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Bloomreach_EngagementConnector module

This is a module for integration with the Bloomreach service.


  • Magento 2.4
  • PHP 7.3, 7.4, 8.1, 8.2, 8.3



  1. composer config repositories.bloomreach git
  2. composer require bloomreach/bloomreach-engagement-connector-magento


Check to see if your Magento instance has an app/code directory structure. If not, create it manually.

  1. Then create 2 more directories with this path: Bloomreach/EngagementConnector. The final path should look like: app/code/Bloomreach/EngagementConnector
  2. Extract the downloaded zip folder and move the content of the extracted folder to this path: app/code/Bloomreach/EngagementConnector

Initialize the extension

For production mode stores

  1. bin/magento maintenance:enable
  2. bin/magento module:enable Bloomreach_EngagementConnector
  3. bin/magento deploy:mode:set production
  4. bin/magento cache:clean
  5. bin/magento maintenance:disable

For developer mode stores

  1. bin/magento module:enable Bloomreach_EngagementConnector
  2. bin/magento setup:upgrade
  3. bin/magento cache:clean

Database modification

Created Tables

  • bloomreach_export_queue - contains a queue of prepared data waiting to be exported.
  • bloomreach_export_entity - contains the identifiers of the entities to be added to the export queue.
  • bloomreach_initial_export_status - stores the initial export data (Current export status, export progress, export errors)


  • bloomreach_add_to_export_queue - prepares the entities that are waiting to be exported and adds them to the export queue.
  • bloomreach_run_export - exports data from the export queue to the Bloomreach service.
  • bloomreach_clean_export_queue - cleans export queue data from database.
  • bloomreach_clean_csv - cleans csv export files.
  • bloomreach_export_queue_error_notification - sends export error notifications.

Console Commands

Add entities to the export queue Command

  • Responsible class: Bloomreach\EngagementConnector\Console\Command\AddToExportQueue
  • The command:
bin/magento bloomreach:add-to-export-queue

Start Export Command

  • Responsible class: Bloomreach\EngagementConnector\Console\Command\StartExport. The command:
bin/magento bloomreach:export-start --import_id="*********" --csv_file_path="*****" --test_connection="1"

Using the options, you can run the export from a specific csv file.


  • import_id - ID of necessary import, can be taken from the Bloomreach
  • csv_file_path - path of the CSV file
    • test_connection - set "1" to run a test connection (not required)

Clean CSV Files Command

  • Responsible class: Bloomreach\EngagementConnector\Console\Command\CleanCsvFilesCommand
  • The command:
bin/magento bloomreach:clean-csv-files

Clean Export Queue Command

  • Responsible class: Bloomreach\EngagementConnector\Console\Command\CleanExportQueueCommand
  • The command:
bin/magento bloomreach:clean-export-queue



If the module was installed through composer, it can be uninstalled using the magento uninstall command:

bin/magento module:uninstall Bloomreach_EngagementConnector


If the module was installed manually, then you need to do the following steps to completely remove all data:

For production mode stores

  1. bin/magento maintenance:enable
  2. bin/magento module:disable Bloomreach_EngagementConnector
  3. delete MAGENTO_ROOT/app/code/Bloomreach/EngagementConnector folder;
  4. delete MAGENTO_ROOT/var/bloomreach folder;
  5. delete bloomreach_export_queue, bloomreach_export_entity, bloomreach_initial_export_status tables from database;
  6. delete system configs WHERE path LIKE 'bloomreach_engagement%'
  7. bin/magento setup:upgrade
  8. bin/magento deploy:mode:set production
  9. bin/magento cache:clean
  10. bin/magento maintenance:disable

For developer mode stores

  1. bin/magento module:disable Bloomreach_EngagementConnector
  2. delete MAGENTO_ROOT/app/code/Bloomreach/EngagementConnector folder;
  3. delete MAGENTO_ROOT/var/bloomreach folder;
  4. delete bloomreach_export_queue, bloomreach_export_entity, bloomreach_initial_export_status tables from database;
  5. delete system configs WHERE path LIKE 'bloomreach_engagement%'
  6. bin/magento setup:upgrade
  7. bin/magento cache:clean

Additional Data


  • MAGENTO_ROOT/var/log/bloomreach/engagement_connector.log - contains errors information
  • MAGENTO_ROOT/var/log/bloomreach/debug.log - contains debugging information

Initial Export Statuses


  • Value: 1
  • Label: DISABLED
  • Initial Export has the DISABLED status if a certain feed is disabled in the system configuration.


  • Value: 2
  • Label: NOT READY
  • Initial Export has the NOT READY status if a certain feed is enabled in the system configuration and import_id setting is not specified.


  • Value: 3
  • Label: READY
  • Initial Export has the READY status if a certain feed is enabled in the system configuration and import_id setting is specified and export has not started yet.


  • Value: 4
  • Label: SCHEDULED
  • Initial Export has the SCHEDULED status if a certain feed is enabled in the system configuration and import_id setting is specified and Start action was triggered.


  • Value: 5
  • Initial Export has the PROCESSING status if a certain feed is enabled in the system configuration and import_id setting is specified and export has started.


  • Value: 6
  • Label: ERROR
  • Initial Export has the ERROR status if a certain feed is enabled in the system configuration and import_id setting is specified and export has finished with errors.


  • Value: 7
  • Label: SUCCESS
  • Initial Export has the SUCCESS status if a certain feed is enabled in the system configuration and import_id setting is specified and export has finished successfully.

Export Queue Statuses


  • Value: 1
  • Label: PENDING
  • Queue Item has the PENDING status if an item has not sent yet.


  • Value: 2
  • Label: IN PROGRESS
  • Queue Item has the IN PROGRESS status if sending is in progress.


  • Value: 3
  • Label: ERROR
  • Queue Item has the ERROR status f an error occurred while sending.


  • Value: 4
  • Label: COMPLETE
  • Queue Item has the COMPLETE status if an item was sent successfully.

Data Mapping

  • Bloomreach\EngagementConnector\Model\DataMapping\DataMapperResolver - responsible for map Magento entity data to the Bloomreach data. Returns Magento\Framework\DataObject;

Configuration File

  • bloomreach_entity_mapping.xml - allows you to configure field mapping
  • entity_type - entity type to map;
  • bloomreach_code - the name of the key on the Bloomreach side;
  • field - field to map with bloomreach_code.

How to add entity to the Mapping

  1. Add entity configuration to the bloomreach_entity_mapping.xml.
<entity_type entity="custom_entity">
    <bloomreach_code code="entity_id" type="number">
        <field code="entity_id" />
    <bloomreach_code code="active" type="boolean">
      <field code="status"/>
    <bloomreach_code code="description" type="long text">
      <field code="short_description"/>
    <bloomreach_code code="created_at" type="string">
        <field code="created_at" />
    <bloomreach_code code="categories_ids" type="list">
      <field code="categories_ids"/>
  1. Create a class that implements Bloomreach\EngagementConnector\Model\DataMapping\DataMapper\DataMapperInterface
  2. Pass your Mapper to the Bloomreach\EngagementConnector\Model\DataMapping\DataMapperFactory via di.xml
<type name="Bloomreach\EngagementConnector\Model\DataMapping\DataMapperFactory">
        <argument name="dataMappers" xsi:type="array">
            <item name="custom_entity" xsi:type="string">Vendor\Name\Model\DataMapping\DataMapper\Custom</item>

Optional. If you want to use a separate renderer for the field you need:

  • Create a class that implements Bloomreach\EngagementConnector\Model\DataMapping\FieldValueRenderer\RenderInterface
  • Pass your Renderer to the Bloomreach\EngagementConnector\Model\DataMapping\FieldValueRendererResolver via di.xml and specify the entity type and field code:
<type name="Bloomreach\EngagementConnector\Model\DataMapping\FieldValueRendererResolver">
        <argument name="fieldValueRenderers" xsi:type="array">
            <item name="custom_entity" xsi:type="array">
                <item name="entity_id" xsi:type="object">Vendor\Name\Model\DataMapping\FieldValueRenderer\CustomRenderer\EntityIdRenderer</item>
  • Use Bloomreach\EngagementConnector\Model\DataMapping\FieldValueRendererResolver in the mapper class to get field value.

