory("MultiplaceProxy");
multiplaceProxy = await MultiplaceProxy.deploy(multiplace.address);
await multiplaceProxy.deployed();

// interact with the marketplace via the proxy using .at
multiplace = Multiplace.attach(multiplaceProxy.address);

The storage looks as follows and is shared by the Proxy and Marketplace contracts to ensure upgradability:

abstract contract Storage is AccessControl {
  address public currentMultiplace;
  IAdmin public admin;
  IListings public listings;

  address internal owner;
  mapping(address => bool) internal _isPaymentToken; //Whether a given ERC20 contract is an excepted payment token
  bytes32 internal constant RESERVER_ROLE = keccak256("RESERVER_ROLE");
  mapping(address => mapping(address => uint256)) internal _balances; //Balances of each address for each ERC20 contract, 0x00 is the native coin

  function supportsInterface(bytes4 interfaceId)
    returns (bool)
      interfaceId == type(IMultiplace).interfaceId ||
      interfaceId == type(IAccessControl).interfaceId ||
      interfaceId == type(IERC165).interfaceId;

To ensure that both the Multiplace's and MultiplaceProxy's supportsInterface gets overriden, we've opted to define supportsInterface in the Storage contract as both Multiplace and MultiplaceProxy will inherit from here.


The marketplace keeps an array of listings with structure:

struct Listing {
  uint256 listPtr; //Pointer to where this listing is located in the listings array
  address tokenAddr; //Address of the ERC721 or ERC1155 contract of the listed item
  uint256 tokenId; //token ID of the listed item for tokenAddr
  address seller; //Address of the seller
  uint256 unitPrice; //unitPrice of the listed item
  uint256 amount; //number of tokens in listing
  address paymentToken; //Address of the ERC20 contract that will be used to pay for the listing
  NFT_TYPE nftType; //Type of the listed item. Either ERC721 or ERC1155 with or without ERC2981
  uint256 reservedUntil; //Timestamp when the listing will be reserved
  address reservedFor; //Address of the buyer who reserved the listing

and only supports 4 types of NFTs, all of which need to implement ERC165 to be listed, otherwise an UNKOWN type is assigned and the token can't be listed.

enum NFTType {

The other structure used is Royalty defined as:

struct Royalty {
  address receiver;
  uint256 unitRoyaltyAmount;


General Usage

The 4 main methods are list, buy, unlist and unlistStale.

list assumes that the owner of the NFT is listing the token and that setApprovalForAll() has been called by the token holder on the NFT contract to approve the marketplace address to spend the tokens in the NFT contract. The unitPrice is denominated in Wei in the ERC20 defined by paymentToken. For ERC721 contracts the amount argument is ignored and set to 1 during listing. However, for ERC1155 contracts amount will specify how many of tokenId are contained in the listing.

buy assumes that the buyer has at least unitPrice x amount, and has approved the marketplace with at least unitPrice x amount of the ERC20 token before calling the buy method. A buyer can buy a partial amount of a listing in the case of ERC1155 listings and the listing will only be removed once the full amount has been depleted.

unlist can only be called by the lister/seller of an NFT. However, if a listing has gone stale (either the original seller has transferred the token after listing, or has revoked their approval) the listing can be unlisted using the unlistStale method by anyone.

    address tokenAddr,
    uint256 tokenId,
    uint256 amount,
    uint256 unitPrice,
    address paymentToken
    address seller,
    address tokenAddr,
    uint256 tokenId,
    uint256 amount
    address nftAddress,
    uint256 tokenId
    address seller,
    address tokenAddr,
    uint256 tokenId


Listings can be viewed using either the getListing, getListings, getAddressListings,getAllListings, getListingPointer or getListingByPointer, method - depending on what you'd like to do. The pointer returned and used by the getListingPointer and getListingByPointer methods is the place in the _listings array where the token is located.

function getListing(
  address seller,
  address tokenAddr,
  uint256 tokenId
) view returns (IListings.Listing memory listing);
function getListings(address tokenAddr, uint256 tokenId)
  returns (IListings.Listing[] memory listings);
function getAddressListings(address[] memory tokenAddrs)
  returns (IListings.Listing[] memory _listings);
function getAllListings() view returns (IListings.Listing[] memory listings);
function getListingPointer(
  address seller,
  address tokenAddr,
  uint256 tokenId
) view returns (uint256 listPtr);
function getListingByPointer(uint256 listPtr)
  returns (IListings.Listing memory listing);

