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Prevent confusion between msg and fn by using equality constraint
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TimLariviere committed Aug 30, 2024


This commit was created on and signed with GitHub’s verified signature. The key has expired.
1 parent f73a88b commit 8dd64e4
Showing 102 changed files with 1,760 additions and 481 deletions.
18 changes: 18 additions & 0 deletions src/Fabulous.MauiControls/AppHostBuilderExtensions.fs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -53,6 +53,24 @@ type AppHostBuilderExtensions =
static member UseFabulousApp(this: MauiAppBuilder, program: Program<unit, 'model, 'msg, #IFabApplication>) : MauiAppBuilder =
this.UseFabulousApp(program, ())

static member UseFabulousApp(this: MauiAppBuilder, program: Program<'arg, 'model, 'msg, Memo.Memoized<#IFabApplication>>, arg: 'arg) : MauiAppBuilder =
fun () ->
(View.Component(program.State, arg) {
let! model = Mvu.State
program.View model

static member UseFabulousApp(this: MauiAppBuilder, program: Program<unit, 'model, 'msg, Memo.Memoized<#IFabApplication>>) : MauiAppBuilder =
this.UseFabulousApp(program, ())

static member UseFabulousApp
66 changes: 62 additions & 4 deletions src/Fabulous.MauiControls/Attributes.fs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -16,14 +16,24 @@ type ImageSourceValue =
| Stream of stream: Stream

type ValueEventData<'data, 'eventArgs> =
type MsgValueEventData<'data, 'eventArgs> =
{ Value: 'data
Event: 'eventArgs -> MsgValue }

module ValueEventData =
module MsgValueEventData =
let create (value: 'data) (event: 'eventArgs -> 'msg) =
{ Value = value
Event = event >> box >> MsgValue }

type ValueEventData<'data, 'eventArgs> =
{ Value: 'data
Event: 'eventArgs -> unit }

module ValueEventData =
let create (value: 'data) (event: 'eventArgs -> unit) =
{ Value = value
Event = event }

/// Maui.Controls specific attributes that can be encoded as 8 bytes
module SmallScalars =
@@ -157,12 +167,12 @@ module Attributes =
(bindableProperty: BindableProperty)
(getEvent: obj -> IEvent<EventHandler<'args>, 'args>)
: SimpleScalarAttributeDefinition<ValueEventData<'data, 'args>> =
: SimpleScalarAttributeDefinition<MsgValueEventData<'data, 'args>> =

let key =
(fun oldValueOpt (newValueOpt: ValueEventData<'data, 'args> voption) node ->
(fun oldValueOpt (newValueOpt: MsgValueEventData<'data, 'args> voption) node ->
let target = node.Target :?> BindableObject

match newValueOpt with
@@ -199,3 +209,51 @@ module Attributes =
|> AttributeDefinitionStore.registerScalar

{ Key = key; Name = name }

/// Update both a property and its related event.
/// This definition makes sure that the event is only raised when the property is changed by the user,
/// and not when the property is set by the code
let defineBindableWithEventNoDispatch<'data, 'args>
(bindableProperty: BindableProperty)
(getEvent: obj -> IEvent<EventHandler<'args>, 'args>)
: SimpleScalarAttributeDefinition<ValueEventData<'data, 'args>> =

let key =
(fun oldValueOpt (newValueOpt: ValueEventData<'data, 'args> voption) node ->
let target = node.Target :?> BindableObject

match newValueOpt with
| ValueNone ->
// The attribute is no longer applied, so we clean up the event
match node.TryGetHandler(name) with
| ValueNone -> ()
| ValueSome handler -> handler.Dispose()

// Only clear the property if a value was set before
match oldValueOpt with
| ValueNone -> ()
| ValueSome _ -> target.ClearValue(bindableProperty)

| ValueSome curr ->
// Clean up the old event handler if any
match node.TryGetHandler(name) with
| ValueNone -> ()
| ValueSome handler -> handler.Dispose()

// Set the new value
target.SetValue(bindableProperty, curr.Value)

// Set the new event handler
let event = getEvent target

let handler =

node.SetHandler(name, handler))
|> AttributeDefinitionStore.registerScalar

{ Key = key; Name = name }
6 changes: 3 additions & 3 deletions src/Fabulous.MauiControls/Component.fs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -17,10 +17,10 @@ module Component =
module ComponentBuilders =
type Fabulous.Maui.View with

static member inline Component<'msg, 'marker>() = ComponentBuilder<'msg>()
static member inline Component<'msg, 'marker when 'msg : equality>() = ComponentBuilder<'msg>()

static member inline Component<'msg, 'model, 'marker, 'parentMsg>(program: Program<unit, 'model, 'msg>) =
static member inline Component<'msg, 'model, 'marker, 'parentMsg when 'msg : equality and 'parentMsg : equality>(program: Program<unit, 'model, 'msg>) =
MvuComponentBuilder<unit, 'msg, 'model, 'marker, 'parentMsg>(program, ())

static member inline Component<'arg, 'msg, 'model, 'marker, 'parentMsg>(program: Program<'arg, 'model, 'msg>, arg: 'arg) =
static member inline Component<'arg, 'msg, 'model, 'marker, 'parentMsg when 'msg : equality and 'parentMsg : equality>(program: Program<'arg, 'model, 'msg>, arg: 'arg) =
MvuComponentBuilder<'arg, 'msg, 'model, 'marker, 'parentMsg>(program, arg)
3 changes: 2 additions & 1 deletion src/Fabulous.MauiControls/Fabulous.MauiControls.fsproj
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
<Project Sdk="Microsoft.NET.Sdk">

@@ -102,6 +102,7 @@
<Compile Include="Views\Layouts\_StackBase.fs" />
<Compile Include="Views\Layouts\VerticalStackLayout.fs" />
<Compile Include="Views\Layouts\HorizontalStackLayout.fs" />
<Compile Include="Views\Layouts\ZStack.fs" />
<Compile Include="Views\Layouts\Grid.fs" />
<Compile Include="Views\Layouts\ScrollView.fs" />
<Compile Include="Views\Layouts\Border.fs" />
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion src/Fabulous.MauiControls/Style.fs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ type FabElementExtensions =
/// <param name="this">Current widget</param>
/// <param name="fn">The style modifier function</param>
static member inline style<'msg, 'marker when 'marker :> IFabElement>
static member inline style<'msg, 'marker when 'msg : equality and 'marker :> IFabElement>
this: WidgetBuilder<'msg, 'marker>,
fn: WidgetBuilder<'msg, 'marker> -> WidgetBuilder<'msg, 'marker>
148 changes: 119 additions & 29 deletions src/Fabulous.MauiControls/Views/Application.fs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -67,32 +67,59 @@ module Application =
Attributes.definePropertyWidget "Application_MainPage" (fun target -> (target :?> Application).MainPage :> obj) (fun target value ->
(target :?> Application).MainPage <- value)

let ModalPopped =
Attributes.defineEvent<ModalPoppedEventArgs> "Application_ModalPopped" (fun target -> (target :?> Application).ModalPopped)
let ModalPoppedMsg =
Attributes.defineEvent<ModalPoppedEventArgs> "Application_ModalPoppedMsg" (fun target -> (target :?> Application).ModalPopped)

let ModalPopping =
Attributes.defineEvent<ModalPoppingEventArgs> "Application_ModalPopping" (fun target -> (target :?> Application).ModalPopping)
let ModalPoppedFn =
Attributes.defineEventNoDispatch<ModalPoppedEventArgs> "Application_ModalPoppedFn" (fun target -> (target :?> Application).ModalPopped)

let ModalPushed =
Attributes.defineEvent<ModalPushedEventArgs> "Application_ModalPushed" (fun target -> (target :?> Application).ModalPushed)
let ModalPoppingMsg =
Attributes.defineEvent<ModalPoppingEventArgs> "Application_ModalPoppingMsg" (fun target -> (target :?> Application).ModalPopping)

let ModalPushing =
Attributes.defineEvent<ModalPushingEventArgs> "Application_ModalPushing" (fun target -> (target :?> Application).ModalPushing)
let ModalPoppingFn =
Attributes.defineEventNoDispatch<ModalPoppingEventArgs> "Application_ModalPoppingFn" (fun target -> (target :?> Application).ModalPopping)

let RequestedThemeChanged =
Attributes.defineEvent<AppThemeChangedEventArgs> "Application_RequestedThemeChanged" (fun target -> (target :?> Application).RequestedThemeChanged)
let ModalPushedMsg =
Attributes.defineEvent<ModalPushedEventArgs> "Application_ModalPushedMsg" (fun target -> (target :?> Application).ModalPushed)

let Resume =
Attributes.defineEventNoArg "Application_Resume" (fun target -> (target :?> FabApplication).Resume)
let ModalPushedFn =
Attributes.defineEventNoDispatch<ModalPushedEventArgs> "Application_ModalPushedFn" (fun target -> (target :?> Application).ModalPushed)

let Sleep =
Attributes.defineEventNoArg "Application_Sleep" (fun target -> (target :?> FabApplication).Sleep)
let ModalPushingMsg =
Attributes.defineEvent<ModalPushingEventArgs> "Application_ModalPushingMsg" (fun target -> (target :?> Application).ModalPushing)

let Start =
Attributes.defineEventNoArg "Application_Start" (fun target -> (target :?> FabApplication).Start)
let ModalPushingFn =
Attributes.defineEventNoDispatch<ModalPushingEventArgs> "Application_ModalPushingFn" (fun target -> (target :?> Application).ModalPushing)

let AppLinkRequestReceived =
Attributes.defineEvent "Application_AppLinkRequestReceived" (fun target -> (target :?> FabApplication).AppLinkRequestReceived)
let RequestedThemeChangedMsg =
Attributes.defineEvent<AppThemeChangedEventArgs> "Application_RequestedThemeChangedMsg" (fun target -> (target :?> Application).RequestedThemeChanged)

let RequestedThemeChangedFn =
Attributes.defineEventNoDispatch<AppThemeChangedEventArgs> "Application_RequestedThemeChangedFn" (fun target -> (target :?> Application).RequestedThemeChanged)

let ResumeMsg =
Attributes.defineEventNoArg "Application_ResumeMsg" (fun target -> (target :?> FabApplication).Resume)

let ResumeFn =
Attributes.defineEventNoArgNoDispatch "Application_ResumeFn" (fun target -> (target :?> FabApplication).Resume)

let SleepMsg =
Attributes.defineEventNoArg "Application_SleepMsg" (fun target -> (target :?> FabApplication).Sleep)

let SleepFn =
Attributes.defineEventNoArgNoDispatch "Application_SleepFn" (fun target -> (target :?> FabApplication).Sleep)

let StartMsg =
Attributes.defineEventNoArg "Application_StartMsg" (fun target -> (target :?> FabApplication).Start)

let StartFn =
Attributes.defineEventNoArgNoDispatch "Application_StartFn" (fun target -> (target :?> FabApplication).Start)

let AppLinkRequestReceivedMsg =
Attributes.defineEvent "Application_AppLinkRequestReceivedMsg" (fun target -> (target :?> FabApplication).AppLinkRequestReceived)

let AppLinkRequestReceivedFn =
Attributes.defineEventNoDispatch "Application_AppLinkRequestReceivedFn" (fun target -> (target :?> FabApplication).AppLinkRequestReceived)

let UserAppTheme =
Attributes.defineEnum<AppTheme> "Application_UserAppTheme" (fun _ newValueOpt node ->
@@ -118,7 +145,7 @@ module ApplicationBuilders =
WidgetHelpers.buildWidgets<'msg, IFabApplication> Application.WidgetKey [| Application.MainPage.WithValue(mainPage.Compile()) |]

/// <summary>Create an Application widget with a list of windows</summary>
static member inline Application<'msg, 'itemMarker when 'itemMarker :> IFabWindow>() =
static member inline Application<'msg, 'itemMarker when 'msg : equality and 'itemMarker :> IFabWindow>() =
CollectionBuilder<'msg, IFabApplication, 'itemMarker>(Application.WidgetKey, Application.Windows)

@@ -128,63 +155,126 @@ type ApplicationModifiers =
/// <param name="fn">Message to dispatch</param>
static member inline onModalPopped(this: WidgetBuilder<'msg, #IFabApplication>, fn: ModalPoppedEventArgs -> 'msg) =

/// <summary>Listen for the ModalPopped event</summary>
/// <param name="this">Current widget</param>
/// <param name="fn">Message to dispatch</param>
static member inline onModalPopped(this: WidgetBuilder<'msg, #IFabApplication>, fn: ModalPoppedEventArgs -> unit) =

/// <summary>Listen for the ModalPopping event</summary>
/// <param name="this">Current widget</param>
/// <param name="fn">Message to dispatch</param>
static member inline onModalPopping(this: WidgetBuilder<'msg, #IFabApplication>, fn: ModalPoppingEventArgs -> 'msg) =

/// <summary>Listen for the ModalPopping event</summary>
/// <param name="this">Current widget</param>
/// <param name="fn">Message to dispatch</param>
static member inline onModalPopping(this: WidgetBuilder<'msg, #IFabApplication>, fn: ModalPoppingEventArgs -> unit) =

