- Static site generator with support for html and gemini
- Super small implementation - single file with less then 500 lines of code (without comments)
- Featureful - support for categories, tags, custom date format, article read counts, atom feeds, index autogeneration and more...
- Big generator with all feature out there, whose code you will never read and understand
- I hated that Hugo and Jekyll are too big to fully comprehend and hack at will
- I liked approach of super simple, single file generator like Makesite, but wanted something, that is actually usable in real word scenarios.
- I wanted a generator, that would be able to generate both web blog and gemini capsule from single markdown article source
- I accepted challenge to create single file, full-featured generator with less then 500 lines of code, which will be able to fully replace Hugo/Jekyll on my friends sites.
git clone https://github.com/ethael/picogen.git
cd picogen
pip install Unidecode beautifulsoup4 md2gemini commonmark Jetforce
python picogen.py --init
python picogen.py --generate http
python picogen.py --serve http
lynx http://localhost:8000 (lynx is only example. use any web browser you like)
python picogen.py --generate gemini
python picogen.py --serve gemini
amfora gemini://localhost:8000 (amfora is only example. use any gemini browser you like)
I encourage to check the code. It is short, nice and full of comments. But for those who are happier reading docs, let's dive in!
- Clean target folder
- Load configuration from config.json
- Copy everything from static folder to target folder (css, images, static sources)
- Load all template files from templates folder (and merge them with their parent templates if any)
- Load all page/article files from content folder
- Parse header from the beginning of the file
- The rest is body and if it is written in markdown, convert it to html and/or gemini
- Generate value index for every declared taxonomy (configurable in config.json, declared in file header)
- Generate article index for every value of every declared taxonomy (configurable in config.json, declared in file header)
- Replace placeholders in templates with generated variables
- Generate resulting file structure to target folder
Taxonomy means categorization or classification. Best known examples are tags, categories, blog series... you name it. In picogen you can define any taxonomy you want. Just add it's name and values to file header like so: tags: astronomy, pulsars
. You can use this declaration as a variable in the page/post template by writing: {{ tags }}
. Picogen can also automtically generate index of all taxonomy values (taxonomy value index: TVI) for you and output it as a file or as a variable, that you can use in templates. The same applies for generating index of all posts (taxonomy value post index: TVPI). The later is generated per taxonomy value. So for our simple example case above, it would generate post index for astronomy
and another for pulsars
. You can configure as many indexes as you like. For example, this is a config.json snippet for adding TVI under tags taxonomy:
"taxonomies": [
"id": "tags",
"title": "Tags",
"document_template": "post",
"value_indexes": [
"id": "comma_separated_list",
"template": "csl",
"item_template": "csl_item",
"output_type": "variable"
This means picogen will generate value index (TVI) and output it as a variable called tags_comma_separated_list, so you can use the generated index in some other template like so: {{ tags_comma_separated_list }}
. We have declared what template should picogen use for the index and also for every index item. Templates with such names should be available in the tepmlates folder. If the declared output_type would be file, the index would be generated as a file into the root folder of specific taxonomy. Check example projects config.json files to get more examples.