The rpc node provides access to Blockchain via RPC API calls. These are HTTPS and WebSocket calls made from the DAPPs. The RPC server requires a fixed public IP and is inserted into the DNS LoadBalancing of the as a node. Connections to the server are stateless and encrypted. The certificate is provided by EVAN. network.
The technical requirements to the installed server are : AWS:
- T2.xlarge /T2.large Instance
- Min. 300GB EBS storage
- Standard_D4_v3 / Standard_D2_v3
- Min 300GB Premium storage
- 2 Xeon CPU's
- 16GB RAM
- 300GB SSD storage
- Standard droplet with
- 8GB RAM, 4 vCPU, 160gb SSD
Open Ports:
30303 (TCP & UDP) – Blockchain Sync
80 - HTTP
443 - HTTPS
- 1 fixed IP public address
To start the RPC node you must have installed docker and docker-compose on your Server
Nothing to configure
To start your rpc node, you have to simply run "docker-compose up -d" in the directory.
To access the log file from the authoritynode, you can use the command "docker logs -f --tail 1000 RUNNING_CONTAINER_NAME" to get the last 1000 log lines from the container. The RUNNING_CONTAINER_NAME can be replaced with the following names:
- parity_rpc (The blockchain instance)
- nginx_parity (NGINX reverse proxy)
If any of the nodes behave wrong, you can restart the container with the command "docker restart RUNNING_CONTAINER_NAME"
Please reach out our support team with the last logs of your container, to check if there's anything wrong.