- News List + News details with required points
- News List Results ordered by date.
- On tapping on an article inside news details, Open the article on safari.
- Dark mode support.
- Offline caching by [Realm].
- Arabic localization.
- App is build by [SwiftUI] and using mvvm architecture.
- Using RxSwift for the remote requests.
- Adding UnitTests for init points.
- Code is bug and warning free for build and run time.
- Used libraries -> [Alamofire + KingFisher + Realm + RxSwift]
- Use General Resources for Color Scheme for Both Dark and light mode to make it cleaner and easier to use.
- Work with localization & Dark Mode without external libraries Centralized Injection by [Defaults.swift]
- Writing Code is committed Step by Step.
Thanks for your time..