A middleware to integrate PyCDI with Django.
See the code of conduct.
Install pypi version
pip install django_pycdi
Install lastest version
pip install git+https://github.com/ettoreleandrotognoli/django-pycdi.git
Add middleware to settings.py:
MIDDLEWARE += ['django_pycdi.middlewares.CDIMiddleware']
Add inject decorator to your views:
With Python 2:
from random import random
from django.http import HttpResponse
from pycdi import Inject, Producer
from pycdi.utils import Singleton
class MySingleton():
def get_a_float():
return random()
def view(request,singleton,number):
return HttpResponse('...')
In the demo3 folder has a django demo project using python2 with more examples.
With Python 3:
from random import random
from django.http import HttpResponse
from pycdi import Inject, Producer
from pycdi.utils import Singleton
class MySingleton():
def get_a_float() -> float:
return random()
def view(request,singleton:MySingleton,number:float):
return HttpResponse('...')
In the demo3 folder has a django demo project using python3 with more examples.
See more ways to use PyCDI in its page.