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Add Live2D widget in your website.
- Base on Cubism SDK 2.1 and Cubism SDK 4, support all live2d model including model3
- Switch model between different version
- Play motion and sound by click or touch
- Show customize message when hover an HTML element
- Support take picture of model
- Show Hitokoto from API
- jquery free, only 2 javascript file required at least
- no need for backend
Put each model in a separate folder.
Cubism 2 model's entry file should be named model.json
, Cubism 3/4 model's entry file should be named FolderName.model3.json
is core file.
contains configuration and implementation of message tips.
contains content of message tips. Not required if you don't need message tips.
Open waifu-tips.js
, at the beginning there is the Live2D configuration and the model list,
and at the end there is the CSS style that you can modify for yourself.
const live2d_settings = {
// basic
'modelUrl': 'model', // URL of a directory which consists of all model folder. NO slash in the end
'tipsMessage': 'waifu-tips.json', // message tips file. Can leave blank
// model
'modelName': 'miku', // default model name when first visit website
'modelStorage': true, // save model name in broswer
'modelRandMode': false, // random switching model
'preLoadMotion': false, // weather preload motion file. ONLY valid for model3 file,
// not preloading may increase model loading speed, but it may cause jank when trigger motion.
// tool menu
'showToolMenu': true, // show tools
'canCloseLive2d': true, // show close button
'canSwitchModel': true, // show switch button
'canSwitchHitokoto': true, // show switch Hitokoto button
'canTakeScreenshot': true, // show screenshot button
'canTurnToHomePage': true, // show home button
'canTurnToAboutPage': true, // show about button
'showVolumeBtn': false, // show volume control button, you could implement other logic yourself
// message tips
'showHitokoto': true, // show Hitokoto when inactive for 30 seconds
'hitokotoAPI': '', // Hitokoto API, can be 'hitokoto.cn'(default), 'lwl12.com', 'jinrishici.com', 'fghrsh.net'
'showWelcomeMessage': true, // show welcome message
'showF12OpenMsg': true, // show message when open console
'showCopyMessage': true, // show copy message. By default it watching copy operation inside '#articleContent' element,
// if your article content is not under this tag, you could search and modify it below.
// style
'live2dHeight': 680, // height of Live2D model, NO 'px' in the end
'live2dWidth': 500, // width of Live2D model, NO 'px' in the end
'waifuMinWidth': '1040px', // hide model when window width less than setting, eg, '1040px' (Recommend) or 'disable'
'waifuEdgeSide': 'right:0', // position of model, eg, 'left:0' or 'right:30'
// misc
'debug': false, // global debug setting
'debugMousemove': false, // log cursor postion to console, valid if debug is true
'logMessageToConsole': true, // log message tips to console
'l2dVersion': '2.0.0', // script version
'homePageUrl': 'https://demo.bronya.moe/', // homepage, could be URL or 'auto'
'aboutPageUrl': 'https://github.com/Konata09/Live2dOnWeb/', // about page
'screenshotCaptureName': 'bronyaMoe.png', // filename of screenshot, eg, 'live2d.png'
const live2d_models = [
name: 'miku', // model name, should be same as folder name
message: 'SDK2.1 official sample 初音ミク', // meassage when switch to this model
version: 2 // model verion, different version has differnt entry file: 2: model.json , 3: FolderName.model3.json
name: 'shizuku',
message: 'SDK2.1 official sample しずく',
version: 2
name: 'houmuya',
message: 'SDK3 吼姆布洛妮娅 bilibili@呦克里斯汀娜呦',
version: 3
name: 'Rice',
message: 'SDK4 official sample',
version: 3
Add the following code before </body>
tag in the HTML file or template file:
<div id="waifu">
<div id="waifu-message"></div>
<div class="waifu-tool">
<span class="icon-next"></span>
<span class="icon-home"></span>
<span class="icon-message"></span>
<span class="icon-camera"></span>
<span class="icon-volumeup"></span>
<span class="icon-volumedown"></span>
<span class="icon-about"></span>
<span class="icon-cross"></span>
<canvas id="live2d2"></canvas>
<canvas id="live2d4"></canvas>
<!-- replace with your path in src -->
<script src="dist/live2d_bundle.js"></script>
<script async type="module" src="waifu-tips.js"></script>