This is a plugin to enable HTTP Message usage by the framework core.
The goal of this package is to register any PSR-17 compatible http message factory to the frameworks core DI container and use those factories to create and hydrate a Request (or ServerRequest) object with all available data from the hive, so it can be consumed by the route-handling controller or any other package.
This plugin requires fatfree-core ^4.0, the DI Container enabled and a package of a PSR-7 implementation installed.
composer require f3-factory/fatfree-psr7-factory
The Http message objects (PSR-7) are created by a related (PSR-17) factory.
At first, we need to register these factories for every message objects. Some PSR-17 factory packages have different classes for each object, some share the same class for all object types.
This example uses the Psr17Factory
from our own fatfree-psr7 package, which is very fast and fat-free of course.
To install it run composer require f3-factory/fatfree-psr7-factory
OR install any other PSR-7 and PSR-17 package you'd like to use instead.
In your front controller (i.e. index.php):
// create the plugin adapter
$psrAdapter = F3\Http\MessageFactory::instance();
// register the factories:
requestFactory: Psr17Factory::class,
responseFactory: Psr17Factory::class,
serverRequestFactory: Psr17Factory::class,
uploadedFileFactory: Psr17Factory::class,
uriFactory: Psr17Factory::class,
streamFactory: Psr17Factory::class,
// register the concrete Request / Response objects
Registering the Request, ServerRequest and Response objects will tell the dependency injection container which shortcut it should use to resolve and hydrate the objects accordingly when you're type-hinting them in your route controller.
// TODO: add example of DI usage here
Alternatively you can create a new request object from the currently available $_SERVER and hive data via:
// or
and the other classes should be instantiated via the PSR17 factory directly and do not need any special treatment by the framework core.