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/ FBHALE Public archive

FBHALE provides a conceptual multidisciplinary design framework for high altitude long endurance (HALE) aircraft development.


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FBHALE was developed by Facebook to aid in the conceptual design of HALE aircraft. The physics modeled are specifically tailored to tackle many of the challenges encountered during HALE aircraft design.

FBHALE is written in MATLAB, files are included to compile the code to binaries.

To date FBHALE has been run on the following operating systems: MAC_OS Windows 10 Ubuntu

Additional Required Software


Software marked with a "*" requires a special build process described below.

*Custom ASWING Compilation Steps The steps below outline changes that must be made when complying ASWING to ensure proper interface with FBHALE.

ASWING Source Mods:

The following edits to ASWING's source files are necessary to aid in the integration of ASWING with the optimization framework. Version 6.02 is assumed. Line numbers are mentioned with respect to the unmodified source files.

  1. Increase available number of sensors. In DIMEN.INC, line no: 19, set NSENX = 60. This setting ensures that enough sensors are available for the required structural discretization.

  2. Output stability derivative with respect to deflected CG. In io.f, after the ENDDO statement in line no: 2056 of subroutine DUMPDM (LU, IPNT), enter the following lines: XYZREF(1,1) = RCGXYZ(1,IPNT) XYZREF(2,1) = RCGXYZ(2,IPNT) XYZREF(3,1) = RCGXYZ(3,IPNT)



  3. Change display precision for t, y, z, f_aero after eXec operation. In io.f, inside subroutine DUMPIT (LU, IPNT) in line nos: 1601-1602, for t precision, set: NWID(0) = 9 NDEC(0) = 4

    Similarly, for x,y,z, in line nos: 1606-1611, set: NWID(1) = 9 NWID(2) = 9 NWID(3) = 9 NDEC(1) = 4 NDEC(2) = 4 NDEC(3) = 4

    and for f_aero, in line nos: 1689-1690, set: NWID(IQFL) = 9 NDEC(IQFL) = 4

Set Up

If running on Windows, XROTOR, XFOIL and ASWING must be on your system path. If running on MacOS, XROTOR, XFOIL and ASWING must be in your Matlab path.

Test system set up by running /Tools/CheckSystem.m.


Included in the /Docs file are two papers presented at AIAA Aviation 2018 that highlight the physical modeling, the sizing philosophy for each subsystem and the code architecture.


Example Cases

The Runs/ folder contains example aircraft and inputs that can be run by running the provided .m files. The example .m files contain the optimization variables. For each .m file in the runs folder there is a corresponding subfolder of the same name that contains the specific inputs for that example.

The code must be executed from the top level directory with all folders and subfolders added to the path. As the code runs printouts are displayed to the Command Window providing some insight into what step in the code is in and how the aircraft sizing is progressing.

Example Run Sequence:


Code Overview

User specified inputs for each configuration are set in the corresponding subfolder in /Runs. Please see the example cases for further information on user specified configuration specific inputs.

Aircraft data is stored in a structure array called "optim" with fields that hold the details describing the various aircraft subsystems and quantities.

All aircraft components are categorized as beams or a point mass. The specification of the various beams and point masses is set in Runs/__/DesignInputs.m.

All beams must have a structural concept and properties defined, number of instances (.N) defined and the location defined (.x_m, .y_m). Beam structural properties, including mass, are stored in the .structure subfield. Using these inputs the structural properties, mass, and .xCG of each beam is found. Each beams field name must be added to optim.aircraft.beamNames in DesignInputs.m.

All point masses must have .mass_kg specified, number of instances (.N) defined and a .xCG, .y_m and .zCG location defined or subsequently set / updated. The field name for each point mass must be added to optim.aircraft.pointMassNames in DesingInputs.m.

The number of instances of a given entity is specified by the field .N. .N should take the form of a vector with each index representing a different spanwise location. Similarly each entity should have a .y_m specified in the same format. Only positive spanwise locations need to be specified, entities with non zero .y_m and .N > 1 are automatically reflected to -1*y_m.

All entity properties should follow this spanwise location based vector format.

Ex.: optim.propulsion.N = [1 2] optim.propulsion.y_m = [0 10] optim.propulsion.mass_kg = [10 10] optim.propulsion.xCG_m = [0 2.5]

The aircraft CG is computed in UpdateMassProperties.m which computes the CG of all beams and point masses using their .mass_kg and location. The placement of various masses is done in a configuration dependent file named UpdateMassLocations.m located in appropriate subfolder in Runs.


By contributing to FBHALE, you agree that your contributions will be licensed under the LICENSE or COPYING file in the root directory of this source tree.


FBHALE provides a conceptual multidisciplinary design framework for high altitude long endurance (HALE) aircraft development.



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