Easily list/Execute shellcommands from a specified folder, and logs to rsyslog whenever possible.
- Hubot shellcmd - list (bash)shell commands
- Hubot shellcmd - performs bashshell command
# install
cd <yourhubotdir>
npm install hubot-script-shellcmd
cp -R node_modules/hubot-script-shellcmd/bash .
# add shellcommands
echo -e "echo helloworld" > bash/handlers/helloworld
chmod 755 bash/handlers/helloworld
# run bot
(add 'hubot-script-shellcmd' to external-scripts.json)
In hubot:
you> hubot shellcmd
hubot> Available commands:
hubot> helloworld
you> hubot shellcmd helloworld
hubot> helloworld
Sometimes its easier to trigger bashscripts or do things in bash (git deployment, server mintenance thingies, remote stuff e.g.)
This plugin uses a bash-script as entry plugin for security reasons: