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Type annotations update
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ncave authored and alfonsogarciacaro committed Sep 28, 2020
1 parent 898b532 commit d12cfcc
Showing 7 changed files with 144 additions and 241 deletions.
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion .vscode/launch.json
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -46,7 +46,7 @@
"name": "Run bench-compiler (.NET)",
"program": "${workspaceFolder}/src/fable-standalone/test/bench-compiler/bin/Debug/netcoreapp3.1/bench-compiler.dll",
// "args": ["${workspaceRoot}/tests/Main/Fable.Tests.fsproj", "out-tests"],
"args": ["${workspaceRoot}/../fable-test/fable-test.fsproj", "out-test"],
"args": ["${workspaceRoot}/../fable-test/fable-test.fsproj", "out-test", "--typescript"],
"cwd": "${workspaceFolder}/src/fable-standalone/test/bench-compiler"
3 changes: 1 addition & 2 deletions src/Fable.Transforms/AST/AST.Babel.fs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1112,12 +1112,11 @@ type ClassProperty(key, ?value, ?computed_, ?``static``, ?optional, ?typeAnnotat
printer.PrintOptional(": ", value)

type ClassImplements(id, ?typeParameters, ?loc) =
type ClassImplements(id, ?typeParameters) =
member _.Id: Identifier = id
member _.TypeParameters: TypeParameterInstantiation option = typeParameters
interface Expression with
member _.Print(printer) =
printer.Print(" implements ", ?loc=loc)

198 changes: 51 additions & 147 deletions src/Fable.Transforms/Fable2Babel.fs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -347,21 +347,6 @@ module Annotation =
GenericTypeAnnotation(Identifier name, ?typeParameters=typeParamInst) :> TypeAnnotationInfo
|> TypeAnnotation |> Some

let makeInterfaceDecl (com: IBabelCompiler) ctx (ent: Fable.Entity) (entName: string) (baseExpr: Expression option) =
let genTypeParams = getEntityGenParams ent
let newTypeParams = Set.difference genTypeParams ctx.ScopedTypeParams
let ctx = { ctx with ScopedTypeParams = Set.union ctx.ScopedTypeParams newTypeParams }
let attached = Util.getEntityExplicitInterfaceMembers com ctx ent
let extends =
Util.getInterfaceExtends com ctx ent
|> Seq.toArray
|> function [||] -> None | e -> Some e
// Type declaration merging only works well with class declarations, not class expressions
let id = Identifier(entName)
let body = ObjectTypeAnnotation([| yield! attached |])
let typeParamDecl = genTypeParams |> makeTypeParamDecl
InterfaceDeclaration(id, body, ?extends_=extends, ?typeParameters=typeParamDecl)

let typeAnnotation com ctx typ: TypeAnnotationInfo =
match typ with
| Fable.MetaType -> upcast AnyTypeAnnotation()
@@ -1214,7 +1199,7 @@ module Util =

let transformBindingAsStatements (com: IBabelCompiler) ctx (var: Fable.Ident) (value: Fable.Expr) =
if isJsStatement ctx false value then
let var = typedIdent com ctx var
let var = ident var
let decl = VariableDeclaration(var) :> Statement
let body = com.TransformAsStatements(ctx, Some(Assign var), value)
Array.append [|decl|] body
@@ -1645,7 +1630,7 @@ module Util =
let tailcallChance = (fun name ->
NamedTailCallOpportunity(com, ctx, name, args) :> ITailCallOpportunity) name
let args = discardUnitArg args |> (typedIdent com ctx)
let args = discardUnitArg args
let declaredVars = ResizeArray()
let mutable isTailCallOptimized = false
let ctx =
@@ -1663,21 +1648,21 @@ module Util =
match isTailCallOptimized, tailcallChance with
| true, Some tc ->
// Replace args, see NamedTailCallOpportunity constructor
let args, body =
let tcArgs =
|> (fun arg -> Identifier(arg))
let varDecls =
|> (fun arg -> Some (arg :> Expression))
|> args
|> multiVarDeclaration Const
tcArgs, BlockStatement(Array.append [|varDecls|] body.Body)
let args' = args tc.Args
|> (fun (id, tcArg) ->
makeTypedIdent id.Type tcArg |> typedIdent com ctx)
let varDecls = args tc.Args
|> (fun (id, tcArg) ->
id |> typedIdent com ctx, Some (Identifier(tcArg) :> Expression))
|> multiVarDeclaration Const
let body = BlockStatement(Array.append [|varDecls|] body.Body)
// Make sure we don't get trapped in an infinite loop, see #1624
let body = BlockStatement(Array.append body.Body [|BreakStatement()|])
args, LabeledStatement(Identifier tc.Label, WhileStatement(BooleanLiteral true, body))
args', LabeledStatement(Identifier tc.Label, WhileStatement(BooleanLiteral true, body))
:> Statement |> Array.singleton |> BlockStatement
| _ -> args, body
| _ -> args |> (typedIdent com ctx), body
let body =
if declaredVars.Count = 0 then body
@@ -1719,121 +1704,26 @@ module Util =

let getInterfaceExtends com ctx (ent: Fable.Entity) =
let getClassImplements com ctx (ent: Fable.Entity) =
let mkNative genArgs typeName =
let id = Identifier(typeName)
let typeParamInst = makeGenTypeParamInst com ctx genArgs
InterfaceExtends(id, ?typeParameters=typeParamInst) |> Some
ClassImplements(id, ?typeParameters=typeParamInst) |> Some
let mkImport genArgs moduleName typeName =
let id = makeImportTypeId com ctx moduleName typeName
let typeParamInst = makeGenTypeParamInst com ctx genArgs
InterfaceExtends(id, ?typeParameters=typeParamInst) |> Some

// let isIEquatable = FSharp2Fable.Util.hasInterface Types.iequatable ent
// let isIComparable = FSharp2Fable.Util.hasInterface Types.icomparable ent

ClassImplements(id, ?typeParameters=typeParamInst) |> Some
ent.AllInterfaces |> Seq.choose (fun ifc ->
match ifc.Definition.FullName with
| Types.ienumerableGeneric ->
mkImport ifc.GenericArgs "Seq" "IEnumerable"
| Types.ienumeratorGeneric ->
mkImport ifc.GenericArgs "Seq" "IEnumerator"
| Types.iequatable ->
mkImport [Fable.Any] "Util" "IEquatable"
| Types.icomparable ->
mkImport [Fable.Any] "Util" "IComparable"
// | Types.iequatableGeneric when not isIEquatable ->
// mkImport ifc.GenericArgs "Util" "IEquatable"
// | Types.icomparableGeneric when not isIComparable ->
// mkImport ifc.GenericArgs "Util" "IComparable"
| Types.comparer ->
mkImport ifc.GenericArgs "Util" "IComparer"
// this is not needed, as it's already included in every object
// | Types.equalityComparer ->
// mkImport ifc.GenericArgs "Util" "IEqualityComparer"
| Types.idisposable ->
mkImport [] "Util" "IDisposable"
| Types.icollectionGeneric ->
mkImport ifc.GenericArgs "Util" "ICollection"
| "Fable.Collections.IMutableSet`1" ->
mkImport ifc.GenericArgs "Util" "IMutableSet"
| "Fable.Collections.IMutableMap`2" ->
mkImport ifc.GenericArgs "Util" "IMutableMap"
// TODO: add other interfaces
| "Fable.Collections.IMutableSet`1" -> mkNative ifc.GenericArgs "Set"
| "Fable.Collections.IMutableMap`2" -> mkNative ifc.GenericArgs "Map"
| _ -> None

// must match the above list (with the exception of IEqualityComparer)
let alreadyDeclaredInterfaces =
set [
// Types.iequatableGeneric
// Types.icomparableGeneric

let isOtherInterfaceMember (memb: Fable.MemberFunctionOrValue) =
let isInterface, fullName =
if memb.IsExplicitInterfaceImplementation then
true, memb.CompiledName.Replace("-",".")
let ent = memb.ApparentEnclosingEntity
ent.IsInterface, memb.FullName
let lastDot = fullName.LastIndexOf(".")
let entName = if lastDot < 0 then fullName else fullName.Substring(0, lastDot)
isInterface && not (alreadyDeclaredInterfaces.Contains entName)

let getEntityExplicitInterfaceMembers com ctx (ent: Fable.Entity) =
|> Seq.filter isOtherInterfaceMember
|> (fun memb ->
let args =
List.concat memb.CurriedParameterGroups
|> List.mapi (fun i p ->
let name =
defaultArg p.Name ("arg" + (string i))
|> Naming.sanitizeIdentForbiddenChars |> Naming.checkJsKeywords
name, p.Type
let argTypes = args |> snd
let retType = memb.ReturnParameter.Type
let genTypeParams = getGenericTypeParams (argTypes @ [retType])
let newTypeParams = Set.difference genTypeParams ctx.ScopedTypeParams
let ctx = { ctx with ScopedTypeParams = Set.union ctx.ScopedTypeParams newTypeParams }
let funcArgs =
|> (fun (name, typ) ->
let typeInfo = typeAnnotation com ctx typ
FunctionTypeParam(Identifier(name), typeInfo)
) |> Seq.toArray
let returnType = retType |> typeAnnotation com ctx
let typeParamDecl = makeTypeParamDecl newTypeParams
let funcTypeInfo =
FunctionTypeAnnotation(funcArgs, returnType, ?typeParameters=typeParamDecl)
:> TypeAnnotationInfo
// TODO!!! This should be the compiled name if the interface is not mangled
let name = memb.DisplayName
let membId = Identifier(name)
ObjectTypeProperty(membId, funcTypeInfo)
|> Seq.toArray

let getEntityFieldsAsProps (com: IBabelCompiler) ctx (ent: Fable.Entity) =
|> (fun field ->
let id, computed = memberFromName field.Name
let ta = typeAnnotation com ctx field.FieldType
let isStatic = if field.IsStatic then Some true else None
ObjectTypeProperty(id, ta, computed_=computed, ?``static``=isStatic))
|> Seq.toArray
let getUnionFieldsAsIdents (com: IBabelCompiler) ctx (ent: Fable.Entity) =
let tagId = makeTypedIdent (Fable.Number Int32) "tag"
let fieldsId = makeTypedIdent (Fable.Array Fable.Any) "fields"
[| tagId; fieldsId |]

let getEntityFieldsAsIdents com (ent: Fable.Entity) =
@@ -1844,9 +1734,30 @@ module Util =
|> Seq.toArray

let getEntityFieldsAsProps (com: IBabelCompiler) ctx (ent: Fable.Entity) =
if (ent.IsFSharpUnion) then
getUnionFieldsAsIdents com ctx ent
|> (fun id ->
let prop = ident id
let ta = typeAnnotation com ctx id.Type
ObjectTypeProperty(prop, ta))
|> (fun field ->
let prop, computed = memberFromName field.Name
let ta = typeAnnotation com ctx field.FieldType
let isStatic = if field.IsStatic then Some true else None
ObjectTypeProperty(prop, ta, computed_=computed, ?``static``=isStatic))
|> Seq.toArray

let declareClassType (com: IBabelCompiler) ctx (ent: Fable.Entity) entName (consArgs: Pattern[]) (consBody: BlockStatement) (baseExpr: Expression option) classMembers =
let consId = Identifier "constructor"
let typeParamDecl = makeEntityTypeParamDecl com ctx ent
let implements =
if com.Options.Typescript then
let implements = Util.getClassImplements com ctx ent |> Seq.toArray
if Array.isEmpty implements then None else Some implements
else None
let consBody =
if ent.IsFSharpExceptionDeclaration then
let super = callSuperConstructor None [] |> ExpressionStatement :> Statement
@@ -1862,13 +1773,13 @@ module Util =
else Array.empty
let classMembers = Array.append [| classCons |] classMembers
let classBody = ClassBody([| yield! classFields; yield! classMembers |])
let classExpr = ClassExpression(classBody, ?superClass=baseExpr, ?typeParameters=typeParamDecl)
let classExpr = ClassExpression(classBody, ?superClass=baseExpr, ?typeParameters=typeParamDecl, ?implements=implements)
classExpr |> declareModuleMember ent.IsPublic entName false

let declareType (com: IBabelCompiler) ctx (ent: Fable.Entity) entName (consArgs: Pattern[]) (consBody: BlockStatement) baseExpr classMembers: ModuleDeclaration list =
let typeDeclaration = declareClassType com ctx ent entName consArgs consBody baseExpr classMembers
let reflectionDeclaration =
let genArgs = Array.init (ent.GenericParameters.Length) (fun i -> "gen" + string i |> makeIdent |> typedIdent com ctx)
let genArgs = Array.init (ent.GenericParameters.Length) (fun i -> "gen" + string i |> makeIdent |> ident)
let body = transformReflectionInfo com ctx None ent ( (fun x -> x :> _) genArgs)
let returnType =
if com.Options.Typescript then
@@ -1878,12 +1789,7 @@ module Util =
let args = genArgs |> (fun x -> x :> Pattern)
makeFunctionExpression None (args, body, returnType, None)
|> declareModuleMember ent.IsPublic (entName + Naming.reflectionSuffix) false
if com.Options.Typescript then
let interfaceDecl = makeInterfaceDecl com ctx ent entName baseExpr
let interfaceDeclaration = ExportNamedDeclaration(interfaceDecl) :> ModuleDeclaration
[interfaceDeclaration; typeDeclaration; reflectionDeclaration]
[typeDeclaration; reflectionDeclaration]
[typeDeclaration; reflectionDeclaration]

let transformModuleFunction (com: IBabelCompiler) ctx (info: Fable.MemberInfo) (membName: string) args body =
let args, body, returnType, typeParamDecl =
@@ -1930,14 +1836,12 @@ module Util =

let transformUnion (com: IBabelCompiler) ctx (ent: Fable.Entity) (entName: string) classMembers =

let tagId = makeTypedIdent (Fable.Number Int32) "tag"
let fieldsId = makeTypedIdent (Fable.Array Fable.Any) "fields"
let fieldIds = getUnionFieldsAsIdents com ctx ent
let args =
[| typedIdent com ctx tagId :> Pattern
typedIdent com ctx fieldsId |> restElement |]
[| typedIdent com ctx fieldIds.[0] :> Pattern
typedIdent com ctx fieldIds.[1] |> restElement |]
let body =
[| tagId; fieldsId |]
|> (fun id ->
let left = get None thisExpr id.Name
let right =
4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions src/fable-library/Option.ts
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -68,13 +68,13 @@ export function value<T>(x: Option<T>) {

export function ofNullable<T>(x: T|null): Option<T> {
export function ofNullable<T>(x: T | null): Option<T> {
// This will fail with unit probably, an alternative would be:
// return x === null ? undefined : (x === undefined ? new Some(x) : x);
return x == null ? undefined : x;

export function toNullable<T>(x: Option<T>): T|null {
export function toNullable<T>(x: Option<T>): T | null {
return x == null ? null : value(x);


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