/// <summary>Listen for the ModalPushed event</summary>
/// <param name="this">Current widget</param>
/// <param name="fn">Message to dispatch</param>
static member inline onModalPushed(this: WidgetBuilder<'msg, #IFabApplication>, fn: ModalPushedEventArgs -> 'msg) =

/// <summary>Listen for the ModalPushed event</summary>
/// <param name="this">Current widget</param>
/// <param name="fn">Message to dispatch</param>
static member inline onModalPushed(this: WidgetBuilder<'msg, #IFabApplication>, fn: ModalPushedEventArgs -> unit) =

/// <summary>Listen for the ModalPushing event</summary>
/// <param name="this">Current widget</param>
/// <param name="fn">Message to dispatch</param>
static member inline onModalPushing(this: WidgetBuilder<'msg, #IFabApplication>, fn: ModalPushingEventArgs -> 'msg) =

/// <summary>Listen for the ModalPushing event</summary>
/// <param name="this">Current widget</param>
/// <param name="fn">Message to dispatch</param>
static member inline onModalPushing(this: WidgetBuilder<'msg, #IFabApplication>, fn: ModalPushingEventArgs -> unit) =

/// <summary>Listen for the Resume event</summary>
/// <param name="this">Current widget</param>
/// <param name="msg">Message to dispatch</param>
static member inline onResume(this: WidgetBuilder<'msg, #IFabApplication>, msg: 'msg) =

/// <summary>Listen for the Resume event</summary>
/// <param name="this">Current widget</param>
/// <param name="fn">Function to execute</param>
static member inline onResume(this: WidgetBuilder<'msg, #IFabApplication>, fn: unit -> unit) =

/// <summary>Listen for the Start event</summary>
/// <param name="this">Current widget</param>
/// <param name="msg">Message to dispatch</param>
static member inline onStart(this: WidgetBuilder<'msg, #IFabApplication>, msg: 'msg) =

/// <summary>Listen for the Start event</summary>
/// <param name="this">Current widget</param>
/// <param name="fn">Function to execute</param>
static member inline onStart(this: WidgetBuilder<'msg, #IFabApplication>, fn: unit -> unit) =

/// <summary>Listen for the Sleep event</summary>
/// <param name="this">Current widget</param>
/// <param name="msg">Message to dispatch</param>
static member inline onSleep(this: WidgetBuilder<'msg, #IFabApplication>, msg: 'msg) =

/// <summary>Listen for the Sleep event</summary>
/// <param name="this">Current widget</param>
/// <param name="fn">Function to execute</param>
static member inline onSleep(this: WidgetBuilder<'msg, #IFabApplication>, fn: unit -> unit) =

/// <summary>Listen for the RequestedThemeChanged event</summary>
/// <param name="this">Current widget</param>
/// <param name="fn">Message to dispatch</param>
static member inline onRequestedThemeChanged(this: WidgetBuilder<'msg, #IFabApplication>, fn: AppTheme -> 'msg) =
this.AddScalar(Application.RequestedThemeChanged.WithValue(fun args -> fn args.RequestedTheme |> box))
this.AddScalar(Application.RequestedThemeChangedMsg.WithValue(fun args -> fn args.RequestedTheme |> box))

/// <summary>Listen for the RequestedThemeChanged event</summary>
/// <param name="this">Current widget</param>
/// <param name="fn">Message to dispatch</param>
static member inline onRequestedThemeChanged(this: WidgetBuilder<'msg, #IFabApplication>, fn: AppTheme -> unit) =
this.AddScalar(Application.RequestedThemeChangedFn.WithValue(fun args -> fn args.RequestedTheme))

/// <summary>Listen for the AppLinkRequestReceived event</summary>
/// <param name="this">Current widget</param>
/// <param name="fn">Message to dispatch</param>
static member inline onAppLinkRequestReceived(this: WidgetBuilder<'msg, #IFabApplication>, fn: Uri -> 'msg) =
this.AddScalar(Application.AppLinkRequestReceived.WithValue(fun args -> fn args |> box))
this.AddScalar(Application.AppLinkRequestReceivedMsg.WithValue(fun args -> fn args |> box))

/// <summary>Listen for the AppLinkRequestReceived event</summary>
/// <param name="this">Current widget</param>
/// <param name="fn">Message to dispatch</param>
static member inline onAppLinkRequestReceived(this: WidgetBuilder<'msg, #IFabApplication>, fn: Uri -> unit) =
this.AddScalar(Application.AppLinkRequestReceivedFn.WithValue(fun args -> fn args))

/// <summary>Set the user app theme</summary>
/// <param name="this">Current widget</param>
@@ -203,7 +293,7 @@ type ApplicationModifiers =
type ApplicationYieldExtensions =
static member inline Yield<'msg, 'marker, 'itemType when 'marker :> IFabApplication and 'itemType :> IFabWindow>
static member inline Yield<'msg, 'marker, 'itemType when 'msg : equality and 'marker :> IFabApplication and 'itemType :> IFabWindow>
_: CollectionBuilder<'msg, 'marker, IFabWindow>,
x: WidgetBuilder<'msg, 'itemType>
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -21,13 +21,13 @@ module LinearGradientBrushBuilders =
type Fabulous.Maui.View with

/// <summary>Create a LinearGradientBrush widgets that paints an area with a linear gradient, which blends two or more colors along a line known as the gradient axis</summary>
static member inline LinearGradientBrush<'msg>() =
static member inline LinearGradientBrush() =
CollectionBuilder<'msg, IFabLinearGradientBrush, IFabGradientStop>(LinearGradientBrush.WidgetKey, GradientBrush.Children)

/// <summary>Create a LinearGradientBrush widgets that paints an area with a linear gradient, which blends two or more colors along a line known as the gradient axis</summary>
/// <param name="endPoint">EndPoint, of type Point, which represents the ending two-dimensional coordinates of the linear gradient</param>
/// <param name="startPoint">StartPoint, of type Point, which represents the starting two-dimensional coordinates of the linear gradient</param>
static member inline LinearGradientBrush<'msg>(startPoint: Point, endPoint: Point) =
static member inline LinearGradientBrush(startPoint: Point, endPoint: Point) =
CollectionBuilder<'msg, IFabLinearGradientBrush, IFabGradientStop>(
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ module RadialGradientBrushBuilders =
/// <summary>Create a RadialGradientBrush widget that paints an area with a radial gradient, which blends two or more colors across a circle</summary>
/// <param name="center">Center, of type Point, which represents the center point of the circle for the radial gradient</param>
/// <param name="radius">Radius, of type float, which represents the radius of the circle for the radial gradient</param>
static member inline RadialGradientBrush<'msg>(center: Point, radius: float) =
static member inline RadialGradientBrush(center: Point, radius: float) =
CollectionBuilder<'msg, IFabRadialGradientBrush, IFabGradientStop>(
@@ -31,5 +31,5 @@ module RadialGradientBrushBuilders =

/// <summary>Create a RadialGradientBrush widget that paints an area with a radial gradient, which blends two or more colors across a circle</summary>
static member inline RadialGradientBrush<'msg>() =
static member inline RadialGradientBrush() =
CollectionBuilder<'msg, IFabRadialGradientBrush, IFabGradientStop>(RadialGradientBrush.WidgetKey, GradientBrush.Children)
38 changes: 31 additions & 7 deletions src/Fabulous.MauiControls/Views/Cells/EntryCell.fs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -46,14 +46,20 @@ module EntryCell =

let LabelColor = Attributes.defineBindableColor EntryCell.LabelColorProperty

let OnCompleted =
Attributes.defineEventNoArg "EntryCell_Completed" (fun target -> (target :?> EntryCell).Completed)
let OnCompletedMsg =
Attributes.defineEventNoArg "EntryCell_CompletedMsg" (fun target -> (target :?> EntryCell).Completed)

let OnCompletedFn =
Attributes.defineEventNoArgNoDispatch "EntryCell_CompletedFn" (fun target -> (target :?> EntryCell).Completed)

let Placeholder =
Attributes.defineBindableWithEquality<string> EntryCell.PlaceholderProperty

let TextWithEvent =
Attributes.defineBindableWithEvent "EntryCell_TextChanged" EntryCell.TextProperty (fun target -> (target :?> FabEntryCell).TextChanged)
let TextWithEventMsg =
Attributes.defineBindableWithEvent "EntryCell_TextChangedMsg" EntryCell.TextProperty (fun target -> (target :?> FabEntryCell).TextChanged)

let TextWithEventFn =
Attributes.defineBindableWithEventNoDispatch "EntryCell_TextChangedFn" EntryCell.TextProperty (fun target -> (target :?> FabEntryCell).TextChanged)

let VerticalTextAlignment =
Attributes.defineBindableEnum<TextAlignment> EntryCell.VerticalTextAlignmentProperty
@@ -66,11 +72,22 @@ module EntryCellBuilders =
/// <param name="label">The label value</param>
/// <param name="text">The text value</param>
/// <param name="onTextChanged">Message to dispatch</param>
static member inline EntryCell<'msg>(label: string, text: string, onTextChanged: string -> 'msg) =
static member inline EntryCell(label: string, text: string, onTextChanged: string -> 'msg) =
WidgetBuilder<'msg, IFabEntryCell>(
EntryCell.TextWithEvent.WithValue(ValueEventData.create text (fun (args: TextChangedEventArgs) -> onTextChanged args.NewTextValue))
EntryCell.TextWithEventMsg.WithValue(MsgValueEventData.create text (fun (args: TextChangedEventArgs) -> onTextChanged args.NewTextValue))

/// <summary>Create an EntryCell with a label, a text, and listen to text changes</summary>
/// <param name="label">The label value</param>
/// <param name="text">The text value</param>
/// <param name="onTextChanged">Message to dispatch</param>
static member inline EntryCell(label: string, text: string, onTextChanged: string -> unit) =
WidgetBuilder<'msg, IFabEntryCell>(
EntryCell.TextWithEventFn.WithValue(ValueEventData.create text (fun (args: TextChangedEventArgs) -> onTextChanged args.NewTextValue))

@@ -101,7 +118,14 @@ type EntryCellModifiers =
/// <param name="msg">Message to dispatch</param>
static member inline onCompleted(this: WidgetBuilder<'msg, #IFabEntryCell>, msg: 'msg) =

/// <summary>Listen to the Completed event</summary>
/// <param name="this">Current widget</param>
/// <param name="fn">Function to execute</param>
static member inline onCompleted(this: WidgetBuilder<'msg, #IFabEntryCell>, fn: unit -> unit) =

/// <summary>Set the placeholder text</summary>
/// <param name="this">Current widget</param>
8 changes: 4 additions & 4 deletions src/Fabulous.MauiControls/Views/Cells/ImageCell.fs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ module ImageCellBuilders =
/// <summary>Create an ImageCell widget with a text and an image source</summary>
/// <param name="text">The text of the cell</param>
/// <param name="source">The image source</param>
static member inline ImageCell<'msg>(text: string, source: ImageSource) =
static member inline ImageCell(text: string, source: ImageSource) =
WidgetBuilder<'msg, IFabImageCell>(
@@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ module ImageCellBuilders =
/// <summary>Create an ImageCell widget with a text and an image source</summary>
/// <param name="text">The text of the cell</param>
/// <param name="source">The image source</param>
static member inline ImageCell<'msg>(text: string, source: string) =
static member inline ImageCell(text: string, source: string) =
WidgetBuilder<'msg, IFabImageCell>(
@@ -41,13 +41,13 @@ module ImageCellBuilders =
/// <summary>Create an ImageCell widget with a text and an image source</summary>
/// <param name="text">The text of the cell</param>
/// <param name="source">The image source</param>
static member inline ImageCell<'msg>(text: string, source: Uri) =
static member inline ImageCell(text: string, source: Uri) =
WidgetBuilder<'msg, IFabImageCell>(ImageCell.WidgetKey, TextCell.Text.WithValue(text), ImageCell.ImageSource.WithValue(ImageSourceValue.Uri source))

/// <summary>Create an ImageCell widget with a text and an image source</summary>
/// <param name="text">The text of the cell</param>
/// <param name="source">The image source</param>
static member inline ImageCell<'msg>(text: string, source: Stream) =
static member inline ImageCell(text: string, source: Stream) =
WidgetBuilder<'msg, IFabImageCell>(
22 changes: 18 additions & 4 deletions src/Fabulous.MauiControls/Views/Cells/SwitchCell.fs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -13,8 +13,11 @@ module SwitchCell =

let OnColor = Attributes.defineBindableColor SwitchCell.OnColorProperty

let OnWithEvent =
Attributes.defineBindableWithEvent "SwitchCell_OnChanged" SwitchCell.OnProperty (fun target -> (target :?> SwitchCell).OnChanged)
let OnWithEventMsg =
Attributes.defineBindableWithEvent "SwitchCell_OnChangedMsg" SwitchCell.OnProperty (fun target -> (target :?> SwitchCell).OnChanged)

let OnWithEventFn =
Attributes.defineBindableWithEventNoDispatch "SwitchCell_OnChangedFn" SwitchCell.OnProperty (fun target -> (target :?> SwitchCell).OnChanged)

let Text = Attributes.defineBindableWithEquality SwitchCell.TextProperty

@@ -26,10 +29,21 @@ module SwitchCellBuilders =
/// <param name="text">The text value</param>
/// <param name="value">The toggle state value</param>
/// <param name="onChanged">Change callback</param>
static member inline SwitchCell<'msg>(text: string, value: bool, onChanged: bool -> 'msg) =
static member inline SwitchCell(text: string, value: bool, onChanged: bool -> 'msg) =
WidgetBuilder<'msg, IFabSwitchCell>(
SwitchCell.OnWithEventMsg.WithValue(MsgValueEventData.create value (fun (args: ToggledEventArgs) -> onChanged args.Value)),

/// <summary>Create a SwitchCell with a text, a toggle state, and listen to toggle state changes</summary>
/// <param name="text">The text value</param>
/// <param name="value">The toggle state value</param>
/// <param name="onChanged">Change callback</param>
static member inline SwitchCell(text: string, value: bool, onChanged: bool -> unit) =
WidgetBuilder<'msg, IFabSwitchCell>(
SwitchCell.OnWithEvent.WithValue(ValueEventData.create value (fun (args: ToggledEventArgs) -> onChanged args.Value)),
SwitchCell.OnWithEventFn.WithValue(ValueEventData.create value (fun (args: ToggledEventArgs) -> onChanged args.Value)),

2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion src/Fabulous.MauiControls/Views/Cells/TextCell.fs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ module TextCellBuilders =

/// <summary>Create a TextCell widget with a text</summary>
/// <param name="text">The text value</param>
static member inline TextCell<'msg>(text: string) =
static member inline TextCell(text: string) =
WidgetBuilder<'msg, IFabTextCell>(TextCell.WidgetKey, TextCell.Text.WithValue(text))

2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion src/Fabulous.MauiControls/Views/Cells/ViewCell.fs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ module ViewCellBuilders =

/// <summary>Create a ViewCell with a content widget</summary>
/// <param name="view">The content widget</param>
static member inline ViewCell<'msg, 'marker when 'marker :> IFabView>(view: WidgetBuilder<'msg, 'marker>) =
static member inline ViewCell(view: WidgetBuilder<'msg, #IFabView>) =
WidgetHelpers.buildWidgets<'msg, IFabViewCell> ViewCell.WidgetKey [| ViewCell.View.WithValue(view.Compile()) |]

52 changes: 41 additions & 11 deletions src/Fabulous.MauiControls/Views/Cells/_Cell.fs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -9,11 +9,17 @@ type IFabCell =
inherit IFabElement

module Cell =
let Appearing =
Attributes.defineEventNoArg "Cell_Appearing" (fun target -> (target :?> Cell).Appearing)
let AppearingMsg =
Attributes.defineEventNoArg "Cell_AppearingMsg" (fun target -> (target :?> Cell).Appearing)

let AppearingFn =
Attributes.defineEventNoArgNoDispatch "Cell_AppearingFn" (fun target -> (target :?> Cell).Appearing)

let Disappearing =
Attributes.defineEventNoArg "Cell_Disappearing" (fun target -> (target :?> Cell).Disappearing)
let DisappearingMsg =
Attributes.defineEventNoArg "Cell_DisappearingMsg" (fun target -> (target :?> Cell).Disappearing)

let DisappearingFn =
Attributes.defineEventNoArgNoDispatch "Cell_DisappearingFn" (fun target -> (target :?> Cell).Disappearing)

let Height =
Attributes.defineFloat "Cell_Height" (fun _ newValueOpt node ->
@@ -28,8 +34,11 @@ module Cell =

let IsEnabled = Attributes.defineBindableBool Cell.IsEnabledProperty

let Tapped =
Attributes.defineEventNoArg "Cell_Tapped" (fun target -> (target :?> Cell).Tapped)
let TappedMsg =
Attributes.defineEventNoArg "Cell_TappedMsg" (fun target -> (target :?> Cell).Tapped)

let TappedFn =
Attributes.defineEventNoArgNoDispatch "Cell_TappedFn" (fun target -> (target :?> Cell).Tapped)

let ContextActions =
Attributes.defineListWidgetCollection "Cell_ContextActions" (fun target -> (target :?> Cell).ContextActions)
@@ -55,32 +64,53 @@ type CellModifiers =
/// <param name="msg">Message to dispatch</param>
static member inline onAppearing(this: WidgetBuilder<'msg, #IFabCell>, msg: 'msg) =

/// <summary>Listen to the Appearing event</summary>
/// <param name="this">Current widget</param>
/// <param name="fn">Function to execute</param>
static member inline onAppearing(this: WidgetBuilder<'msg, #IFabCell>, fn: unit -> unit) =

/// <summary>Listen to the Disappearing event</summary>
/// <param name="this">Current widget</param>
/// <param name="msg">Message to dispatch</param>
static member inline onDisappearing(this: WidgetBuilder<'msg, #IFabCell>, msg: 'msg) =

/// <summary>Listen to the Disappearing event</summary>
/// <param name="this">Current widget</param>
/// <param name="fn">Function to execute</param>
static member inline onDisappearing(this: WidgetBuilder<'msg, #IFabCell>, fn: unit -> unit) =

/// <summary>Listen to the Tapped event</summary>
/// <param name="this">Current widget</param>
/// <param name="msg">Message to dispatch</param>
static member inline onTapped(this: WidgetBuilder<'msg, #IFabCell>, msg: 'msg) =

/// <summary>Listen to the Tapped event</summary>
/// <param name="this">Current widget</param>
/// <param name="fn">Function to execute</param>
static member inline onTapped(this: WidgetBuilder<'msg, #IFabCell>, fn: unit -> unit) =

/// <summary>Set the context actions of the cell</summary>
/// <param name="this">Current widget</param>
static member inline contextActions<'msg, 'marker when 'marker :> IFabCell>(this: WidgetBuilder<'msg, 'marker>) =
static member inline contextActions<'msg, 'marker when 'msg : equality and 'marker :> IFabCell>(this: WidgetBuilder<'msg, 'marker>) =
WidgetHelpers.buildAttributeCollection<'msg, 'marker, IFabMenuItem> Cell.ContextActions this

type CellYieldExtensions =
static member inline Yield<'msg, 'marker, 'itemType when 'marker :> IFabCell and 'itemType :> IFabMenuItem>
static member inline Yield<'msg, 'marker, 'itemType when 'msg : equality and 'marker :> IFabCell and 'itemType :> IFabMenuItem>
_: AttributeCollectionBuilder<'msg, 'marker, IFabMenuItem>,
x: WidgetBuilder<'msg, 'itemType>
3 changes: 1 addition & 2 deletions src/Fabulous.MauiControls/Views/Collections/CarouselView.fs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,6 +1,5 @@
namespace Fabulous.Maui

open System
open System.Runtime.CompilerServices
open Fabulous
open Microsoft.Maui
@@ -62,7 +61,7 @@ module CarouselViewBuilders =

/// <summary>Create a CarouselView widget with a list of items</summary>
/// <param name="items">The items list</param>
static member inline CarouselView<'msg, 'itemData, 'itemMarker when 'itemMarker :> IFabView>(items: seq<'itemData>) =
static member inline CarouselView<'msg, 'itemData, 'itemMarker when 'msg : equality and 'itemMarker :> IFabView>(items: seq<'itemData>) =
WidgetHelpers.buildItems<'msg, IFabCarouselView, 'itemData, 'itemMarker> CarouselView.WidgetKey ItemsView.ItemsSource items

20 changes: 15 additions & 5 deletions src/Fabulous.MauiControls/Views/Collections/CollectionView.fs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -48,8 +48,11 @@ module CollectionView =
let ItemSizingStrategy =
Attributes.defineBindableEnum<ItemSizingStrategy> CollectionView.ItemSizingStrategyProperty

let SelectionChanged =
Attributes.defineEvent<SelectionChangedEventArgs> "CollectionView_SelectionChanged" (fun target -> (target :?> CollectionView).SelectionChanged)
let SelectionChangedMsg =
Attributes.defineEvent<SelectionChangedEventArgs> "CollectionView_SelectionChangedMsg" (fun target -> (target :?> CollectionView).SelectionChanged)

let SelectionChangedFn =
Attributes.defineEventNoDispatch<SelectionChangedEventArgs> "CollectionView_SelectionChangedFn" (fun target -> (target :?> CollectionView).SelectionChanged)

let SelectionMode =
Attributes.defineBindableEnum<SelectionMode> CollectionView.SelectionModeProperty
@@ -60,13 +63,13 @@ module CollectionViewBuilders =

/// <summary>Create a CollectionView widget with a list of items</summary>
/// <param name="items">The items list</param>
static member inline CollectionView<'msg, 'itemData, 'itemMarker when 'itemMarker :> IFabView>(items: seq<'itemData>) =
static member inline CollectionView<'msg, 'itemData, 'itemMarker when 'msg : equality and 'itemMarker :> IFabView>(items: seq<'itemData>) =
WidgetHelpers.buildItems<'msg, IFabCollectionView, 'itemData, 'itemMarker> CollectionView.WidgetKey ItemsView.ItemsSource items

/// <summary>Create a CollectionView widget with a list of grouped items</summary>
/// <param name="items">The grouped items list</param>
static member inline GroupedCollectionView<'msg, 'groupData, 'groupMarker, 'itemData, 'itemMarker
when 'itemMarker :> IFabView and 'groupMarker :> IFabView and 'groupData :> System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<'itemData>>
when 'msg : equality and 'itemMarker :> IFabView and 'groupMarker :> IFabView and 'groupData :> System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<'itemData>>
(items: seq<'groupData>)
WidgetHelpers.buildGroupItems<'msg, IFabCollectionView, 'groupData, 'itemData, 'groupMarker, 'itemMarker>
@@ -102,7 +105,14 @@ type CollectionViewModifiers =
/// <param name="fn">Message to dispatch</param>
static member inline onSelectionChanged(this: WidgetBuilder<'msg, #IFabCollectionView>, fn: SelectionChangedEventArgs -> 'msg) =
this.AddScalar(CollectionView.SelectionChanged.WithValue(fun args -> fn args |> box))
this.AddScalar(CollectionView.SelectionChangedMsg.WithValue(fun args -> fn args |> box))

/// <summary>Listen for the SelectionChanged event</summary>
/// <param name="this">Current widget</param>
/// <param name="fn">Message to dispatch</param>
static member inline onSelectionChanged(this: WidgetBuilder<'msg, #IFabCollectionView>, fn: SelectionChangedEventArgs -> unit) =

/// <summary>Set the selection mode</summary>
/// <param name="this">Current widget</param>
117 changes: 93 additions & 24 deletions src/Fabulous.MauiControls/Views/Collections/ListView.fs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,6 +1,5 @@
namespace Fabulous.Maui

open System
open System.Runtime.CompilerServices
open Fabulous
open Microsoft.Maui
@@ -54,23 +53,38 @@ module ListView =

let IsRefreshing = Attributes.defineBindableBool ListView.IsRefreshingProperty

let ItemAppearing =
Attributes.defineEvent<ItemVisibilityEventArgs> "ListView_ItemAppearing" (fun target -> (target :?> ListView).ItemAppearing)
let ItemAppearingMsg =
Attributes.defineEvent<ItemVisibilityEventArgs> "ListView_ItemAppearingMsg" (fun target -> (target :?> ListView).ItemAppearing)

let ItemDisappearing =
Attributes.defineEvent<ItemVisibilityEventArgs> "ListView_ItemDisappearing" (fun target -> (target :?> ListView).ItemDisappearing)
let ItemAppearingFn =
Attributes.defineEventNoDispatch<ItemVisibilityEventArgs> "ListView_ItemAppearingFn" (fun target -> (target :?> ListView).ItemAppearing)

let ItemSelected =
Attributes.defineEvent<SelectedItemChangedEventArgs> "ListView_ItemSelected" (fun target -> (target :?> ListView).ItemSelected)
let ItemDisappearingMsg =
Attributes.defineEvent<ItemVisibilityEventArgs> "ListView_ItemDisappearingMsg" (fun target -> (target :?> ListView).ItemDisappearing)

let ItemTapped =
Attributes.defineEvent<ItemTappedEventArgs> "ListView_ItemTapped" (fun target -> (target :?> ListView).ItemTapped)
let ItemDisappearingFn =
Attributes.defineEventNoDispatch<ItemVisibilityEventArgs> "ListView_ItemDisappearingFn" (fun target -> (target :?> ListView).ItemDisappearing)

let ItemSelectedMsg =
Attributes.defineEvent<SelectedItemChangedEventArgs> "ListView_ItemSelectedMsg" (fun target -> (target :?> ListView).ItemSelected)

let ItemSelectedFn =
Attributes.defineEventNoDispatch<SelectedItemChangedEventArgs> "ListView_ItemSelectedFn" (fun target -> (target :?> ListView).ItemSelected)

