Releases: evanberkowitz/isle
Releases · evanberkowitz/isle
Release 0.3
Release accompanying the paper "Leveraging Machine Learning to Alleviate Hubbard Model Sign Problems".
- Store configurations, actions, etc. in
- Support for transformations embedded in evolvers
- Spin-Spin and One-Point correlation functions
- Runge-Kutta-4 for holomorphic flow
- Support for loading measurement weights
Release 0.2
Release for addendum to preprint "Avoiding Ergodicity Problems in Lattice Discretizations of the Hubbard Model".
Breaking changes:
- Proposer -> Evolver
- File layout: store configSlices, change some paths
- Replace Hamiltonian with SumAction
- TwoPiJumps and Alternator evolvers
- Script and tools for continuation runs
- Use logging
- Progress bars
- More documentation
- Additional Example scripts
- Check program versions when reading files
Release 0.1
Release accompanying the paper "Avoiding Ergodicity Problems in Lattice Discretizations of the Hubbard Model".
- HMC and measurement drivers
- Direct solvers for small (in space), potentially non-bipartite systems
- Leapfrog integrator