FacTales allows users to submit movie and book recommendations and view all existing recommendations from other users. Movie recommendations are stored in a SQLite database.
Clone the Repo
git clone https://github.com/fac27/FACTales/
Install all dependencies
npm install
Seed your database with test data
npm run seed
Start the server
npm run dev
Running tests
npm run test
As a user...
[x] I want to select my name from a drop down list to submit a recommendation
[x] I want to submit a movie recommendation
[x] I want to submit a book recommendation
[x] I want to view the recommendations of others
[x] I want to filter other recommendations grouped by movie or book
[x] I want to use the app on all my devices
[ ] As a user I want to be able to delete my previous recommendations
Our app was created using a mobile first approach to maximise accesibility.
Web view:
Mobile view: