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Mark Friedrich edited this page Aug 3, 2016 · 1 revision

When you are done with the setup process, you probably want to protect the /setup path from being accessible by other users.

Directory protection for Nginx servers

1. Add a new location block to your server block that should be protected

  location /setup {
   auth_basic "Setup Login";
   auth_basic_user_file /etc/nginx/.setup_pass;
   try_files $uri $uri/ /index.php?$query_string;

2. Create the .setup_pass file

$ htpasswd -c /etc/nginx/.setup_pass username

When you run the above command, it will prompt you for a password for the provided username, and then create the file .htpasswd in the folder you specified. If you already have a pre-existing password file, you can omit the -c flag. You can use the -D flag to remove the specified user from a password file.

3. Restart Nginx