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agent: Swap /authorize/role/:role for /authorize/dekaf
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In addition to avoiding premature generalization, we can now also return relevant metadata in one request, such as ops catalog names and task spec.
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jshearer committed Nov 26, 2024
1 parent 1859d70 commit 52e4e71
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Showing 7 changed files with 212 additions and 273 deletions.
195 changes: 195 additions & 0 deletions crates/agent/src/api/
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@@ -0,0 +1,195 @@
use super::App;
use crate::api::snapshot::Snapshot;
use anyhow::Context;
use models::CatalogType;
use std::sync::Arc;

type Request = models::authorizations::TaskAuthorizationRequest;
type Response = models::authorizations::DekafAuthResponse;

#[derive(Debug, Clone, serde::Serialize, serde::Deserialize)]
struct AccessTokenClaims {
exp: u64,
iat: u64,
role: String,

pub async fn authorize_dekaf(
axum::extract::State(app): axum::extract::State<Arc<App>>,
axum::Json(request): axum::Json<Request>,
) -> axum::response::Response {
super::wrap(async move { do_authorize_dekaf(&app, &request).await }).await

const DEKAF_ROLE: &str = "dekaf";

/// Dekaf straddles the control-plane and data-plane:
/// * It needs full control over the `registered_avro_schemas` table in the control-plane
/// in order to serve its schema registry functionality
/// * It needs access to the full specs of materializations both in order to authenticate
/// sessions, as well as figure out which bindings to expose under what names, etc.
/// * It needs to read from journals in order to serve topic data to consumers
/// * It needs to write to ops logs and stats for observability and billing concerns
/// This endpoint provides it a way to do all of these things, while also staying within
/// the authorization framework used by other data-plane actors.
/// Specifically, this checks that:
/// * Your request is coming from an authorized actor in a data-plane,
/// * That actor is acting on behalf of a task running in that same data-plane.
/// Once we've authenticated and authorized the request as best we can, we put together
/// a package of all the information Dekaf needs in one place:
/// * A short-lived control-plane access token to authorize requests under the `dekaf` role
/// which has grants to the `public.registered_avro_schemas` table
/// * The `models::MaterializationDef` for the materialization being requested
/// as identified by the `sub` JWT claim
/// * The ops logs and stats journal names for the materialization. This will allow Dekaf to
/// write ops logs and stats.
#[tracing::instrument(skip(app), err(level = tracing::Level::WARN))]
async fn do_authorize_dekaf(app: &App, Request { token }: &Request) -> anyhow::Result<Response> {
let jsonwebtoken::TokenData { header, claims }: jsonwebtoken::TokenData<proto_gazette::Claims> =
// In this pass we do not validate the signature,
// because we don't yet know which data-plane the JWT is signed by.
let empty_key = jsonwebtoken::DecodingKey::from_secret(&[]);
let mut validation = jsonwebtoken::Validation::default();
jsonwebtoken::decode(token, &empty_key, &validation)
tracing::debug!(?claims, ?header, "decoded authorization request");

let task_name = claims.sub.as_str();
if task_name.is_empty() {
anyhow::bail!("missing required materialization name (`sub` claim)");

let shard_data_plane_fqdn = claims.iss.as_str();
if shard_data_plane_fqdn.is_empty() {
anyhow::bail!("missing required task data-plane FQDN (`iss` claim)");

if claims.cap != proto_flow::capability::AUTHORIZE {
anyhow::bail!("invalid capability, must be AUTHORIZE only: {}", claims.cap);

match Snapshot::evaluate(&app.snapshot, claims.iat, |snapshot: &Snapshot| {
evaluate_authorization(snapshot, task_name, shard_data_plane_fqdn, token)
}) {
Ok((ops_logs_journal, ops_stats_journal)) => {
let materialization_spec = sqlx::query!(
spec as "spec: sqlx::types::Json<models::MaterializationDef>",
spec_type as "spec_type: models::CatalogType"
from live_specs
where live_specs.catalog_name = $1
.context("failed to fetch task spec")?;

let (Some(materialization_spec), Some(spec_type)) =
(materialization_spec.spec, materialization_spec.spec_type)
else {
anyhow::bail!("`live_specs` row for {task_name} is missing spec or spec_type");

if !matches!(spec_type, models::CatalogType::Materialization) {
anyhow::bail!("Unexpected spec type {:?}", spec_type);

let unix_ts = jsonwebtoken::get_current_timestamp();
let claims = AccessTokenClaims {
iat: unix_ts,
exp: unix_ts + (60 * 60),
role: DEKAF_ROLE.to_string(),

let signed = jsonwebtoken::encode(

Ok(Response {
token: signed,
task_spec: Some(materialization_spec.0),
retry_millis: 0,
Err(Ok(retry_millis)) => Ok(Response {
Err(Err(err)) => Err(err),

fn evaluate_authorization(
snapshot: &Snapshot,
task_name: &str,
shard_data_plane_fqdn: &str,
token: &str,
) -> anyhow::Result<(String, String)> {
tracing::debug!(?task_name, "Task name");
// Map `claims.sub`, a task name, into its task.
let task = snapshot.task_by_catalog_name(&models::Name::new(task_name.to_string()));

// Map `claims.iss`, a data-plane FQDN, into its task-matched data-plane.
let task_data_plane = task.and_then(|task| {
.filter(|data_plane| data_plane.data_plane_fqdn == shard_data_plane_fqdn)

let (Some(task), Some(task_data_plane)) = (task, task_data_plane) else {
anyhow::bail!("task {task_name} within data-plane {shard_data_plane_fqdn} is not known")

if task.spec_type != CatalogType::Materialization {
"task {task_name} must be a materialization, but is {:?} instead",

// Attempt to find an HMAC key of this data-plane which validates against the request token.
let validation = jsonwebtoken::Validation::default();
let mut verified = false;

for hmac_key in &task_data_plane.hmac_keys {
let key = jsonwebtoken::DecodingKey::from_base64_secret(hmac_key)
.context("invalid data-plane hmac key")?;

if jsonwebtoken::decode::<proto_gazette::Claims>(token, &key, &validation).is_ok() {
verified = true;
if !verified {
anyhow::bail!("no data-plane keys validated against the token signature");

let (Some(ops_logs), Some(ops_stats)) = (
) else {
"couldn't resolve data-plane {} ops collections",

let ops_suffix = super::ops_suffix(task);
let ops_logs_journal = format!("{}{}", ops_logs.journal_template_name, &ops_suffix[1..]);
let ops_stats_journal = format!("{}{}", ops_stats.journal_template_name, &ops_suffix[1..]);

Ok((ops_logs_journal, ops_stats_journal))
158 changes: 0 additions & 158 deletions crates/agent/src/api/

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