A simple bash script for a mac install of
- brew
- Spring Boot CLI
- openJDK8
- Gradle
- Maven
- Terraform
- Docker for Desktop
- Fly CLI (Concourse CLI)
- Kubectl CLI (compatible version with PKS CLI)
- Google Chrome
- iTerm
- intelliJ
This script is for anyone that needs to install the aforementioned tools.
Make sure you have the UAA API token, you can get this from Pivnet in Edit Profile
- Login as a user with sufficient privileges to execute the file.
- Open the Terminal.
- Clone the script
git clone https://github.com/everythingeverywhere/pivinstall.git
- Run the script
Newly imaged marketing laptops should have sufficient privileges since only a single admin user (UID501) exists.
Script won't execute? Make it an executable file! chmod +x pivinstall.sh
- Homebrew doesn't allow running as root so you will have to enter your password when asked
- Open the terminal
git clone https://github.com/everythingeverywhere/pivinstall.git
cd ./pivinstall # go into pivinstall directory
Chmod 755 pivinstall.sh #permission for all to read and execute file
Chmod +x pivinstall.sh #everyone can get file listing
- If you are ready to run the script
- Enter
sh pivinstal.sh
- Enter
- one by one
pks --version
cf -v
fly -v
kubectl version
docker version
terraform version
gradle -v
java -version
spring --version
mvn -v
pks --version && cf -v && fly -v && kubectl version && docker version && terraform version && gradle -v && java -version && spring --version && mvn -v