To get all the sellers of a specific token you can call getSellers.

function getSellers(address tokenAddr, uint256 tokenId)
  returns (address[] memory sellers);

The status method can be used to verify that a token is still purchasable.

function status(
  address seller,
  address tokenAddr,
  uint256 tokenId
  returns (
    bool isSellerOwner,
    bool isTokenStillApproved,
    IListings.Listing memory listing

isListed check if a given nft-tokenId is listed on the marketplace.

function isListed(
  address seller,
  address tokenAddr,
  uint256 tokenId
) view returns (bool listed);

isPaymentToken check whether a given ERC20 token can be used as a payment token.

function isPaymentToken(address paymentToken) view returns (bool);

getBalance is used to check the balance of a given wallet-ERC20 token pair in the marketplace which can be pulled using pullFunds

function getBalance(address paymentToken, address account)
  returns (uint256 balance);

getUnitRoyalties is used to check the total amount of royalties that will be paid to the artist when the purchase goes through.

function getUnitRoyalties(
  address seller,
  address tokenAddr,
  uint256 tokenId
) view returns (IListings.Royalty memory royalty);

Admin methods

ERC20 payment tokens can be added by the DEFAULT_ADMIN_ROLE using the addPaymentToken method:

function addPaymentToken(address paymentToken);

We saw a need to build a way for wallets with the RESERVER_ROLE privileges to be able to reserve a token for a specific wallet. This is required when dealing with FIAT purchases and the token needs to be put on hold until the FIAT payment clears to crypto and the purchase can be made.

function reserve(
    address seller,
    address tokenAddr,
    uint256 tokenId,
    uint256 period,
    address reservee

If the protocol wallet address needs to change, this can be done by the owner who has the DEFAULT_ADMIN_ROLE using the changeProtocolWallet method.

function changeProtocolWallet(address newProtocolWallet);

Similarly, if the protocol fee needs to change, this can be done by the owner who has the DEFAULT_ADMIN_ROLE using the changeProtocolFee method.

function changeProtocolFee(uint256 feeNumerator, uint256 feeDenominator);

The marketplace supports pausing and unpausing by the owner who has the DEFAULT_ADMIN_ROLE using the pause and unpause methods.

function pause() public onlyRole(DEFAULT_ADMIN_ROLE);
function unpause() public onlyRole(DEFAULT_ADMIN_ROLE);

Artist methods

Artists can update their royalty amounts using the updateRoyalties method. In the case that an ERC721 or ERC1155 supports ERC2981, then the ERC2981 royaltyInfo method is called when calling updateRoyalties and the amount is updated based on the listing price - in other words, the amount argument is ignored if an NFT supports ERC2981. The amount can however be set if the ERC721 or ERC1155 has an owner, then this owner is the only person who can update the amount - the royalty receiver can not be updated and the artist funds will always be allocated to the original owner's address. By default, the royalties is set to 0 for ERC721s and ERC1155 which have an owner.

function updateRoyalties(
  address seller,
  address tokenAddr,
  uint256 tokenId,
  uint256 newUnitRoyaltyAmount

To pull the ERC20 funds for a given supported payment token address, a user would need to call the pullFunds method.

function pullFunds(
    address paymentToken,
    uint256 amount
    ) public whenNotPaused nonReentrant

Available Hardhat Commands

npx hardhat accounts
npx hardhat compile
npx hardhat clean
npx hardhat test
npx hardhat node
npx hardhat help
REPORT_GAS=true npx hardhat test
npx hardhat coverage
npx hardhat run scripts/deploy.js
npx hardhat size-contracts
node scripts/deploy.js
npx eslint '**/*.js'
npx eslint '**/*.js' --fix
npx prettier '**/*.{json,sol,md}' --check
npx prettier '**/*.{json,sol,md}' --write
npx solhint 'contracts/**/*.sol'
npx solhint 'contracts/**/*.sol' --fix
npx hardhat flatten contracts/Multiplace.sol > flattened.sol


A marketplace contract that can facilitate the listing and buying of ERC721 and ERC1155 tokens.







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