let ItemTappedMsg =
Attributes.defineEvent<ItemTappedEventArgs> "ListView_ItemTappedMsg" (fun target -> (target :?> ListView).ItemTapped)

let ItemTappedFn =
Attributes.defineEvent<ItemTappedEventArgs> "ListView_ItemTappedFn" (fun target -> (target :?> ListView).ItemTapped)

let RefreshControlColor =
Attributes.defineBindableColor ListView.RefreshControlColorProperty

let Refreshing =
Attributes.defineEventNoArg "ListView_Refreshing" (fun target -> (target :?> ListView).Refreshing)
let RefreshingMsg =
Attributes.defineEventNoArg "ListView_RefreshingMsg" (fun target -> (target :?> ListView).Refreshing)

let RefreshingFn =
Attributes.defineEventNoArgNoDispatch "ListView_RefreshingFn" (fun target -> (target :?> ListView).Refreshing)

let RowHeight = Attributes.defineBindableInt ListView.RowHeightProperty

@@ -82,11 +96,17 @@ module ListView =
let SeparatorVisibility =
Attributes.defineBindableEnum<SeparatorVisibility> ListView.SeparatorVisibilityProperty

let Scrolled =
Attributes.defineEvent<ScrolledEventArgs> "ListView_Scrolled" (fun target -> (target :?> ListView).Scrolled)
let ScrolledMsg =
Attributes.defineEvent<ScrolledEventArgs> "ListView_ScrolledMsg" (fun target -> (target :?> ListView).Scrolled)

let ScrolledFn =
Attributes.defineEventNoDispatch<ScrolledEventArgs> "ListView_ScrolledFn" (fun target -> (target :?> ListView).Scrolled)

let ScrollToRequested =
Attributes.defineEvent<ScrollToRequestedEventArgs> "ListView_ScrollToRequested" (fun target -> (target :?> ListView).ScrollToRequested)
let ScrollToRequestedMsg =
Attributes.defineEvent<ScrollToRequestedEventArgs> "ListView_ScrollToRequestedMsg" (fun target -> (target :?> ListView).ScrollToRequested)

let ScrollToRequestedFn =
Attributes.defineEventNoDispatch<ScrollToRequestedEventArgs> "ListView_ScrollToRequestedFn" (fun target -> (target :?> ListView).ScrollToRequested)

let VerticalScrollBarVisibility =
Attributes.defineBindableEnum<ScrollBarVisibility> ListView.VerticalScrollBarVisibilityProperty
@@ -97,13 +117,13 @@ module ListViewBuilders =

/// <summary>Create a ListView with a list of items</summary>
/// <param name="items">The items list</param>
static member inline ListView<'msg, 'itemData, 'itemMarker when 'itemMarker :> IFabCell>(items: seq<'itemData>) =
static member inline ListView<'msg, 'itemData, 'itemMarker when 'msg : equality and 'itemMarker :> IFabCell>(items: seq<'itemData>) =
WidgetHelpers.buildItems<'msg, IFabListView, 'itemData, 'itemMarker> ListView.WidgetKey ItemsViewOfCell.ItemsSource items

/// <summary>Create a ListView with a list of grouped items</summary>
/// <param name="items">The grouped items list</param>
static member inline GroupedListView<'msg, 'groupData, 'groupMarker, 'itemData, 'itemMarker
when 'itemMarker :> IFabCell and 'groupMarker :> IFabCell and 'groupData :> System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<'itemData>>
when 'msg : equality and 'itemMarker :> IFabCell and 'groupMarker :> IFabCell and 'groupData :> System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<'itemData>>
(items: seq<'groupData>)
WidgetHelpers.buildGroupItemsNoFooter<'msg, IFabListView, 'groupData, 'itemData, 'groupMarker, 'itemMarker>
@@ -160,49 +180,98 @@ type ListViewModifiers =
/// <param name="fn">Message to dispatch</param>
static member inline onItemAppearing(this: WidgetBuilder<'msg, #IFabListView>, fn: ItemVisibilityEventArgs -> 'msg) =
this.AddScalar(ListView.ItemAppearing.WithValue(fun args -> fn args |> box))
this.AddScalar(ListView.ItemAppearingMsg.WithValue(fun args -> fn args |> box))

/// <summary>Listen for the ItemAppearing event</summary>
/// <param name="this">Current widget</param>
/// <param name="fn">Message to dispatch</param>
static member inline onItemAppearing(this: WidgetBuilder<'msg, #IFabListView>, fn: ItemVisibilityEventArgs -> unit) =

/// <summary>Listen for the ItemDisappearing event</summary>
/// <param name="this">Current widget</param>
/// <param name="fn">Message to dispatch</param>
static member inline onItemDisappearing(this: WidgetBuilder<'msg, #IFabListView>, fn: ItemVisibilityEventArgs -> 'msg) =
this.AddScalar(ListView.ItemDisappearing.WithValue(fun args -> fn args |> box))
this.AddScalar(ListView.ItemDisappearingMsg.WithValue(fun args -> fn args |> box))

/// <summary>Listen for the ItemDisappearing event</summary>
/// <param name="this">Current widget</param>
/// <param name="fn">Message to dispatch</param>
static member inline onItemDisappearing(this: WidgetBuilder<'msg, #IFabListView>, fn: ItemVisibilityEventArgs -> unit) =

/// <summary>Listen for the ItemTapped event</summary>
/// <param name="this">Current widget</param>
/// <param name="fn">Message to dispatch</param>
static member inline onItemTapped(this: WidgetBuilder<'msg, #IFabListView>, fn: int -> 'msg) =
this.AddScalar(ListView.ItemTapped.WithValue(fun args -> fn args.ItemIndex |> box))
this.AddScalar(ListView.ItemTappedMsg.WithValue(fun args -> fn args.ItemIndex |> box))

/// <summary>Listen for the ItemTapped event</summary>
/// <param name="this">Current widget</param>
/// <param name="fn">Message to dispatch</param>
static member inline onItemTapped(this: WidgetBuilder<'msg, #IFabListView>, fn: int -> unit) =
this.AddScalar(ListView.ItemTappedFn.WithValue(fun args -> fn args.ItemIndex))

/// <summary>Listen for the ItemSelected event</summary>
/// <param name="this">Current widget</param>
/// <param name="fn">Message to dispatch</param>
static member inline onItemSelected(this: WidgetBuilder<'msg, #IFabListView>, fn: int -> 'msg) =
this.AddScalar(ListView.ItemSelected.WithValue(fun args -> fn args.SelectedItemIndex |> box))
this.AddScalar(ListView.ItemSelectedMsg.WithValue(fun args -> fn args.SelectedItemIndex |> box))

/// <summary>Listen for the ItemSelected event</summary>
/// <param name="this">Current widget</param>
/// <param name="fn">Message to dispatch</param>
static member inline onItemSelected(this: WidgetBuilder<'msg, #IFabListView>, fn: int -> unit) =
this.AddScalar(ListView.ItemSelectedFn.WithValue(fun args -> fn args.SelectedItemIndex))

/// <summary>Listen for the Refreshing event</summary>
/// <param name="this">Current widget</param>
/// <param name="msg">Message to dispatch</param>
static member inline onRefreshing(this: WidgetBuilder<'msg, #IFabListView>, msg: 'msg) =

/// <summary>Listen for the Refreshing event</summary>
/// <param name="this">Current widget</param>
/// <param name="fn">Function to execute</param>
static member inline onRefreshing(this: WidgetBuilder<'msg, #IFabListView>, fn: unit -> unit) =

/// <summary>Listen for the Scrolled event</summary>
/// <param name="this">Current widget</param>
/// <param name="fn">Message to dispatch</param>
static member inline onScrolled(this: WidgetBuilder<'msg, #IFabListView>, fn: ScrolledEventArgs -> 'msg) =
this.AddScalar(ListView.Scrolled.WithValue(fun args -> fn args |> box))
this.AddScalar(ListView.ScrolledMsg.WithValue(fun args -> fn args |> box))

/// <summary>Listen for the Scrolled event</summary>
/// <param name="this">Current widget</param>
/// <param name="fn">Message to dispatch</param>
static member inline onScrolled(this: WidgetBuilder<'msg, #IFabListView>, fn: ScrolledEventArgs -> unit) =

/// <summary>Listen for the ScrollToRequested event</summary>
/// <param name="this">Current widget</param>
/// <param name="fn">Message to dispatch</param>
static member inline onScrollToRequested(this: WidgetBuilder<'msg, #IFabListView>, fn: ScrollToRequestedEventArgs -> 'msg) =
this.AddScalar(ListView.ScrollToRequested.WithValue(fun args -> fn args |> box))
this.AddScalar(ListView.ScrollToRequestedMsg.WithValue(fun args -> fn args |> box))

/// <summary>Listen for the ScrollToRequested event</summary>
/// <param name="this">Current widget</param>
/// <param name="fn">Message to dispatch</param>
static member inline onScrollToRequested(this: WidgetBuilder<'msg, #IFabListView>, fn: ScrollToRequestedEventArgs -> unit) =

/// <summary>Set the refresh control color</summary>
/// <param name="this">Current widget</param>
51 changes: 42 additions & 9 deletions src/Fabulous.MauiControls/Views/Collections/_ItemsView.fs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -36,14 +36,23 @@ module ItemsView =
let RemainingItemsThreshold =
Attributes.defineBindableInt ItemsView.RemainingItemsThresholdProperty

let RemainingItemsThresholdReached =
Attributes.defineEventNoArg "ItemsView_RemainingItemsThresholdReached" (fun target -> (target :?> ItemsView).RemainingItemsThresholdReached)
let RemainingItemsThresholdReachedMsg =
Attributes.defineEventNoArg "ItemsView_RemainingItemsThresholdReachedMsg" (fun target -> (target :?> ItemsView).RemainingItemsThresholdReached)

let Scrolled =
Attributes.defineEvent<ItemsViewScrolledEventArgs> "ItemsView_Scrolled" (fun target -> (target :?> ItemsView).Scrolled)
let RemainingItemsThresholdReachedFn =
Attributes.defineEventNoArgNoDispatch "ItemsView_RemainingItemsThresholdReachedFn" (fun target -> (target :?> ItemsView).RemainingItemsThresholdReached)

let ScrollToRequested =
Attributes.defineEvent<ScrollToRequestEventArgs> "ItemsView_ScrolledRequested" (fun target -> (target :?> ItemsView).ScrollToRequested)
let ScrolledMsg =
Attributes.defineEvent<ItemsViewScrolledEventArgs> "ItemsView_ScrolledMsg" (fun target -> (target :?> ItemsView).Scrolled)

let ScrolledFn =
Attributes.defineEventNoDispatch<ItemsViewScrolledEventArgs> "ItemsView_ScrolledFn" (fun target -> (target :?> ItemsView).Scrolled)

let ScrollToRequestedMsg =
Attributes.defineEvent<ScrollToRequestEventArgs> "ItemsView_ScrolledRequestedMsg" (fun target -> (target :?> ItemsView).ScrollToRequested)

let ScrollToRequestedFn =
Attributes.defineEventNoDispatch<ScrollToRequestEventArgs> "ItemsView_ScrolledRequestedFn" (fun target -> (target :?> ItemsView).ScrollToRequested)

let VerticalScrollBarVisibility =
Attributes.defineBindableEnum<ScrollBarVisibility> ItemsView.VerticalScrollBarVisibilityProperty
@@ -76,14 +85,28 @@ type ItemsViewModifiers =
/// <param name="fn">Message to dispatch</param>
static member inline onScrolled(this: WidgetBuilder<'msg, #IFabItemsView>, fn: ItemsViewScrolledEventArgs -> 'msg) =
this.AddScalar(ItemsView.Scrolled.WithValue(fun args -> fn args |> box))
this.AddScalar(ItemsView.ScrolledMsg.WithValue(fun args -> fn args |> box))

/// <summary>Listen for the Scrolled event</summary>
/// <param name="this">Current widget</param>
/// <param name="fn">Message to dispatch</param>
static member inline onScrolled(this: WidgetBuilder<'msg, #IFabItemsView>, fn: ItemsViewScrolledEventArgs -> unit) =

/// <summary>Listen for the ScrollToRequested event</summary>
/// <param name="this">Current widget</param>
/// <param name="fn">Message to dispatch</param>
static member inline onScrollToRequested(this: WidgetBuilder<'msg, #IFabItemsView>, fn: ScrollToRequestEventArgs -> 'msg) =
this.AddScalar(ItemsView.ScrollToRequested.WithValue(fun args -> fn args |> box))
this.AddScalar(ItemsView.ScrollToRequestedMsg.WithValue(fun args -> fn args |> box))

/// <summary>Listen for the ScrollToRequested event</summary>
/// <param name="this">Current widget</param>
/// <param name="fn">Message to dispatch</param>
static member inline onScrollToRequested(this: WidgetBuilder<'msg, #IFabItemsView>, fn: ScrollToRequestEventArgs -> unit) =

