0.7.1 - Updated the app to show historic UV and solar radiation
0.7.0 - Added meteofrance.com forecasts
0.6.22 - Fixed the app from crashing when it tried to update the screen from a thread
0.6.21 - Fixed the app from crashing when it tried to update the screen from a thread
0.6.20 - More code placed into background threads, dropped frames down to 30
0.6.19 - Added splash screen and put some startup code into threads
0.6.18 - Added metservice.com forecasts and tweaked the radar code
0.6.17 - Added dwd.de forecasts
0.6.16 - Some tweaks plus added aemet.es forecasts
0.6.15 - Some tweaks to make the refresh icon disappear when refreshing finished
0.6.14 - Failed to populate the current conditions on first run
0.6.13 - Squished some more bugs
0.6.12 - Fixed a nasty bug that was causing the radar/forecast screen to continuously loop and download.
0.6.11 - More code consolidation from activities to common.java