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esonghori committed Sep 30, 2015


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1 parent 1ec07e0 commit f6c27ac
Showing 3 changed files with 153 additions and 54 deletions.
132 changes: 109 additions & 23 deletions
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -2,7 +2,15 @@ TinyGarble
**Caution: Pre-Alpha version and under construction!**

TinyGarble project consists of two main parts: netlist generation (/genNetlist) and two-party secure function evaluation (SFE). Netlist generation is partially describe in TinyGarble paper in IEEE S&P'15 (see References). It is based on upon hardware synthesis and sequential circuits. The other part of TinyGarble, hereafter called "TinyGarble", is implemented based on [JustGarble]( project developed in UCSD. Beside Free-XOR, Row-reduction, OT extension, and Fixed-key block cipher, TinyGarble includes Half Gates which is the most recent optimization in garbled circuit (GC) protocol and reduces the communication 33%.
TinyGarble project consists of two main parts: netlist generation (/genNetlist)
and two-party secure function evaluation (SFE). Netlist generation is partially
describe in TinyGarble paper in IEEE S&P'15 (see References). It is based on
upon hardware synthesis and sequential circuits. The other part of TinyGarble,
hereafter called "TinyGarble", is implemented based on
[JustGarble]( project developed in
UCSD. Beside Free-XOR, Row-reduction, OT extension, and Fixed-key block cipher,
TinyGarble includes Half Gates which is the most recent optimization in garbled
circuit (GC) protocol and reduces the communication 33%.

## TinyGarble

@@ -11,52 +19,78 @@ TinyGarble project consists of two main parts: netlist generation (/genNetlist)

`$ sudo apt-get install g++ libssl-dev libboost-all-dev`

2. Compile TinyGarble by executing `make` in `eval_netlist/` directory (for dumping labels, use `USER_FLAGS=-DDUMP_HEX`):
2. Compile TinyGarble by executing `make` in `eval_netlist/` directory
(for dumping labels, use `USER_FLAGS=-DDUMP_HEX`):
$ cd eval_netlist
$ make

### Test
$ debug/tinygarble --alice &
$ debug/tinygarble --bob
$ bin/tinygarble --alice &
$ bin/tinygarble --bob

### Arguments
-h [ --help ] produce help message
-a [ --alice ] Run as Alice (server).
-b [ --bob ] Run as Bob (client).
--deterministic Run with deterministic random
-i [ --scd_file ] arg (=../read_netlist/netlists/test.scd)
Simple circuit description (.scd) file
-p [ --port ] arg (=1234) socket port
-s [ --server_ip ] arg (= Server's (Alice's) IP, required when
running as Bob.
--dump_hex arg Directory for dumping memory hex files.
--input_data arg Hexadecimal input data, if not
provided, it is randomly chosen.

## Netlist Generation

### Prerequisites
Netlist generation requires Synopsys Design Compiler or Yosys-ABC synthesis tools.
Netlist generation requires Synopsys Design Compiler or Yosys-ABC synthesis

### Manual for Synopsys Design Compiler
1. Compile library [This part is mentioned only for documentation and it is already done, please skip.]
1. Compile library [This part is mentioned only for documentation and it is
already done, please skip.]

Go to `gen_netlist/lib/dff_full` and compile the library:
$ cd gen_netlist/lib/dff_full
$ ./compile
_Advanced detailed_: Let's suppose that our_lib.lib is located in /path/to/our_lib.
_Advanced detailed_: Let's suppose that our\_lib.lib is located in

- Go inside /path/to/our_lib and run:
- Go inside /path/to/our\_lib and run:
$ lc_shell
lc_shell> set search_path [concat /path/to/our_lib/]
lc_shell> read_lib our_lib.lib
lc_shell> write_lib our_lib -format db
lc_shell> exit
[Note: commands starting with "lc_shell>" should be called inside `lc_shell`. Please ignore "lc_shell>" for them].
[Note: commands starting with "lc_shell>" should be called inside `lc_shell`.
Please ignore "lc_shell>" for them].

2. Compile a benchmark:

Go inside `genNetlist/benchmark`, where benchmark is the name of the function and compile the benchmark to generate the nestlist:
Go inside `genNetlist/benchmark`, where benchmark is the name of the function
and compile the benchmark to generate the nestlist:
$ cd gen_netlist/benchmark
$ ./compile
You can edit `benchmark.dcsh` file to change synthesis parameters.

_Advanced detailed_: Let's suppose that `our_lib.db` is compiled and located in `/path/to/our_lib` and benchmark.v is located in `/path/to/benchmark/`.
_Advanced detailed_: Let's suppose that `our_lib.db` is compiled and located
in `/path/to/our_lib` and benchmark.v is located in `/path/to/benchmark/`.