/// <summary>Set the threshold of items not yet visible in the list at which the RemainingItemsThresholdReached event will be fired</summary>
/// <param name="this">Current widget</param>
@@ -93,7 +116,17 @@ type ItemsViewModifiers =
static member inline remainingItemsThreshold(this: WidgetBuilder<'msg, #IFabItemsView>, value: int, onThresholdReached: 'msg) =

/// <summary>Set the threshold of items not yet visible in the list at which the RemainingItemsThresholdReached event will be fired</summary>
/// <param name="this">Current widget</param>
/// <param name="value">The threshold of items not yet visible in the list</param>
/// <param name="onThresholdReached">Message to dispatch</param>
static member inline remainingItemsThreshold(this: WidgetBuilder<'msg, #IFabItemsView>, value: int, onThresholdReached: unit -> unit) =

/// <summary>Set the visibility of the vertical scroll bar</summary>
/// <param name="this">Current widget</param>
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ module ActivityIndicatorBuilders =

/// <summary>Create an ActivityIndicator widget with a running state</summary>
/// <param name="isRunning">The running state</param>
static member inline ActivityIndicator<'msg>(isRunning: bool) =
static member inline ActivityIndicator(isRunning: bool) =
WidgetBuilder<'msg, IFabActivityIndicator>(ActivityIndicator.WidgetKey, ActivityIndicator.IsRunning.WithValue(isRunning))

2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion src/Fabulous.MauiControls/Views/Controls/BoxView.fs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ module BoxViewBuilders =

/// <summary>Create a BoxView widget with a color</summary>
/// <param name="color">The color value</param>
static member inline BoxView<'msg>(color: Color) =
static member inline BoxView(color: Color) =
WidgetBuilder<'msg, IFabBoxView>(BoxView.WidgetKey, BoxView.Color.WithValue(color))

46 changes: 33 additions & 13 deletions src/Fabulous.MauiControls/Views/Controls/Button.fs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -21,11 +21,11 @@ module Button =
let CharacterSpacing =
Attributes.defineBindableFloat Button.CharacterSpacingProperty

let Clicked =
Attributes.defineEventNoArg "Button_Clicked" (fun target -> (target :?> Button).Clicked)
let ClickedMsg =
Attributes.defineEventNoArg "Button_ClickedMsg" (fun target -> (target :?> Button).Clicked)

let Clicked' =
Attributes.defineEventNoArgNoDispatch "Button_Clicked" (fun target -> (target :?> Button).Clicked)
let ClickedFn =
Attributes.defineEventNoArgNoDispatch "Button_ClickedFn" (fun target -> (target :?> Button).Clicked)

let ContentLayout =
Attributes.defineBindableWithEquality<Button.ButtonContentLayout> Button.ContentLayoutProperty
@@ -51,11 +51,17 @@ module Button =
let Padding =
Attributes.defineBindableWithEquality<Thickness> Button.PaddingProperty

let Pressed =
Attributes.defineEventNoArg "Button_Pressed" (fun target -> (target :?> Button).Pressed)
let PressedMsg =
Attributes.defineEventNoArg "Button_PressedMsg" (fun target -> (target :?> Button).Pressed)

let Released =
Attributes.defineEventNoArg "Button_Released" (fun target -> (target :?> Button).Released)
let PressedFn =
Attributes.defineEventNoArgNoDispatch "Button_PressedFn" (fun target -> (target :?> Button).Pressed)

let ReleasedMsg =
Attributes.defineEventNoArg "Button_ReleasedMsg" (fun target -> (target :?> Button).Released)

let ReleasedFn =
Attributes.defineEventNoArgNoDispatch "Button_ReleasedFn" (fun target -> (target :?> Button).Released)

let Text = Attributes.defineBindableWithEquality<string> Button.TextProperty

@@ -71,14 +77,14 @@ module ButtonBuilders =
/// <summary>Create a Button widget with a text and listen for the Click event</summary>
/// <param name="text">The button on the tex</param>
/// <param name="onClicked">Message to dispatch</param>
static member inline Button<'msg>(text: string, onClicked: 'msg) =
WidgetBuilder<'msg, IFabButton>(Button.WidgetKey, Button.Text.WithValue(text), Button.Clicked.WithValue(MsgValue(onClicked)))
static member inline Button(text: string, onClicked: 'msg) =
WidgetBuilder<'msg, IFabButton>(Button.WidgetKey, Button.Text.WithValue(text), Button.ClickedMsg.WithValue(MsgValue(onClicked)))

/// <summary>Create a Button widget with a text and listen for the Click event</summary>
/// <param name="text">The button on the tex</param>
/// <param name="onClicked">Function to execute</param>
static member inline Button(text: string, onClicked: unit -> unit) =
WidgetBuilder<unit, IFabButton>(Button.WidgetKey, Button.Text.WithValue(text), Button.Clicked'.WithValue(onClicked))
WidgetBuilder<'msg, IFabButton>(Button.WidgetKey, Button.Text.WithValue(text), Button.ClickedFn.WithValue(onClicked))

type ButtonModifiers =
@@ -178,14 +184,28 @@ type ButtonModifiers =
/// <param name="msg">Message to dispatch</param>
static member inline onPressed(this: WidgetBuilder<'msg, #IFabButton>, msg: 'msg) =

/// <summary>Listen for the Pressed event</summary>
/// <param name="this">Current widget</param>
/// <param name="fn">Function to execute</param>
static member inline onPressed(this: WidgetBuilder<'msg, #IFabButton>, fn: unit -> unit) =

/// <summary>Listen for the Released event</summary>
/// <param name="this">Current widget</param>
/// <param name="msg">Message to dispatch</param>
static member inline onReleased(this: WidgetBuilder<'msg, #IFabButton>, msg: 'msg) =

/// <summary>Listen for the Released event</summary>
/// <param name="this">Current widget</param>
/// <param name="fn">Function to execute</param>
static member inline onReleased(this: WidgetBuilder<'msg, #IFabButton>, fn: unit -> unit) =

/// <summary>Set the padding inside the button</summary>
/// <param name="this">Current widget</param>
20 changes: 16 additions & 4 deletions src/Fabulous.MauiControls/Views/Controls/CheckBox.fs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -13,8 +13,11 @@ module CheckBox =

let Color = Attributes.defineBindableColor CheckBox.ColorProperty

let IsCheckedWithEvent =
Attributes.defineBindableWithEvent "CheckBox_CheckedChanged" CheckBox.IsCheckedProperty (fun target -> (target :?> CheckBox).CheckedChanged)
let IsCheckedWithEventMsg =
Attributes.defineBindableWithEvent "CheckBox_CheckedChangedMsg" CheckBox.IsCheckedProperty (fun target -> (target :?> CheckBox).CheckedChanged)

let IsCheckedWithEventFn =
Attributes.defineBindableWithEventNoDispatch "CheckBox_CheckedChangedFn" CheckBox.IsCheckedProperty (fun target -> (target :?> CheckBox).CheckedChanged)

module CheckBoxBuilders =
@@ -23,10 +26,19 @@ module CheckBoxBuilders =
/// <summary>Create a CheckBox widget with a state and listen for state changes</summary>
/// <param name="isChecked">The state of the checkbox</param>
/// <param name="onCheckedChanged">Message to dispatch</param>
static member inline CheckBox<'msg>(isChecked: bool, onCheckedChanged: bool -> 'msg) =
static member inline CheckBox(isChecked: bool, onCheckedChanged: bool -> 'msg) =
WidgetBuilder<'msg, IFabCheckBox>(
CheckBox.IsCheckedWithEventMsg.WithValue(MsgValueEventData.create isChecked (fun (args: CheckedChangedEventArgs) -> onCheckedChanged args.Value))

/// <summary>Create a CheckBox widget with a state and listen for state changes</summary>
/// <param name="isChecked">The state of the checkbox</param>
/// <param name="onCheckedChanged">Message to dispatch</param>
static member inline CheckBox(isChecked: bool, onCheckedChanged: bool -> unit) =
WidgetBuilder<'msg, IFabCheckBox>(
CheckBox.IsCheckedWithEvent.WithValue(ValueEventData.create isChecked (fun (args: CheckedChangedEventArgs) -> onCheckedChanged args.Value))
CheckBox.IsCheckedWithEventFn.WithValue(ValueEventData.create isChecked (fun (args: CheckedChangedEventArgs) -> onCheckedChanged args.Value))

73 changes: 68 additions & 5 deletions src/Fabulous.MauiControls/Views/Controls/DatePicker.fs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -16,16 +16,16 @@ module DatePicker =
let CharacterSpacing =
Attributes.defineBindableFloat DatePicker.CharacterSpacingProperty

let DateWithEvent =
let name = "DatePicker_DateSelected"
let DateWithEventMsg =
let name = "DatePicker_DateSelectedMsg"
let minProperty = DatePicker.MinimumDateProperty
let valueProperty = DatePicker.DateProperty
let maxProperty = DatePicker.MaximumDateProperty

let key =
(fun oldValueOpt (newValueOpt: ValueEventData<struct (DateTime * DateTime * DateTime), DateChangedEventArgs> voption) node ->
(fun oldValueOpt (newValueOpt: MsgValueEventData<struct (DateTime * DateTime * DateTime), DateChangedEventArgs> voption) node ->
let target = node.Target :?> DatePicker

match newValueOpt with
@@ -65,6 +65,56 @@ module DatePicker =
|> AttributeDefinitionStore.registerScalar

{ Key = key; Name = name }
: ScalarAttributeDefinitions.SimpleScalarAttributeDefinition<MsgValueEventData<struct (DateTime * DateTime * DateTime), DateChangedEventArgs>>

let DateWithEventFn =
let name = "DatePicker_DateSelectedFn"
let minProperty = DatePicker.MinimumDateProperty
let valueProperty = DatePicker.DateProperty
let maxProperty = DatePicker.MaximumDateProperty

let key =
(fun oldValueOpt (newValueOpt: ValueEventData<struct (DateTime * DateTime * DateTime), DateChangedEventArgs> voption) node ->
let target = node.Target :?> DatePicker

match newValueOpt with
| ValueNone ->
// The attribute is no longer applied, so we clean up the event
match node.TryGetHandler(name) with
| ValueNone -> ()
| ValueSome handler -> handler.Dispose()

// Only clear the property if a value was set before
match oldValueOpt with
| ValueNone -> ()
| ValueSome _ ->

| ValueSome curr ->
// Clean up the old event handler if any
match node.TryGetHandler(name) with
| ValueNone -> ()
| ValueSome handler -> handler.Dispose()

// Set the new value
let struct (min, max, value) = curr.Value
target.SetValue(minProperty, min)
target.SetValue(maxProperty, max)
target.SetValue(valueProperty, value)

// Set the new event handler
let handler =

node.SetHandler(name, handler))
|> AttributeDefinitionStore.registerScalar

{ Key = key; Name = name }
: ScalarAttributeDefinitions.SimpleScalarAttributeDefinition<ValueEventData<struct (DateTime * DateTime * DateTime), DateChangedEventArgs>>

@@ -104,10 +154,23 @@ module DatePickerBuilders =
/// <param name="max">The maximum date allowed</param>
/// <param name="date">The selected date</param>
/// <param name="onDateSelected">Message to dispatch</param>
static member inline DatePicker<'msg>(min: DateTime, max: DateTime, date: DateTime, onDateSelected: DateTime -> 'msg) =
static member inline DatePicker(min: DateTime, max: DateTime, date: DateTime, onDateSelected: DateTime -> 'msg) =
WidgetBuilder<'msg, IFabDatePicker>(
MsgValueEventData.create (struct (min, max, date)) (fun (args: DateChangedEventArgs) -> onDateSelected args.NewDate)

/// <summary>Create a DatePicker widget with a date, min-max bounds and listen for the date changes</summary>
/// <param name="min">The minimum date allowed</param>
/// <param name="max">The maximum date allowed</param>
/// <param name="date">The selected date</param>
/// <param name="onDateSelected">Message to dispatch</param>
static member inline DatePicker(min: DateTime, max: DateTime, date: DateTime, onDateSelected: DateTime -> unit) =
WidgetBuilder<'msg, IFabDatePicker>(
ValueEventData.create (struct (min, max, date)) (fun (args: DateChangedEventArgs) -> onDateSelected args.NewDate)
29 changes: 24 additions & 5 deletions src/Fabulous.MauiControls/Views/Controls/Editor.fs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -14,8 +14,11 @@ module Editor =
let AutoSize =
Attributes.defineBindableEnum<EditorAutoSizeOption> Editor.AutoSizeProperty

let Completed =
Attributes.defineEventNoArg "Editor_Completed" (fun target -> (target :?> Editor).Completed)
let CompletedMsg =
Attributes.defineEventNoArg "Editor_CompletedMsg" (fun target -> (target :?> Editor).Completed)

let CompletedFn =
Attributes.defineEventNoArgNoDispatch "Editor_CompletedFn" (fun target -> (target :?> Editor).Completed)

let CursorPosition = Attributes.defineBindableInt Editor.CursorPositionProperty

@@ -48,10 +51,19 @@ module EditorBuilders =
/// <summary>Create an Editor widget with a text and listen for text changes</summary>
/// <param name="text">The text value</param>
/// <param name="onTextChanged">Message to dispatch</param>
static member inline Editor<'msg>(text: string, onTextChanged: string -> 'msg) =
static member inline Editor(text: string, onTextChanged: string -> 'msg) =
WidgetBuilder<'msg, IFabEditor>(
InputView.TextWithEventMsg.WithValue(MsgValueEventData.create text (fun (args: TextChangedEventArgs) -> onTextChanged args.NewTextValue))