How to change the mapper for a specific product type

  1. Create a class that implements Bloomreach\EngagementConnector\Model\DataMapping\DataMapper\DataMapperInterface
  2. Pass your Mapper to the Bloomreach\EngagementConnector\Model\DataMapping\DataMapper\ProductMapperResolver via di.xml and specify productTypeId as the name of the argument
<type name="Bloomreach\EngagementConnector\Model\DataMapping\DataMapper\ProductMapperResolver">
        <argument name="dataMappers" xsi:type="array">
            <item name="configurable" xsi:type="object">Vendor\Name\Model\DataMapping\DataMapper\Product\Configurable</item>

How to add custom logic for field rendering

  1. Create a class that implements Bloomreach\EngagementConnector\Model\DataMapping\FieldValueRenderer\RenderInterface
  2. Pass your Renderer to the Bloomreach\EngagementConnector\Model\DataMapping\FieldValueRendererResolver via di.xml and specify the entity_type and field code as name of items:
<type name="Bloomreach\EngagementConnector\Model\DataMapping\FieldValueRendererResolver">
        <argument name="fieldValueRenderers" xsi:type="array">
            <item name="catalog_product" xsi:type="array">
                <item name="custom_field" xsi:type="object">Vendor\Name\Model\DataMapping\FieldValueRenderer\Product\CustomRenderer</item>

How to add custom logic for field rendering for specific product type

  1. Create a class that implements Bloomreach\EngagementConnector\Model\DataMapping\FieldValueRenderer\RenderInterface
  2. Pass your Renderer to the Bloomreach\EngagementConnector\Model\DataMapping\FieldValueRenderer\Product\ProductTypeRendererResolver via di.xml and specify the productTypeId and field code as name of items:
<type name="Bloomreach\EngagementConnector\Model\DataMapping\FieldValueRenderer\Product\ProductTypeRendererResolver">
        <argument name="fieldValueRenderers" xsi:type="array">
            <item name="simple" xsi:type="array">
                <item name="entity_id" xsi:type="object">Vendor\Name\Model\DataMapping\FieldValueRenderer\Product\Simple\EntityIdRenderer</item>

How to add custom logic for field rendering for all products type

  1. Create a class that implements Bloomreach\EngagementConnector\Model\DataMapping\FieldValueRenderer\RenderInterface
  2. Pass your Renderer to the Bloomreach\EngagementConnector\Model\DataMapping\FieldValueRendererResolver via di.xml and specify the entity_type and field code as name of items:
<type name="Bloomreach\EngagementConnector\Model\DataMapping\FieldValueRendererResolver">
        <argument name="fieldValueRenderers" xsi:type="array">
            <item name="catalog_product" xsi:type="array">
                <item name="entity_id" xsi:type="object">Vendor\Name\Model\DataMapping\FieldValueRenderer\Product\EntityIdRenderer</item>

How to add a new field to entity mapping

  1. Create bloomreach_entity_mapping.xml in file in your module.
  2. Add a new bloomreach_code node to entity_type that you want to extend
<entity_type entity="catalog_product">
    <bloomreach_code code="custom_code" type="string">
        <field code="custom_field" />

How to exclude bloomreach_code from mapping

  1. Create bloomreach_entity_mapping.xml in file in your module.
  2. Add disabled equal true to bloomreach_code that you want to exclude from mapping
<entity_type entity="catalog_product">
    <bloomreach_code code="entity_id" disabled="true" />

How to change a mapping field:

  1. Create bloomreach_entity_mapping.xml in file in your module.
  2. Add a field node to bloomreach_code node that you want to change
<entity_type entity="catalog_product">
    <bloomreach_code code="title">
        <field code="custom_field" />

How to change a field type:

  1. Create bloomreach_entity_mapping.xml in file in your module.
  2. Add type attribute to bloomreach_code that you want to update
<entity_type entity="catalog_product">
    <bloomreach_code code="title" type="long text" />

Export Processes

  • Bloomreach\EngagementConnector\Model\Export\QueueProcessor - obtains the entities that need to be exported, prepares them and adds them to the export queue.
  • Bloomreach\EngagementConnector\Model\Export\ExportProcessor - obtaining data from export queue and send them to the Bloomreach service.
  • Bloomreach\EngagementConnector\Model\Export\File\DirectoryProvider - allows to create and retrieve a directory where the export file should be placed.
  • Bloomreach\EngagementConnector\Model\Export\Transporter\TransporterResolver - sends data to a specific endpoint, for a specific entity type, to the Bloomreach.

How to change the directory where the export file is located?

  1. Pass directory name to the Bloomreach\EngagementConnector\Model\Export\File\DirectoryProvider via di.xml and specify the entity_type as name of items:
<type name="Bloomreach\EngagementConnector\Model\Export\File\DirectoryProvider">
        <argument name="entityDirectories" xsi:type="array">
            <item name="catalog_product" xsi:type="string">catalog_product</item>

How to add new entity to the export:

  1. Add your entity type to the Entity Provider:
<type name="Bloomreach\EngagementConnector\Model\DataProvider\EntityType">
        <argument name="entityTypes" xsi:type="array">
            <item name="catalog_product" xsi:type="string">Product Feed</item>
  1. Create Data Mapping for the new entity.
  2. Optional If you add an event to the export, you will need to add register fields by which Bloomreach recognizes which customer this event belongs to.
  • Add customer_id and email_id fields to the mapping configuration.
<entity_type entity="purchase">
    <bloomreach_code code="email_id">
        <field code="customer_email"/>
    <bloomreach_code code="customer_id">
        <field code="customer_id"/>
  • Make sure your entity contains these fields. (If not, implement them using the DataMapper approach).
  • Use Bloomreach\EngagementConnector\Model\DataMapping\DataMapper\RegisteredMapper in your DataMapper to map registered fields.
  1. Pass collection class to the Bloomreach\EngagementConnector\Model\Export\Entity\CollectionFactory via di.xml:
<type name="Bloomreach\EngagementConnector\Model\Export\Entity\CollectionFactory">
        <argument name="collections" xsi:type="array">
            <item name="catalog_product" xsi:type="string">Magento\Catalog\Model\ResourceModel\Product\Collection</item>
  1. Add you entity type to the Bloomreach\EngagementConnector\Model\InitialExport\Action\Configure\Import\Request\BuilderComposite via di.xml and specify needed request builder:
<type name="Bloomreach\EngagementConnector\Model\InitialExport\Action\Configure\Import\Request\BuilderComposite">
        <argument name="builderPool" xsi:type="array">
            <item name="catalog_product" xsi:type="string">Bloomreach\EngagementConnector\Model\InitialExport\Action\Configure\Import\Request\Entity\Catalog</item>
  1. Create a system config feed_enable,
  2. Create a system config for import_id,
  3. Optional Create a system config for catalog_id if your entity is a catalog,
  4. Pass your configs to the ConfigPathGetter class via di.xml:
<type name="Bloomreach\EngagementConnector\System\ConfigPathGetter">
        <argument name="configPool" xsi:type="array">
            <item name="catalog_product" xsi:type="array">
                <item name="feed_enabled" xsi:type="string">bloomreach_engagement/catalog_product_feed/enabled</item>
                <item name="import_id" xsi:type="string">bloomreach_engagement/catalog_product_feed/import_id</item>
                <item name="catalog_id" xsi:type="string">bloomreach_engagement/catalog_product_feed/catalog_id</item>

