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UNI S6 MAD shopping list project

  • Author: Eric ROMANG
  • Professor: Dr. Jean Botev

General Description

  • Application in package lu.uni.mad.madproject


  • Libraries

    • Lifecycle-compiler v1.1.1
    • Lifecycle-extensions v1.1.1
    • Room-compiler v1.1.1
    • Room-runtime v1.1.1
    • Constraint-layout v1.1.3
    • Appcompact v7.27.1.1
    • Design 27.1.1
  • Excluded

    • configurations { implementation.exclude group: 'org.jetbrains', module: 'annotations' }


  • Item class: Entity class that represents a item in the database
  • ItemDao interface: Data Access Object (DAO) for an item
  • ItemRoomDatabase abstract class: Includes code to create the database.
    • Also initial prepopulate the database with predefined items names, descriptions and quantities
  • ItemRepository class: Holds the implementation code for the methods that interact with the database
  • ItemViewModel class: provides the interface between the UI and the data layer of the app represented by ItemRepository
  • ItemListAdapter class: Adapter for the RecyclerView that displays a list of items.
  • MainActivity class: Main class to start the application
  • NewItemActivity class: To add a new item or to update it
  • AboutActivity class: To display the about


  • The app start the MainActivity displaying a pre-populated list of example items.
  • Pre-populated items is done during initial database creation, only if no items are present in the database.
  • MainActivity:
    • Display a list of items in a RecylerView
    • Display a FAB to add new items via the NewItemActivity
    • Allow users to delete an item by swiping it away
    • If an item is added, modified, or deleted, it is automatically updated
    • Display an AboutActivity via the option menu
    • Allow deletion of all items via the option menu


UNI S6 Shopping List project






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