- Go to `/path/to/benchmark/` and run:
@@ -71,17 +105,24 @@ _Advanced detailed_: Let's suppose that `our_lib.db` is compiled and located in
design_vision> write -hierarchy -format verilog -output benchmark_syn.v
design_vision> exit
It creates `benchmark_syn.v` in the current directory. [Note: commands starting with "design\_vision>" should be called inside `design_vision`. Please ignore "design\_vision>" for them.]
It creates `benchmark_syn.v` in the current directory. [Note: commands
starting with "design\_vision>" should be called inside `design_vision`.
Please ignore "design\_vision>" for them.]

3.Counting number of gates

You can use `gen_netlist/script/` to count the number of gates in the genetrated netlist file. For counting gates in `/path/to/benchmark/benchmark_syn.v`, simply run:
You can use `gen_netlist/script/` to count the number of gates in
the genetrated netlist file. For counting gates in
`/path/to/benchmark/benchmark_syn.v`, simply run:
$ gen_netlist/script/ /path/to/benchmark/benchmark_syn.v
###Manual for Yosys
### Manual for Yosys

Here is how to compile a verilog file named "benchmark.v" using the custom library "asic\_cell.lib". We assume that the files are inside a folder named "Synthesis\_yosys-abc" inside the "yosys" directory. The final output will be written in "benchmark\_syn.v"
Here is how to compile a verilog file named "benchmark.v" using the custom
library "asic\_cell.lib". We assume that the files are inside a folder named
"Synthesis\_yosys-abc" inside the "yosys" directory. The final output will be
written in "benchmark\_syn.v"
$ cd ~/yosys
$ ./yosys
@@ -93,17 +134,62 @@ Here is how to compile a verilog file named "benchmark.v" using the custom libra
yosys> write_verilog Synthesis_yosys-abc/benchmark_syn.v
yosys> exit
[Note: commands starting with "yosys>" should be called inside design_vision. Please ignore "yosys>" for them.]
[Note: commands starting with "yosys>" should be called inside design_vision.
Please ignore "yosys>" for them.]

## Read Netlis
To transform a verilog netlist file which is generated by synthesis process to
a file readble by TinyGarble, one should use `read_netlist`. It transforms a
netlist verilog file to a Simple Circuit Descreption (SCD) file. The format of
the SCD file allows TinyGarble to load the circuit without dealing with
complicated gate transformation and string matching.

### Prerequisites
1. Install dependencies: g++, boost, for Ubuntu run:

`$ sudo apt-get install g++ libboost-all-dev`

2. Compile `read_netlist` by executing `make` in `read_netlist/` directory:
$ cd read_netlist
$ make

### Test
$ bin/read_netlist.out --netlist netlists/test.v --scd netlists/test.scd

### Arguments
-h [ --help ] produce help message.
-i [ --netlist ] arg (=netlists/test.v)
Input netlist (verilog .v) file
-o [ --scd ] arg (=netlists/test.scd) Output simple circuit description (scd)
file address.
-c [ --clock ] arg (=1) Number of clock cycles for sequential

- Ebrahim M. Songhori, Siam U. Hussain, Ahmad-Reza Sadeghi, Thomas Schneider and Farinaz Koushanfar, ["TinyGarble: Highly Compressed and Scalable Sequential Garbled Circuits."]( <i>Security and Privacy, 2015 IEEE Symposium on</i> May, 2015.
- Mihir Bellare, Viet Tung Hoang, Sriram Keelveedhi, and Phillip Rogaway. Efficient garbling from a fixed-key blockcipher. In <i>S&P</i>, pages 478–492. IEEE, 2013.
- Samee Zahur, Mike Rosulek, and David Evans. ["Two halves make a whole: Reducing data transfer in garbled circuits using half gates."]( In <i>Eurocrypt, 2015</i>.
- G. Asharov, Y. Lindell, T. Schneider and M. Zohner: More Efficient Oblivious Transfer and Extensions for Faster Secure Computation In <i>CCS'13</i>.
## References
- Ebrahim M. Songhori, Siam U. Hussain, Ahmad-Reza Sadeghi, Thomas Schneider
and Farinaz Koushanfar, ["TinyGarble: Highly Compressed and Scalable Sequential
Garbled Circuits."]( <i>Security
and Privacy, 2015 IEEE Symposium on</i> May, 2015.
- Mihir Bellare, Viet Tung Hoang, Sriram Keelveedhi, and Phillip Rogaway.
Efficient garbling from a fixed-key blockcipher. In <i>S&P</i>, pages 478–492.
IEEE, 2013.
- Samee Zahur, Mike Rosulek, and David Evans. ["Two halves make a whole:
Reducing data transfer in garbled circuits using half
In <i>Eurocrypt, 2015</i>.
- G. Asharov, Y. Lindell, T. Schneider and M. Zohner: More Efficient Oblivious
Transfer and Extensions for Faster Secure Computation In <i>CCS'13</i>.