/// <summary>Create an Editor widget with a text and listen for text changes</summary>
/// <param name="text">The text value</param>
/// <param name="onTextChanged">Message to dispatch</param>
static member inline Editor(text: string, onTextChanged: string -> unit) =
WidgetBuilder<'msg, IFabEditor>(
InputView.TextWithEvent.WithValue(ValueEventData.create text (fun (args: TextChangedEventArgs) -> onTextChanged args.NewTextValue))
InputView.TextWithEventFn.WithValue(ValueEventData.create text (fun (args: TextChangedEventArgs) -> onTextChanged args.NewTextValue))

@@ -125,7 +137,14 @@ type EditorModifiers =
/// <param name="msg">Message to dispatch</param>
static member inline onCompleted(this: WidgetBuilder<'msg, #IFabEditor>, msg: 'msg) =

/// <summary>Listen for the Completed event</summary>
/// <param name="this">Current widget</param>
/// <param name="fn">Function to execute</param>
static member inline onCompleted(this: WidgetBuilder<'msg, #IFabEditor>, fn: unit -> unit) =

/// <summary>Set the selection length</summary>
/// <param name="this">Current widget</param>
29 changes: 24 additions & 5 deletions src/Fabulous.MauiControls/Views/Controls/Entry.fs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -16,8 +16,11 @@ module Entry =
let ClearButtonVisibility =
Attributes.defineBindableEnum<ClearButtonVisibility> Entry.ClearButtonVisibilityProperty

let Completed =
Attributes.defineEventNoArg "Entry_Completed" (fun target -> (target :?> Entry).Completed)
let CompletedMsg =
Attributes.defineEventNoArg "Entry_CompletedMsg" (fun target -> (target :?> Entry).Completed)

let CompletedFn =
Attributes.defineEventNoArgNoDispatch "Entry_CompletedFn" (fun target -> (target :?> Entry).Completed)

let CursorPosition = Attributes.defineBindableInt Entry.CursorPositionProperty

@@ -66,10 +69,19 @@ module EntryBuilders =
/// <summary>Create an Entry widget with a text and listen for text changes</summary>
/// <param name="text">The text value</param>
/// <param name="onTextChanged">Message to dispatch</param>
static member inline Entry<'msg>(text: string, onTextChanged: string -> 'msg) =
static member inline Entry(text: string, onTextChanged: string -> 'msg) =
WidgetBuilder<'msg, IFabEntry>(
InputView.TextWithEventMsg.WithValue(MsgValueEventData.create text (fun (args: TextChangedEventArgs) -> onTextChanged args.NewTextValue))

/// <summary>Create an Entry widget with a text and listen for text changes</summary>
/// <param name="text">The text value</param>
/// <param name="onTextChanged">Message to dispatch</param>
static member inline Entry(text: string, onTextChanged: string -> unit) =
WidgetBuilder<'msg, IFabEntry>(
InputView.TextWithEvent.WithValue(ValueEventData.create text (fun (args: TextChangedEventArgs) -> onTextChanged args.NewTextValue))
InputView.TextWithEventFn.WithValue(ValueEventData.create text (fun (args: TextChangedEventArgs) -> onTextChanged args.NewTextValue))

@@ -150,7 +162,14 @@ type EntryModifiers =
/// <param name="msg">Message to dispatch</param>
static member inline onCompleted(this: WidgetBuilder<'msg, #IFabEntry>, msg: 'msg) =

/// <summary>Listen for the Completed event</summary>
/// <param name="this">Current widget</param>
/// <param name="fn">Function to execute</param>
static member inline onCompleted(this: WidgetBuilder<'msg, #IFabEntry>, fn: unit -> unit) =

/// <summary>Set the return type of the keyboard</summary>
/// <param name="this">Current widget</param>
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion src/Fabulous.MauiControls/Views/Controls/FormattedLabel.fs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ module FormattedLabelBuilders =
type Fabulous.Maui.View with

/// <summary>Create a FormattedLabel widget</summary>
static member inline FormattedLabel<'msg>() =
static member inline FormattedLabel() =
CollectionBuilder<'msg, IFabFormattedLabel, IFabSpan>(FormattedLabel.WidgetKey, FormattedLabel.Spans)

114 changes: 92 additions & 22 deletions src/Fabulous.MauiControls/Views/Controls/GraphicsView.fs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -11,29 +11,50 @@ type IGraphicsView =
module GraphicsView =
let WidgetKey = Widgets.register<GraphicsView>()

let CancelInteraction =
Attributes.defineEventNoArg "GraphicsView_CancelInteraction" (fun target -> (target :?> GraphicsView).CancelInteraction)
let CancelInteractionMsg =
Attributes.defineEventNoArg "GraphicsView_CancelInteractionMsg" (fun target -> (target :?> GraphicsView).CancelInteraction)

let DragInteraction =
Attributes.defineEvent<TouchEventArgs> "GraphicsView_DragInteraction" (fun target -> (target :?> GraphicsView).DragInteraction)
let CancelInteractionFn =
Attributes.defineEventNoArgNoDispatch "GraphicsView_CancelInteractionFn" (fun target -> (target :?> GraphicsView).CancelInteraction)

let DragInteractionMsg =
Attributes.defineEvent<TouchEventArgs> "GraphicsView_DragInteractionMsg" (fun target -> (target :?> GraphicsView).DragInteraction)

let DragInteractionFn =
Attributes.defineEventNoDispatch<TouchEventArgs> "GraphicsView_DragInteractionFn" (fun target -> (target :?> GraphicsView).DragInteraction)

let Drawable =
Attributes.defineBindableWithEquality<IDrawable> GraphicsView.DrawableProperty

let EndHoverInteraction =
Attributes.defineEventNoArg "GraphicsView_EndHoverInteraction" (fun target -> (target :?> GraphicsView).EndHoverInteraction)
let EndHoverInteractionMsg =
Attributes.defineEventNoArg "GraphicsView_EndHoverInteractionMsg" (fun target -> (target :?> GraphicsView).EndHoverInteraction)

let EndHoverInteractionFn =
Attributes.defineEventNoArgNoDispatch "GraphicsView_EndHoverInteractionFn" (fun target -> (target :?> GraphicsView).EndHoverInteraction)

let EndInteractionMsg =
Attributes.defineEvent<TouchEventArgs> "GraphicsView_EndInteractionMsg" (fun target -> (target :?> GraphicsView).EndInteraction)

let EndInteractionFn =
Attributes.defineEventNoDispatch<TouchEventArgs> "GraphicsView_EndInteractionFn" (fun target -> (target :?> GraphicsView).EndInteraction)

let EndInteraction =
Attributes.defineEvent<TouchEventArgs> "GraphicsView_EndInteraction" (fun target -> (target :?> GraphicsView).EndInteraction)
let MoveHoverInteractionMsg =
Attributes.defineEvent<TouchEventArgs> "GraphicsView_MoveHoverInteractionMsg" (fun target -> (target :?> GraphicsView).MoveHoverInteraction)

let MoveHoverInteraction =
Attributes.defineEvent<TouchEventArgs> "GraphicsView_MoveHoverInteraction" (fun target -> (target :?> GraphicsView).MoveHoverInteraction)
let MoveHoverInteractionFn =
Attributes.defineEventNoDispatch<TouchEventArgs> "GraphicsView_MoveHoverInteractionFn" (fun target -> (target :?> GraphicsView).MoveHoverInteraction)

let StartHoverInteraction =
Attributes.defineEvent<TouchEventArgs> "GraphicsView_StartHoverInteraction" (fun target -> (target :?> GraphicsView).StartHoverInteraction)
let StartHoverInteractionMsg =
Attributes.defineEvent<TouchEventArgs> "GraphicsView_StartHoverInteractionMsg" (fun target -> (target :?> GraphicsView).StartHoverInteraction)

let StartInteraction =
Attributes.defineEvent<TouchEventArgs> "GraphicsView_StartInteraction" (fun target -> (target :?> GraphicsView).StartInteraction)
let StartHoverInteractionFn =
Attributes.defineEventNoDispatch<TouchEventArgs> "GraphicsView_StartHoverInteractionFn" (fun target -> (target :?> GraphicsView).StartHoverInteraction)

let StartInteractionMsg =
Attributes.defineEvent<TouchEventArgs> "GraphicsView_StartInteractionMsg" (fun target -> (target :?> GraphicsView).StartInteraction)

let StartInteractionFn =
Attributes.defineEventNoDispatch<TouchEventArgs> "GraphicsView_StartInteractionFn" (fun target -> (target :?> GraphicsView).StartInteraction)

module GraphicsViewBuilders =
@@ -42,7 +63,7 @@ module GraphicsViewBuilders =

/// <summary>Create a GraphicsView widget with a drawable content</summary>
/// <param name="drawable">The drawable content</param>
static member inline GraphicsView<'msg>(drawable: IDrawable) =
static member inline GraphicsView(drawable: IDrawable) =
WidgetBuilder<'msg, IGraphicsView>(GraphicsView.WidgetKey, GraphicsView.Drawable.WithValue(drawable))

@@ -52,46 +73,95 @@ type GraphicsViewModifiers =
/// <param name="msg">Message to dispatch</param>
static member inline onCancelInteraction(this: WidgetBuilder<'msg, #IGraphicsView>, msg: 'msg) =

/// <summary>Listen for the CancelInteraction event, which is raised when the press that made contact with the GraphicsView loses contact</summary>
/// <param name="this">Current widget</param>
/// <param name="fn">Function to execute</param>
static member inline onCancelInteraction(this: WidgetBuilder<'msg, #IGraphicsView>, fn: unit -> unit) =

/// <summary>Listen for the DragInteraction event, with TouchEventArgs, which is raised when the GraphicsView is dragged</summary>
/// <param name="this">Current widget</param>
/// <param name="fn">Message to dispatch</param>
static member inline onDragInteraction(this: WidgetBuilder<'msg, #IGraphicsView>, fn: TouchEventArgs -> 'msg) =
this.AddScalar(GraphicsView.DragInteraction.WithValue(fun args -> fn args |> box))
this.AddScalar(GraphicsView.DragInteractionMsg.WithValue(fun args -> fn args |> box))

/// <summary>Listen for the DragInteraction event, with TouchEventArgs, which is raised when the GraphicsView is dragged</summary>
/// <param name="this">Current widget</param>
/// <param name="fn">Message to dispatch</param>
static member inline onDragInteraction(this: WidgetBuilder<'msg, #IGraphicsView>, fn: TouchEventArgs -> unit) =

/// <summary>Listen for the EndHoverInteraction event, which is raised when a pointer leaves the hit test area of the GraphicsView</summary>
/// <param name="this">Current widget</param>
/// <param name="msg">Message to dispatch</param>
static member inline onEndHoverInteraction(this: WidgetBuilder<'msg, #IGraphicsView>, msg: 'msg) =

/// <summary>Listen for the EndHoverInteraction event, which is raised when a pointer leaves the hit test area of the GraphicsView</summary>
/// <param name="this">Current widget</param>
/// <param name="fn">Function to execute</param>
static member inline onEndHoverInteraction(this: WidgetBuilder<'msg, #IGraphicsView>, fn: unit -> unit) =

/// <summary>Listen for the EndInteraction event, with TouchEventArgs, which is raised when the press that raised the StartInteraction event is released</summary>
/// <param name="this">Current widget</param>
/// <param name="fn">Message to dispatch</param>
static member inline onEndInteraction(this: WidgetBuilder<'msg, #IGraphicsView>, fn: TouchEventArgs -> 'msg) =
this.AddScalar(GraphicsView.EndInteraction.WithValue(fun args -> fn args |> box))
this.AddScalar(GraphicsView.EndInteractionMsg.WithValue(fun args -> fn args |> box))

/// <summary>Listen for the EndInteraction event, with TouchEventArgs, which is raised when the press that raised the StartInteraction event is released</summary>
/// <param name="this">Current widget</param>
/// <param name="fn">Message to dispatch</param>
static member inline onEndInteraction(this: WidgetBuilder<'msg, #IGraphicsView>, fn: TouchEventArgs -> unit) =

/// <summary>Listen for the MoveHoverInteraction event, with TouchEventArgs, which is raised when a pointer moves while the pointer remains within the hit test area of the GraphicsView</summary>
/// <param name="this">Current widget</param>
/// <param name="fn">Message to dispatch</param>
static member inline onMoveHoverInteraction(this: WidgetBuilder<'msg, #IGraphicsView>, fn: TouchEventArgs -> 'msg) =
this.AddScalar(GraphicsView.MoveHoverInteraction.WithValue(fun args -> fn args |> box))
this.AddScalar(GraphicsView.MoveHoverInteractionMsg.WithValue(fun args -> fn args |> box))

