These are project templates that are used by the React Native CLI when starting a new Brightlayer UI project.
The Blank template provides a bare-bones application with Brightlayer UI components and themes automatically configured and ready to use.
The Routing template provides all of the essential Brightlayer UI configuration as well as additional configuration for using React Navigation. It also adds a navigation Drawer to switch between several sample screens.
The Authentication template includes everything from the Routing template and also installs and configures the Brightlayer UI react-native-auth-workflow package to automatically wrap the main application with functions and screens for Login, Registration, Change Password, etc.
placeholder landing page | navigation drawer & routing | login & registration screens | |
Blank | ✅ | ||
Routing | ✅ | ✅ | |
Authentication | ✅ | ✅ | ✅ |
To create a new project using the Template simply run (recommended):
npx react-native init MyApp --template @brightlayer-ui/react-native-template-blank-typescript
npx react-native init MyApp --template @brightlayer-ui/react-native-template-routing-typescript
npx react-native init MyApp --template @brightlayer-ui/react-native-template-authentication-typescript
to test a template go inside the template folder and run command
cd <template-name>/template
yarn install
cd ios && pod install
cd ..
yarn android/ios
Once you have tested make sure to delete Node modules, Pods and build folder for both android and ios
to check the template is working with react native cli
npx react-native init myapp --template file:///the-path-to-location/blui-react-native-cli-templates/blank-typescript