- Add read\_netlist documentation.
- Add OT.
- Update
- Add synthesis library.
45 changes: 26 additions & 19 deletions eval_netlist/tinygarble.cpp
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -216,29 +216,35 @@ int bob(GarbledCircuit& garbledCircuit, bool random_input, int connfd) {

int main(int argc, char* argv[]) {

po::options_description desc("Allowed options");
po::options_description desc(
"Evaluate Netlist, TinyGarble version 0.1\nAllowed options");
desc.add_options() //
("help", "produce help message") //
("alice", "Run as Alice (server).") //
("bob", "Run as Bob (client).") //
("help,h", "produce help message") //
("alice,a", "Run as Alice (server).") //
("bob,b", "Run as Bob (client).") //
("deterministic", "Run with deterministic random generator.") //
"Simple circuit description (.scd) file address.") //
("port", po::value<int>()->default_value(1234), "socket port") //
("server_ip", po::value<string>()->default_value(""),
("port,p", po::value<int>()->default_value(1234), "socket port") //
("server_ip,s", po::value<string>()->default_value(""),
"Server's (Alice's) IP, required when running as Bob.") //
("dump_hex", po::value<string>(), "Directory for dumping memory hex files.") //
("input_data", po::value<string>(),
"Hexadecimal input data, if not provided, it is randomly chosen.");

po::variables_map vm;
po::store(po::parse_command_line(argc, argv, desc), vm);

if (vm.count("help")) {
cout << desc << endl;
return 1;
try {
po::store(po::parse_command_line(argc, argv, desc), vm);
if (vm.count("help")) {
cout << desc << endl;
return 0;
} catch (po::error& e) {
cerr << "ERROR: " << e.what() << endl << endl;
cerr << desc << endl;
return -1;

block R;
@@ -258,20 +264,19 @@ int main(int argc, char* argv[]) {
if (vm.count("scd_file")) {
scd_file_address = vm["scd_file"].as<string>();
} else {
cerr << "SCD file should be specified." << endl;
cerr << "SCD file should be specified." << endl << endl;
cerr << desc << endl;
return -1;

int port;
if (vm.count("port")) {
port = vm["port"].as<int>();
} else {
cerr << "Socket port should be specified." << endl;
return -1;

if (vm.count("alice") == 0 && vm.count("bob") == 0) {
cerr << "One of --alice or --bob mode flag should be used." << endl;
cerr << "One of --alice or --bob mode flag should be used." << endl << endl;
cerr << desc << endl;
return -1;
if (vm.count("dump_hex")) {
@@ -312,7 +317,9 @@ int main(int argc, char* argv[]) {
if (vm.count("server_ip")) {
server_ip = vm["server_ip"].as<string>();
} else {
cerr << "Server IP should be specified, when running as Bob." << endl;
cerr << "Server IP should be specified, when running as Bob." << endl
<< endl;
cerr << desc << endl;
return -1;

30 changes: 18 additions & 12 deletions read_netlist/read_netlist.cpp
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -132,23 +132,29 @@ int writeSCD(const ReadCircuit &readCircuit, int c_, const string &fileName) {

int main(int argc, char** argv) {

po::options_description desc("Allowed options");
po::options_description desc(
"Read Netlist, TinyGarble version 0.1\nAllowed options");
desc.add_options() //
("help", "produce help message.") //
("netlist", po::value<string>()->default_value("netlists/test.v"),
("help,h", "produce help message.") //
("netlist,i", po::value<string>()->default_value("netlists/test.v"),
"Input netlist (verilog .v) file address.") //
("scd", po::value<string>()->default_value("netlists/test.scd"),
"Output simple circuit descreption (scd) file address.") //
("clock", po::value<int>()->default_value(1),
("scd,o", po::value<string>()->default_value("netlists/test.scd"),
"Output simple circuit description (scd) file address.") //
("clock,c", po::value<int>()->default_value(1),
"Number of clock cycles for sequential circuits");

po::variables_map vm;
po::store(po::parse_command_line(argc, argv, desc), vm);

if (vm.count("help")) {
cout << desc << endl;
return 1;
try {
po::store(po::parse_command_line(argc, argv, desc), vm);
if (vm.count("help")) {
cout << desc << endl;
return 0;
} catch (po::error& e) {
cerr << "ERROR: " << e.what() << endl << endl;
cerr << desc << endl;
return -1;

string input_netlist_file;

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