/// <summary>Listen for the MoveHoverInteraction event, with TouchEventArgs, which is raised when a pointer moves while the pointer remains within the hit test area of the GraphicsView</summary>
/// <param name="this">Current widget</param>
/// <param name="fn">Message to dispatch</param>
static member inline onMoveHoverInteraction(this: WidgetBuilder<'msg, #IGraphicsView>, fn: TouchEventArgs -> unit) =

/// <summary>Listen for the StartHoverInteraction event, with TouchEventArgs, which is raised when a pointer enters the hit test area of the GraphicsView</summary>
/// <param name="this">Current widget</param>
/// <param name="fn">Message to dispatch</param>
static member inline onStartHoverInteraction(this: WidgetBuilder<'msg, #IGraphicsView>, fn: TouchEventArgs -> 'msg) =
this.AddScalar(GraphicsView.StartHoverInteraction.WithValue(fun args -> fn args |> box))
this.AddScalar(GraphicsView.StartHoverInteractionMsg.WithValue(fun args -> fn args |> box))

/// <summary>Listen for the StartHoverInteraction event, with TouchEventArgs, which is raised when a pointer enters the hit test area of the GraphicsView</summary>
/// <param name="this">Current widget</param>
/// <param name="fn">Message to dispatch</param>
static member inline onStartHoverInteraction(this: WidgetBuilder<'msg, #IGraphicsView>, fn: TouchEventArgs -> unit) =

/// <summary>Listen for the StartInteraction event, with TouchEventArgs, which is raised when the GraphicsView is pressed</summary>
/// <param name="this">Current widget</param>
/// <param name="fn">Message to dispatch</param>
static member inline onStartInteraction(this: WidgetBuilder<'msg, #IGraphicsView>, fn: TouchEventArgs -> 'msg) =
this.AddScalar(GraphicsView.StartInteraction.WithValue(fun args -> fn args |> box))
this.AddScalar(GraphicsView.StartInteractionMsg.WithValue(fun args -> fn args |> box))

/// <summary>Listen for the StartInteraction event, with TouchEventArgs, which is raised when the GraphicsView is pressed</summary>
/// <param name="this">Current widget</param>
/// <param name="fn">Message to dispatch</param>
static member inline onStartInteraction(this: WidgetBuilder<'msg, #IGraphicsView>, fn: TouchEventArgs -> unit) =
16 changes: 8 additions & 8 deletions src/Fabulous.MauiControls/Views/Controls/Image.fs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -30,46 +30,46 @@ module ImageBuilders =

/// <summary>Create an Image widget with a source</summary>
/// <param name="source">The image source</param>
static member inline Image<'msg>(source: ImageSource) =
static member inline Image(source: ImageSource) =
WidgetBuilder<'msg, IFabImage>(Image.WidgetKey, Image.Source.WithValue(ImageSourceValue.Source source))

/// <summary>Create an Image widget with a source and an aspect</summary>
/// <param name="source">The image source</param>
/// <param name="aspect">The image aspect</param>
static member inline Image<'msg>(source: ImageSource, aspect: Aspect) =
static member inline Image(source: ImageSource, aspect: Aspect) =
WidgetBuilder<'msg, IFabImage>(Image.WidgetKey, Image.Source.WithValue(ImageSourceValue.Source source), Image.Aspect.WithValue(aspect))

/// <summary>Create an Image widget with a source</summary>
/// <param name="source">The image source</param>
static member inline Image<'msg>(source: string) =
static member inline Image(source: string) =
WidgetBuilder<'msg, IFabImage>(Image.WidgetKey, Image.Source.WithValue(ImageSourceValue.File source))

/// <summary>Create an Image widget with a source and an aspect</summary>
/// <param name="source">The image source</param>
/// <param name="aspect">The image aspect</param>
static member inline Image<'msg>(source: string, aspect: Aspect) =
static member inline Image(source: string, aspect: Aspect) =
WidgetBuilder<'msg, IFabImage>(Image.WidgetKey, Image.Source.WithValue(ImageSourceValue.File source), Image.Aspect.WithValue(aspect))

/// <summary>Create an Image widget with a source</summary>
/// <param name="source">The image source</param>
static member inline Image<'msg>(source: Uri) =
static member inline Image(source: Uri) =
WidgetBuilder<'msg, IFabImage>(Image.WidgetKey, Image.Source.WithValue(ImageSourceValue.Uri source))

/// <summary>Create an Image widget with a source and an aspect</summary>
/// <param name="source">The image source</param>
/// <param name="aspect">The image aspect</param>
static member inline Image<'msg>(source: Uri, aspect: Aspect) =
static member inline Image(source: Uri, aspect: Aspect) =
WidgetBuilder<'msg, IFabImage>(Image.WidgetKey, Image.Source.WithValue(ImageSourceValue.Uri source), Image.Aspect.WithValue(aspect))

/// <summary>Create an Image widget with a source</summary>
/// <param name="source">The image source</param>
static member inline Image<'msg>(source: Stream) =
static member inline Image(source: Stream) =
WidgetBuilder<'msg, IFabImage>(Image.WidgetKey, Image.Source.WithValue(ImageSourceValue.Stream source))

/// <summary>Create an Image widget with a source and an aspect</summary>
/// <param name="source">The image source</param>
/// <param name="aspect">The image aspect</param>
static member inline Image<'msg>(source: Stream, aspect: Aspect) =
static member inline Image(source: Stream, aspect: Aspect) =
WidgetBuilder<'msg, IFabImage>(Image.WidgetKey, Image.Source.WithValue(ImageSourceValue.Stream source), Image.Aspect.WithValue(aspect))

159 changes: 135 additions & 24 deletions src/Fabulous.MauiControls/Views/Controls/ImageButton.fs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -21,8 +21,11 @@ module ImageButton =

let BorderWidth = Attributes.defineBindableFloat ImageButton.BorderWidthProperty

let Clicked =
Attributes.defineEventNoArg "ImageButton_Clicked" (fun target -> (target :?> ImageButton).Clicked)
let ClickedMsg =
Attributes.defineEventNoArg "ImageButton_ClickedMsg" (fun target -> (target :?> ImageButton).Clicked)

let ClickedFn =
Attributes.defineEventNoArgNoDispatch "ImageButton_ClickedFn" (fun target -> (target :?> ImageButton).Clicked)

let CornerRadius = Attributes.defineBindableFloat ImageButton.CornerRadiusProperty

@@ -35,11 +38,17 @@ module ImageButton =
let Padding =
Attributes.defineBindableWithEquality<Thickness> ImageButton.PaddingProperty

let Pressed =
Attributes.defineEventNoArg "ImageButton_Pressed" (fun target -> (target :?> ImageButton).Pressed)
let PressedMsg =
Attributes.defineEventNoArg "ImageButton_PressedMsg" (fun target -> (target :?> ImageButton).Pressed)

let PressedFn =
Attributes.defineEventNoArgNoDispatch "ImageButton_PressedFn" (fun target -> (target :?> ImageButton).Pressed)

let ReleasedMsg =
Attributes.defineEventNoArg "ImageButton_ReleasedMsg" (fun target -> (target :?> ImageButton).Released)

let Released =
Attributes.defineEventNoArg "ImageButton_Released" (fun target -> (target :?> ImageButton).Released)
let ReleasedFn =
Attributes.defineEventNoArgNoDispatch "ImageButton_ReleasedFn" (fun target -> (target :?> ImageButton).Released)

let Source = Attributes.defineBindableImageSource ImageButton.SourceProperty

@@ -50,87 +59,175 @@ module ImageButtonBuilders =
/// <summary>Create an ImageButton with an image source and listen for the Click event</summary>
/// <param name="source">The image source</param>
/// <param name="onClicked">Message to dispatch</param>
static member inline ImageButton<'msg>(source: ImageSource, onClicked: 'msg) =
static member inline ImageButton(source: ImageSource, onClicked: 'msg) =
WidgetBuilder<'msg, IFabImageButton>(
ImageButton.Source.WithValue(ImageSourceValue.Source source)

/// <summary>Create an ImageButton with an image source and an aspect and listen for the Click event</summary>
/// <param name="source">The image source</param>
/// <param name="onClicked">Message to dispatch</param>
/// <param name="aspect">The aspect value</param>
static member inline ImageButton<'msg>(source: ImageSource, onClicked: 'msg, aspect: Aspect) =
static member inline ImageButton(source: ImageSource, onClicked: 'msg, aspect: Aspect) =
WidgetBuilder<'msg, IFabImageButton>(
ImageButton.Source.WithValue(ImageSourceValue.Source source),

/// <summary>Create an ImageButton with an image source and listen for the Click event</summary>
/// <param name="source">The image source</param>
/// <param name="onClicked">Message to dispatch</param>
static member inline ImageButton<'msg>(source: string, onClicked: 'msg) =
static member inline ImageButton(source: string, onClicked: 'msg) =
WidgetBuilder<'msg, IFabImageButton>(
ImageButton.Source.WithValue(ImageSourceValue.File source)

/// <summary>Create an ImageButton with an image source and an aspect and listen for the Click event</summary>
/// <param name="source">The image source</param>
/// <param name="onClicked">Message to dispatch</param>
/// <param name="aspect">The aspect value</param>
static member inline ImageButton<'msg>(source: string, onClicked: 'msg, aspect: Aspect) =
static member inline ImageButton(source: string, onClicked: 'msg, aspect: Aspect) =
WidgetBuilder<'msg, IFabImageButton>(
ImageButton.Source.WithValue(ImageSourceValue.File source),

/// <summary>Create an ImageButton with an image source and listen for the Click event</summary>
/// <param name="source">The image source</param>
/// <param name="onClicked">Message to dispatch</param>
static member inline ImageButton<'msg>(source: Uri, onClicked: 'msg) =
static member inline ImageButton(source: Uri, onClicked: 'msg) =
WidgetBuilder<'msg, IFabImageButton>(
ImageButton.Source.WithValue(ImageSourceValue.Uri source)

/// <summary>Create an ImageButton with an image source and an aspect and listen for the Click event</summary>
/// <param name="source">The image source</param>
/// <param name="onClicked">Message to dispatch</param>
/// <param name="aspect">The aspect value</param>
static member inline ImageButton<'msg>(source: Uri, onClicked: 'msg, aspect: Aspect) =
static member inline ImageButton(source: Uri, onClicked: 'msg, aspect: Aspect) =
WidgetBuilder<'msg, IFabImageButton>(
ImageButton.Source.WithValue(ImageSourceValue.Uri source),

/// <summary>Create an ImageButton with an image source and listen for the Click event</summary>
/// <param name="source">The image source</param>
/// <param name="onClicked">Message to dispatch</param>
static member inline ImageButton<'msg>(source: Stream, onClicked: 'msg) =
static member inline ImageButton(source: Stream, onClicked: 'msg) =
WidgetBuilder<'msg, IFabImageButton>(
ImageButton.Source.WithValue(ImageSourceValue.Stream source)

/// <summary>Create an ImageButton with an image source and an aspect and listen for the Click event</summary>
/// <param name="source">The image source</param>
/// <param name="onClicked">Message to dispatch</param>
/// <param name="aspect">The aspect value</param>
static member inline ImageButton<'msg>(source: Stream, onClicked: 'msg, aspect: Aspect) =
static member inline ImageButton(source: Stream, onClicked: 'msg, aspect: Aspect) =
WidgetBuilder<'msg, IFabImageButton>(
ImageButton.Source.WithValue(ImageSourceValue.Stream source),

/// <summary>Create an ImageButton with an image source and listen for the Click event</summary>
/// <param name="source">The image source</param>
/// <param name="onClicked">Message to dispatch</param>
static member inline ImageButton(source: ImageSource, onClicked: unit -> unit) =
WidgetBuilder<'msg, IFabImageButton>(
ImageButton.Source.WithValue(ImageSourceValue.Source source)

/// <summary>Create an ImageButton with an image source and an aspect and listen for the Click event</summary>
/// <param name="source">The image source</param>
/// <param name="onClicked">Message to dispatch</param>
/// <param name="aspect">The aspect value</param>
static member inline ImageButton(source: ImageSource, onClicked: unit -> unit, aspect: Aspect) =
WidgetBuilder<'msg, IFabImageButton>(
ImageButton.Source.WithValue(ImageSourceValue.Source source),

/// <summary>Create an ImageButton with an image source and listen for the Click event</summary>
/// <param name="source">The image source</param>
/// <param name="onClicked">Message to dispatch</param>
static member inline ImageButton(source: string, onClicked: unit -> unit) =
WidgetBuilder<'msg, IFabImageButton>(
ImageButton.Source.WithValue(ImageSourceValue.File source)

/// <summary>Create an ImageButton with an image source and an aspect and listen for the Click event</summary>
/// <param name="source">The image source</param>
/// <param name="onClicked">Message to dispatch</param>
/// <param name="aspect">The aspect value</param>
static member inline ImageButton(source: string, onClicked: unit -> unit, aspect: Aspect) =
WidgetBuilder<'msg, IFabImageButton>(
ImageButton.Source.WithValue(ImageSourceValue.File source),

