1441 commits
to master
since this release
Major release
- Added View button for Notes and Annotations (replacing the right-click funtionality)
- Added functionality to save Data Viewer content to a text file ('TXT' in toolbar of Data Viewer)
- Allow opening
files (limited benefit) - Location.Title is now included in Note export if defined (
attribute), and will be restored on import- This is not the note title, but the page heading/subheading where the note is located (or Bible book name and chapter)
Export and import Notes and Annotations to/from Excel (default) or custom text file (with attribute headers)
- Use file-type dropdown to choose between
- Use file-type dropdown to choose between
Attribute keys/labels simplified (see HELP file)
- Tags separated with "|" (instead of ",")
- Not compatible with older export files
Data Viewer improvements
- Colored notes, links to source (via wol.jw.org)
- Close Data Viewer window on archive change (thank you, @vegsetup for the suggestion)
Updated translations
Updated Help file
Packages built on Python 11
Removed support for older JW Library archives
- Only v14 and up - please update your app
- Fixed minor bugs
- Removed right-clicking for Data Viewer
- Removed alert about UTF-8 on import (not applicable to MS Excel files)
- Removed confirmation on export (still required if over-writing an existing file)
- Removed unmaintained Qt5 branch from repo
If unable to download the latest source script and execute it from the commandline, you can (alternatively) try these self-contained packages, which don't require the installation of Python or dependencies:
- Linux:
- Stand-alone: JWLManager_v3.0.0
- Windows 10/11:
- Stand-alone: JWLManager_v3.0.0.exe
- Zipped folder: JWLManager_v3.0.0.zip
- macOS 11/12/13:
- Zipped app: JWLManager_v3.0.0.app.zip