bash script generator for full deployment by console
- create one file with all bash commands
docker generator
- from docker to faas
- from faas to docker
yaml file of settings generator (from form values)
- create examples
- create patterns, models
Have a repository full of Jupyter notebooks? With Binder, open those notebooks in an executable environment, making your code immediately reproducible by anyone, anywhere.
- Increased developer productivity and faster development time
- Not responsible for server management
- Easy to scale and horizontal scaling is managed by the platform
- Only pay for or consume resources when necessary
- Functions can be written in almost any programming language
We tested lots of platforms, like Kubeless, OpenWhisk, OpenFaaS and Fission, and I must say that all of them performed quite well. In the end though, the one that scored the best in terms of our objectives was OpenFaaS, so we decided to use it as the reference for this blog post
OpenFaaS – a Kubernetes-native FaaS platform Deploying a FaaS platform on OVH Managed Kubernetes using OpenFaaS
Technically, OpenFaaS is composed of several functional blocks:
The Function Watchdog. A tiny golang HTTP server that transforms any Docker image into a serverless function
The API Gateway, which provides an external route into functions and collects metrics
The UI Portal, which creates and invokes functions
The CLI (essentially a REST client for the API Gateway), which can deploy any container as a function
Fast and Simple Serverless Functions for Kubernetes
Kubernetes Native Serverless Framework
Apache OpenWhisk is an open source serverless cloud platform
Note if you're new to Unix: /var/www/myapp/app.js should have #!/usr/bin/env node
on the very first line.
Copy your service file into the /etc/systemd/system.
Start it with systemctl start myapp.
Enable it to run on boot with systemctl enable myapp.
See logs with journalctl -u myapp
npm install forever -g
forever start /path/to/yourApp.js
The screen will detach and survive you logging off. Then you can get it back back doing screen -r. Hit up the screen manual for more details. You can name the screens and whatnot if you like
node myserver.js
CTRL-A then hit D