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Outstanding issues

Hans Permana edited this page Oct 24, 2018 · 5 revisions

User PVC loses reference to its PV when the cluster is re-created

UPDATE-24.10.18: workaround in order not to lose user and hub PVs when the cluster is re-created, do the following

This is because the PV is created using a random name and thus a new PVC cannot reference it. From the user perspective, the old data cannot be retrieved. This issue has been reported to one of Jupyterhub developers @consideratio and is discussed in this issue although there is not yet a concrete solution. A solution could be to check if a PV with a defined name exists before creating a PVC ( If not, create first the PV, and then the PVC (with volumeName specified).

User inside Jupyterlab container is called Jovyan

The expectation is that the system user inside the container is the same as the username used to login to the platform (i.e. the GitHub username)

Idle Jupyterlab session will not be killed if the browser tab is not closed

The expectation is that when a Jupyterlab session is idle for more than a period of time, regardless of whether the Jupyterlab browser tab is closed or not, the pod that hosts the Jupyterlab container shall be culled. However, this is not the case. This is consistent with what is written in Jupyterhub guide . To change this behaviour, maybe implement our own culler. At the moment this culler is used by Jupyterhub.

SSL Cert not generated (fixed)

UPDATE-16.10.18: the issue does not occur anymore. Possibly it was caused by some changes on the Kubernetes installed in the cluster, since we tried it in an Alpha Cluster

Using exactly the same https properties in config.yaml, suddenly (15.10.18) the SSL certificate was not generated. As a result, when accessing, a security warning popped up saying that the SSL certificate is invalid.

Strangely, no error message was generated during the autohttps and proxy pods creation.

Here is the https config in config.yaml file:

        contactEmail: "[email protected]"

Unable to use R notebook image (workaround available)

UPDATE-24.10.18: this issue does not seem to occur when the node image of the nodes in user-pool is changed to Container-Optimized OS (cos). The default image was Container-Optimized OS with Containerd (cos_containerd) (beta). Maybe this is something that can be specified in gcloud container clusters create?

This is due to containerd error. Strangely, this happened only after changing to alpha edition of kubernetes in GCP. The problem happens at the image puller. After successfully pulling image from the repository, it seems to be unable to unpack the image with the following error message:

Error: failed to create containerd container: error unpacking image: failed to extract layer sha256:7097f40a7fc9253305df23900c47fc300dc4db9bceb608f8
56fa414eea849384: failed to mount /var/lib/containerd/tmpmounts/containerd-mount627944925: no such file or directory: unknown

Here is the output of kubectl describe on the said image puller:

Name:               hook-image-puller-jwqnm
Namespace:          jupyterhub
Priority:           0
PriorityClassName:  <none>
Node:               gke-core-cluster-user-pool-4a5ec742-2m9c/
Start Time:         Thu, 11 Oct 2018 09:25:15 +0200
Labels:             app=jupyterhub
Annotations:        <none>
Status:             Pending
Controlled By:      DaemonSet/hook-image-puller
Init Containers:
    Container ID:  
    Image ID:      
    Port:          <none>
    Host Port:     <none>
      echo "Pulling complete"
    State:          Waiting
      Reason:       CreateContainerError
    Ready:          False
    Restart Count:  0
    Environment:    <none>
    Mounts:         <none>
    Container ID:  
    Image:         jupyterhub/k8s-network-tools:cc865bd
    Image ID:      
    Port:          <none>
    Host Port:     <none>
      echo "Pulling complete"
    State:          Waiting
      Reason:       PodInitializing
    Ready:          False
    Restart Count:  0
    Environment:    <none>
    Mounts:         <none>
    Container ID:   
    Image ID:       
    Port:           <none>
    Host Port:      <none>
    State:          Waiting
      Reason:       PodInitializing
    Ready:          False
    Restart Count:  0
    Environment:    <none>
    Mounts:         <none>
  Type           Status
  Initialized    False 
  Ready          False 
  PodScheduled   True 
Volumes:         <none>
QoS Class:       BestEffort
Node-Selectors:  <none>
  Type     Reason   Age               From                                               Message
  ----     ------   ----              ----                                               -------
  Normal   Pulling  4m                kubelet, gke-core-cluster-user-pool-4a5ec742-2m9c  pulling image ""
  Normal   Pulled   2m                kubelet, gke-core-cluster-user-pool-4a5ec742-2m9c  Successfully pulled image ""
  Warning  Failed   2m                kubelet, gke-core-cluster-user-pool-4a5ec742-2m9c  Error: failed to create containerd container: error unpacking image: failed to extract layer sha256:7097f40a7fc9253305df23900c47fc300dc4db9bceb608f856fa414eea849384: failed to mount /var/lib/containerd/tmpmounts/containerd-mount627944925: no such file or directory: unknown
  Warning  Failed   2m                kubelet, gke-core-cluster-user-pool-4a5ec742-2m9c  Error: failed to create containerd container: error unpacking image: failed to extract layer sha256:7097f40a7fc9253305df23900c47fc300dc4db9bceb608f856fa414eea849384: failed to mount /var/lib/containerd/tmpmounts/containerd-mount946466442: no such file or directory: unknown
  Warning  Failed   41s               kubelet, gke-core-cluster-user-pool-4a5ec742-2m9c  Error: failed to create containerd container: error unpacking image: failed to extract layer sha256:7097f40a7fc9253305df23900c47fc300dc4db9bceb608f856fa414eea849384: failed to mount /var/lib/containerd/tmpmounts/containerd-mount623260367: no such file or directory: unknown
  Normal   Pulled   29s (x3 over 2m)  kubelet, gke-core-cluster-user-pool-4a5ec742-2m9c  Container image "" already present on machine

k8s version: 1.10.7-gke.6 (alpha enabled) at GCP
Docker image:

NOTE: it works fine in normal (non-alpha-enabled) GKE cluster (1.9.7-gke.6)