[note: this master thesis is in english, it contains miscellaneous german blocks of text in the beginning required by my (german) university]
This is about reservoir computing - a cross-section between machine-learning and physics. It was written under supervision of prof. Kathy Lüdge, head of the theoretical laser dynamics work group at Technical University Berlin. It detailes my investigation of reservoir computing in networks of coupled stuart landau oscillators that are connected in a complex network topology of delay lines. The work involved writing a solver in C++ in order to numerically solve systems of DDEs (delay differential equations). The thesis was submitted in 2020.
This repository was originally used to write my thesis step by step. But in the end I wrote everything on my laptop which made pushing and pulling from different locations unneccessary. In the end this repository was simply updated to include the final version of the projectfiles as well as just the final pdf-file of the thesis I submitted.
This repository still contains remnants of old LaTeX-project files.
tags: physics, theoretical physics, nonlinear dynamics, reservoir computing