GUI-related boilerplate code generation + declarative interface description builders
Simple master-detail table view application implemented using this project is illustrated below.
You can try running the MineSweeper example using Java WebStart - click on the icon below:
Domain object 1. (row):
public class Field {
// for each field a property will be generated
Integer length = 1;
String name = "name";
Integer begin = 0;
Integer end;
// for the method there will be a Runnable generated
public void actionnnnnn() {
this.length += 1;
Domain object 2. (table):
public class ConstantLineWidthTextFileDefinition {
// a property for the list will be generated
List<Field> fields = new ArrayList<>();
the GUI
public class LineDefinitionEditorView {
// can be generated in any WYSYWIG editor
// or manually defined - that's not relevant
// here
private JTable table1;
private JPanel panel1;
private JButton newButton;
private JButton deleteButton;
private JButton upButton;
public void initialize() {
domainModelObject = new ConstantLineWidthTextFileDefinition();
// Describe table model based on the generated Properties
// All methods are type-safe
backingList = new ObservableListWrapper<>(domainModelObject.fields);
JavaBeanTableModel<Field> tableModel = new JavaBeanTableModel<>(backingList);
tableModel.addColumn(FieldViewModel.BEGIN_PROPERTY, "begin");
tableModel.addColumn(FieldViewModel.END_PROPERTY, "end");
tableModel.addColumn(FieldViewModel.LENGTH_PROPERTY, "length");
tableModel.addColumn(FieldViewModel.NAME_PROPERTY, "name");
final SingleTableItemSelectedState singleTableItemSelectedState = new SingleTableItemSelectedState(table1);
final SelectionModelAdapter observableSelectionModel = new SelectionModelAdapter(table1);
// EDIT field on the bottom
when(singleTableItemSelected).showCard(cardPanel, "edit");
when(not(singleTableItemSelected)).showCard(cardPanel, "null");
// Observable abuse - not very useful, but fluent API allows to read itself quite easily
Observable<Integer> lastIndex = subtract(sizeOf(backingList), constant(1));
Constant<Integer> firstIndex = constant(0);
ObservableState firstTableItemSelected = does(selectedIndices, contain(firstIndex)); // ?
ObservableState lastTableItemSelected = does(selectedIndices, contain(lastIndex)); // ?