How to change the API endpoint for a specific API call:

  1. Create class that implements Bloomreach\EngagementConnector\Model\Export\Transporter\TransporterInterface.
  2. Pass your transporter class to the Bloomreach\EngagementConnector\Model\Export\Transporter\TransporterResolver via di.xml and specify the entity_type and api_type as name of items:
<type name="Bloomreach\EngagementConnector\Model\Export\Transporter\TransporterResolver">
        <argument name="transporters" xsi:type="array">
            <item name="csv_export" xsi:type="array">
                <item name="default" xsi:type="object">Bloomreach\EngagementConnector\Model\Export\Transporter\InitialExport\DefaultTransporter</item>

How to create an event on Backend:

  1. Create a data mapper for your entity type.
  2. Use a Bloomreach\EngagementConnector\Model\Export\Queue\AddEventToExportQueue class to add you event to export queue.
  3. Optional If you want to use a separate API to send data to the Bloomreach, you can implement other transporter. Pass your transporter class to the Bloomreach\EngagementConnector\Model\Export\Transporter\TransporterResolver via di.xml and specify the entity_type and api_type as name of items:
<type name="Bloomreach\EngagementConnector\Model\Export\Transporter\TransporterResolver">
        <argument name="transporters" xsi:type="array">
            <item name="event" xsi:type="array">
                <item name="custom_entity" xsi:type="object">Bloomreach\EngagementConnector\Model\Export\Transporter\Event\CustomEntityTransporter</item>
  1. Optional If you want to send event using batch api endpoint, pass entity type to Bloomreach\EngagementConnector\Model\Export\Queue\Batch\CommandNameGetter:
<type name="Bloomreach\EngagementConnector\Model\Export\Queue\Batch\CommandNameGetter">
        <argument name="commandNamePool" xsi:type="array">
            <item name="event" xsi:type="array">
                <item name="purchase" xsi:type="string">customers/events</item>
                <item name="purchase_item" xsi:type="string">customers/events</item>

Frontend Tracking

Event structure:

  "eventName": "view_item",
  "eventBody": {
    "sku": "WS02",
    "price": "120.00"

How to send event

  1. Prepare event object:
  "eventName": "view_item",
  "eventBody": {
    "sku": "WS02",
    "price": "120.00"
  1. Use Bloomreach_EngagementConnector/js/tracking/event-sender component to send an event.

How to create an event on the Backend side and send after the page loads

  1. Create a class that implements \Bloomreach\EngagementConnector\Model\Tracking\Event\EventsInterface and \Magento\Framework\View\Element\Block\ArgumentInterface interfaces.
  2. Create child block for bloomreach.engagement.connector.tracking in the layout.
  3. Use Bloomreach\EngagementConnector\Block\Tracking\Event class for event block.
  4. Pass your event class to event block via arguments with name events.
  5. Use Bloomreach_EngagementConnector::tracking/event/default.phtml template for send event.
<referenceBlock name="bloomreach.engagement.connector.tracking">
    <block class="Bloomreach\EngagementConnector\Block\Tracking\Event"
            <argument name="events" xsi:type="object">Bloomreach\EngagementConnector\Model\Tracking\Event\ProductPage\ViewItem</argument>

How to send event after cart update

  1. Create a class that implements \Bloomreach\EngagementConnector\Model\Tracking\Event\EventsInterface interface.
  2. Pass your class to the Bloomreach\EngagementConnector\Model\Tracking\Event\Cart\CartUpdateEventsCollector class via di.xml:
<type name="Bloomreach\EngagementConnector\Model\Tracking\Event\Cart\CartUpdateEventsCollector">
        <argument name="eventsList" xsi:type="array">
            <item name="cart_update" xsi:type="object">Bloomreach\EngagementConnector\Model\Tracking\Event\Cart\CartUpdate</item>