You have two options for uploading photos:
First option is that you can upload it to the folder shared on Google Drive here.
However, if you prefer to do it via GitHub, here are the instructions:
Click the “Fork” button at the top right.
You’ll now have your own copy of that repository in your github account.
Now, on your computer, go to the folder where you want to clone this project, and start a terminal/shell/command prompt and type:
git clone [email protected]:YOUR_GITHUB_USERNAME/DataScience-Secret-Santa
You’ll now have a local copy of your version of that repository.
Now, through command prompt, go to the folder where you have this project:
cd DataScience-Secret-Santa
Add a connection to the original repository.
git remote add myfriend git://
Make changes to files. git add and git commit those changes git push them back to github. These will go to your version of the repository.
Note: if you get an error like:
error: src refspec master does not match any.
error: failed to push some refs to '[email protected]:username/the_repo'
Then try git push origin HEAD:gh-pages (see this stackoverflow question). Typing git show-ref can show what reference to put after HEAD.
If you did not encounter any errors, proceed with the following:
Go to your version of the repository on github.
Click the “Pull Request” button at the top.
Note that your friend’s repository will be on the left and your repository will be on the right.
Click the green button “Create pull request”. Give a succinct and informative title, in the comment field give a short explanation of the changes and click the green button “Create pull request” again.