/// <summary>Create an ImageButton with an image source and listen for the Click event</summary>
/// <param name="source">The image source</param>
/// <param name="onClicked">Message to dispatch</param>
static member inline ImageButton(source: Uri, onClicked: unit -> unit) =
WidgetBuilder<'msg, IFabImageButton>(
ImageButton.Source.WithValue(ImageSourceValue.Uri source)

/// <summary>Create an ImageButton with an image source and an aspect and listen for the Click event</summary>
/// <param name="source">The image source</param>
/// <param name="onClicked">Message to dispatch</param>
/// <param name="aspect">The aspect value</param>
static member inline ImageButton(source: Uri, onClicked: unit -> unit, aspect: Aspect) =
WidgetBuilder<'msg, IFabImageButton>(
ImageButton.Source.WithValue(ImageSourceValue.Uri source),

/// <summary>Create an ImageButton with an image source and listen for the Click event</summary>
/// <param name="source">The image source</param>
/// <param name="onClicked">Message to dispatch</param>
static member inline ImageButton(source: Stream, onClicked: unit -> unit) =
WidgetBuilder<'msg, IFabImageButton>(
ImageButton.Source.WithValue(ImageSourceValue.Stream source)

/// <summary>Create an ImageButton with an image source and an aspect and listen for the Click event</summary>
/// <param name="source">The image source</param>
/// <param name="onClicked">Message to dispatch</param>
/// <param name="aspect">The aspect value</param>
static member inline ImageButton(source: Stream, onClicked: unit -> unit, aspect: Aspect) =
WidgetBuilder<'msg, IFabImageButton>(
ImageButton.Source.WithValue(ImageSourceValue.Stream source),
@@ -184,14 +281,28 @@ type ImageButtonModifiers =
/// <param name="msg">Message to dispatch</param>
static member inline onPressed(this: WidgetBuilder<'msg, #IFabImageButton>, msg: 'msg) =

/// <summary>Listen for the Pressed event</summary>
/// <param name="this">Current widget</param>
/// <param name="fn">Function to execute</param>
static member inline onPressed(this: WidgetBuilder<'msg, #IFabImageButton>, fn: unit -> unit) =

/// <summary>Listen for the Released event</summary>
/// <param name="this">Current widget</param>
/// <param name="msg">Message to dispatch</param>
static member inline onReleased(this: WidgetBuilder<'msg, #IFabImageButton>, msg: 'msg) =

/// <summary>Listen for the Released event</summary>
/// <param name="this">Current widget</param>
/// <param name="fn">Function to execute</param>
static member inline onReleased(this: WidgetBuilder<'msg, #IFabImageButton>, fn: unit -> unit) =

/// <summary>Set the padding inside the button</summary>
/// <param name="this">Current widget</param>
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion src/Fabulous.MauiControls/Views/Controls/IndicatorView.fs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -43,7 +43,7 @@ module IndicatorViewBuilders =
type Fabulous.Maui.View with

/// <summary>Create an IndicatorView widget with a reference</summary>
static member inline IndicatorView<'msg>(reference: ViewRef<IndicatorView>) =
static member inline IndicatorView(reference: ViewRef<IndicatorView>) =
WidgetBuilder<'msg, IFabIndicatorView>(IndicatorView.WidgetKey, ViewRefAttributes.ViewRef.WithValue(reference.Unbox))

2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion src/Fabulous.MauiControls/Views/Controls/Label.fs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -58,7 +58,7 @@ module LabelBuilders =

/// <summary>Create a Label widget with a text</summary>
/// <param name="text">The text value</param>
static member inline Label<'msg>(text: string) =
static member inline Label(text: string) =
WidgetBuilder<'msg, IFabLabel>(Label.WidgetKey, Label.Text.WithValue(text))

25 changes: 21 additions & 4 deletions src/Fabulous.MauiControls/Views/Controls/Picker.fs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -67,8 +67,12 @@ module Picker =
| ValueNone -> target.ClearValue(Picker.ItemsSourceProperty)
| ValueSome value -> target.SetValue(Picker.ItemsSourceProperty, value))

let SelectedIndexWithEvent =
Attributes.defineBindableWithEvent "Picker_SelectedIndexChanged" Picker.SelectedIndexProperty (fun target ->
let SelectedIndexWithEventMsg =
Attributes.defineBindableWithEvent "Picker_SelectedIndexChangedMsg" Picker.SelectedIndexProperty (fun target ->
(target :?> FabPicker).CustomSelectedIndexChanged)

let SelectedIndexWithEventFn =
Attributes.defineBindableWithEventNoDispatch "Picker_SelectedIndexChangedFn" Picker.SelectedIndexProperty (fun target ->
(target :?> FabPicker).CustomSelectedIndexChanged)

let TextColor = Attributes.defineBindableColor Picker.TextColorProperty
@@ -100,11 +104,24 @@ module PickerBuilders =
/// <param name="items">The items list</param>
/// <param name="selectedIndex">The selected index</param>
/// <param name="onSelectedIndexChanged">Message to dispatch</param>
static member inline Picker<'msg>(items: string list, selectedIndex: int, onSelectedIndexChanged: int -> 'msg) =
static member inline Picker(items: string list, selectedIndex: int, onSelectedIndexChanged: int -> 'msg) =
WidgetBuilder<'msg, IFabPicker>(
Picker.ItemsSource.WithValue(Array.ofList items),
MsgValueEventData.create selectedIndex (fun (args: PositionChangedEventArgs) -> onSelectedIndexChanged args.CurrentPosition)

/// <summary>Create a Picker widget with a list of items, the selected index and listen to the selected index changes</summary>
/// <param name="items">The items list</param>
/// <param name="selectedIndex">The selected index</param>
/// <param name="onSelectedIndexChanged">Message to dispatch</param>
static member inline Picker(items: string list, selectedIndex: int, onSelectedIndexChanged: int -> unit) =
WidgetBuilder<'msg, IFabPicker>(
Picker.ItemsSource.WithValue(Array.ofList items),
ValueEventData.create selectedIndex (fun (args: PositionChangedEventArgs) -> onSelectedIndexChanged args.CurrentPosition)
4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions src/Fabulous.MauiControls/Views/Controls/ProgressBar.fs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -38,14 +38,14 @@ module ProgressBarBuilders =

/// <summary>Create a ProgressBar widget with a current progress value</summary>
/// <param name="progress">The progress value</param>
static member inline ProgressBar<'msg>(progress: float) =
static member inline ProgressBar(progress: float) =
WidgetBuilder<'msg, IFabProgressBar>(ProgressBar.WidgetKey, ProgressBar.Progress.WithValue(progress))

/// <summary>Create a ProgressBar widget with a progress value that will animate when changed</summary>
/// <param name="progress">The progress value</param>
/// <param name="duration">The duration of the animation</param>
/// <param name="easing">The easing of the animation</param>
static member inline ProgressBar<'msg>(progress: float, duration: int, easing: Easing) =
static member inline ProgressBar(progress: float, duration: int, easing: Easing) =
WidgetBuilder<'msg, IFabProgressBar>(
40 changes: 35 additions & 5 deletions src/Fabulous.MauiControls/Views/Controls/RadioButton.fs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -41,8 +41,11 @@ module RadioButton =
let GroupName =
Attributes.defineBindableWithEquality<string> RadioButton.GroupNameProperty

let IsCheckedWithEvent =
Attributes.defineBindableWithEvent "RadioButton_CheckedChanged" RadioButton.IsCheckedProperty (fun target -> (target :?> RadioButton).CheckedChanged)
let IsCheckedWithEventMsg =
Attributes.defineBindableWithEvent "RadioButton_CheckedChangedMsg" RadioButton.IsCheckedProperty (fun target -> (target :?> RadioButton).CheckedChanged)

let IsCheckedWithEventFn =
Attributes.defineBindableWithEventNoDispatch "RadioButton_CheckedChangedFn" RadioButton.IsCheckedProperty (fun target -> (target :?> RadioButton).CheckedChanged)

let TextColor = Attributes.defineBindableColor RadioButton.TextColorProperty

@@ -61,10 +64,21 @@ module RadioButtonBuilders =
/// <param name="content">The content</param>
/// <param name="isChecked">The checked state</param>
/// <param name="onChecked">Message to dispatch</param>
static member inline RadioButton<'msg>(content: string, isChecked: bool, onChecked: bool -> 'msg) =
static member inline RadioButton(content: string, isChecked: bool, onChecked: bool -> 'msg) =
WidgetBuilder<'msg, IFabRadioButton>(
RadioButton.IsCheckedWithEventMsg.WithValue(MsgValueEventData.create isChecked (fun (args: CheckedChangedEventArgs) -> onChecked args.Value)),

/// <summary>Create a RadioButton widget with a content, a checked state and listen for the checked state changes</summary>
/// <param name="content">The content</param>
/// <param name="isChecked">The checked state</param>
/// <param name="onChecked">Message to dispatch</param>
static member inline RadioButton(content: string, isChecked: bool, onChecked: bool -> unit) =
WidgetBuilder<'msg, IFabRadioButton>(
RadioButton.IsCheckedWithEvent.WithValue(ValueEventData.create isChecked (fun (args: CheckedChangedEventArgs) -> onChecked args.Value)),
RadioButton.IsCheckedWithEventFn.WithValue(ValueEventData.create isChecked (fun (args: CheckedChangedEventArgs) -> onChecked args.Value)),

@@ -77,7 +91,23 @@ module RadioButtonBuilders =
RadioButton.IsCheckedWithEvent.WithValue(ValueEventData.create isChecked (fun (args: CheckedChangedEventArgs) -> onChecked args.Value))
RadioButton.IsCheckedWithEventMsg.WithValue(MsgValueEventData.create isChecked (fun (args: CheckedChangedEventArgs) -> onChecked args.Value))
ValueSome [| RadioButton.ContentWidget.WithValue(content.Compile()) |],

/// <summary>Create a RadioButton widget with a content, a checked state and listen for the checked state changes</summary>
/// <param name="content">The content widget</param>
/// <param name="isChecked">The checked state</param>
/// <param name="onChecked">Message to dispatch</param>
static member inline RadioButton(content: WidgetBuilder<'msg, #IFabView>, isChecked: bool, onChecked: bool -> unit) =
WidgetBuilder<'msg, IFabRadioButton>(
RadioButton.IsCheckedWithEventFn.WithValue(ValueEventData.create isChecked (fun (args: CheckedChangedEventArgs) -> onChecked args.Value))
ValueSome [| RadioButton.ContentWidget.WithValue(content.Compile()) |],
24 changes: 19 additions & 5 deletions src/Fabulous.MauiControls/Views/Controls/SearchBar.fs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -34,8 +34,11 @@ module SearchBar =
let IsTextPredictionEnabled =
Attributes.defineBindableBool SearchBar.IsTextPredictionEnabledProperty

let SearchButtonPressed =
Attributes.defineEventNoArg "SearchBar_SearchButtonPressed" (fun target -> (target :?> SearchBar).SearchButtonPressed)
let SearchButtonPressedMsg =
Attributes.defineEventNoArg "SearchBar_SearchButtonPressedMsg" (fun target -> (target :?> SearchBar).SearchButtonPressed)

let SearchButtonPressedFn =
Attributes.defineEventNoArgNoDispatch "SearchBar_SearchButtonPressedFn" (fun target -> (target :?> SearchBar).SearchButtonPressed)

let SelectionLength = Attributes.defineBindableInt SearchBar.SelectionLengthProperty

@@ -50,11 +53,22 @@ module SearchBarBuilders =
/// <param name="text">The text value</param>
/// <param name="onTextChanged">Message to dispatch</param>
/// <param name="onSearchButtonPressed">Message to dispatch</param>
static member inline SearchBar<'msg>(text: string, onTextChanged: string -> 'msg, onSearchButtonPressed: 'msg) =
static member inline SearchBar(text: string, onTextChanged: string -> 'msg, onSearchButtonPressed: 'msg) =
WidgetBuilder<'msg, IFabSearchBar>(
InputView.TextWithEventMsg.WithValue(MsgValueEventData.create text (fun (args: TextChangedEventArgs) -> onTextChanged args.NewTextValue)),

/// <summary>Create a SearchBar widget with a text and listen for both text changes and search button presses</summary>
/// <param name="text">The text value</param>
/// <param name="onTextChanged">Message to dispatch</param>
/// <param name="onSearchButtonPressed">Message to dispatch</param>
static member inline SearchBar(text: string, onTextChanged: string -> unit, onSearchButtonPressed: unit -> unit) =
WidgetBuilder<'msg, IFabSearchBar>(
InputView.TextWithEvent.WithValue(ValueEventData.create text (fun (args: TextChangedEventArgs) -> onTextChanged args.NewTextValue)),
InputView.TextWithEventFn.WithValue(ValueEventData.create text (fun (args: TextChangedEventArgs) -> onTextChanged args.NewTextValue)),


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