Hello everybody! 🙃
If you have noticed increased activity of postmen in your neighborhood, with 99% certainty we can say that's because you're just recieving your greeting cards/gifts for the 2020 Data Science Secret Santa is almost due.🥳🎆🎇
However, if you have received your gifts early this year, and if you are willing to share with the rest of DataScience group, check out upload_your_photos.md
to learn how to do it.
Feel free to also edit this markdown file and add your photos below so we can aggregate them here! Cheers!🥳
Thanks for organizing this and especially to the one who created and sent this card ;)
Thanks to my Secret Santa for a wonderful gift! And to the organizers for their work!
- Rafaello: Great! (You know your audience!)
- Sure, they are only pie charts, but even they deserve better color choice!
- Packaging: Perfectly sized and robust!
- Text: Don't use "at least" with an interval (at least 6-8 makes no sense; use at least 6 instead).
Hey, my secret Santa, thanks so much! I really enjoyed your drawing of "not a pie chart" hehe ;) I hope you put me in the thinking outside the pie category! :P Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays!
Hey Santa, I looove the card! I think DataScience@UL-FRI should consider adopting this new logo, at least every December. I like how your wishes reference the Mandalorian, but you really made me smile with the last page. :D Such a nice, personal touch. You must know me well! ;) Happy holidays!
Hey, not-so-secret-Santa, thanks! I laughed my ass off at the drawing! :) I redacted your name so that you stay secret, I hope you don’t mind. Happy holidays!!!
Thanks to my secret santa! Very original card and gift! I am pretty sure it will become handy when coding or writing reports at night :) Merry Christmas y’all!
Dear Santa! Thanks so much for the ornaments. I was thinking of not setting up a tree in my student flat this year, but this gift pipped the decision tree the other way! Have a merry Xmas! ❤️
Dear (secret) Santa! Thank you for the best wishes and for the lamp :P May the positive definiteness be with you too :)
Thank you so much, Secret Santa! Very grateful for the wonderful wishes! And about the present, what can I say! I've been persuading myself for quite some time now to go get some gloves, so you definitely made the right choice with this present! Can't wait to go back to Slovenia and try them on! 😃
Hello everybody! 🙃
If you have noticed increased activity of postmen in your neighborhood, with 99% certainty we can say that's because you're just recieving your greeting cards/gifts for the 2020 Data Science Secret Santa.🥳🎆🎇
However, if you have received your gifts early this year, and if you are willing to share with the rest of DataScience group, check out upload_your_photos.md
to learn how to do it.
Github collaboration instructions
Or, you can upload them to this Google Drive folder.
Feel free to also edit this markdown file and add your photos below so we can aggregate them here! Cheers!🥳