This application has been developed using the AWS SDK for C++ and the TreeFrog Web Framework and allows users to retrieve departures and arrivals data from a selection of Irish Airports.
A number of methods are available, each of which will be invoked using HTTP Request (GET method). Results will be returned in JSON array format.
[server] = ''
Method | http://[server]/[arrivals/departures] |
Description | Method to retrieve all information from either arrivals or departures table of database. |
Parameters | - arrivals/departures - required, one of the two must be selected. |
Response | JSON array of all information from either the arrivals or departures table. |
Method | http://[server]/[arrivals/departures]/iata/['flight_iata'] |
Description | Method to retrieve information on a flight by a given flight IATA (Internation Air Transport Association) code. |
Parameters | - arrivals/departures - required, one of the two must be selected - 'flight_iata' - required, flight IATA identifier, is case sensitive, example: FR247. |
Response | JSON object containing the information from the relevant row in the selected table. |
Method | http://[server]/[arrivals/departures]/date/['yyyy-mm-dd'] |
Description | Method to retrieve all information from the selected table of database on a given date. |
Parameters | - arrivals/departures - required, one of the two must be selected - 'yyyy-mm-dd' - required, date string, example: 2021-02-19. |
Response | JSON array of all information from the selected table on a given date. |
Method | http://[server]/[arrivals/departures]/airport/['airport_iata'] |
Description | Method to retrieve all information from the selected table for a given airport. |
Parameters | - arrivals/departures - required, one of the two must be selected - 'airport_iata' - required, airport IATA identifier, currently only SNN, ORK and DUB are supported. |
Response | JSON array of all information from the selected table for a given airport. |
Method | http://[server]/[arrivals/departures]/airline/['airline_name'] |
Description | Method to retrieve all information from the selected table for a given airline. |
Parameters | - arrivals/departures - required, one of the two must be selected - 'airline_name' - required, is case sensitive, example: Ryanair. Note: spaces between words can be represented with %20, example: Aer%20Lingus. |
Response | JSON array of all information from the selected table for a given airline. |
Method | http://[server]/[arrivals/departures]/airportdate/['airport_iata']/['yyyy-mm-dd'] |
Description | Method to retrieve information from the selected table for a given airport on a given date. |
Parameters | - arrivals/departures - required, one of the two must be selected - 'airport_iata'>' - required, airport IATA identifier, currently only SNN, ORK and DUB are supported. - 'yyyy-mm-dd' - required, date string, example: 2021-02-19. |
Response | JSON array of information from the selected table for a given airport on a given date. |
{"airlineName": "Turkish Airlines",
"departureAirport":"Ataturk Airport",