Version 0.9.5 (unreleased)
NoseJS is a Nose plugin for integrating JavaScript tests into a Python test suite.
This projected has been forked from NoseJS on BitBucket.
NoseJS is designed for Python projects that require JavaScript code for some Web functionality. It currently has two features:
- Discover and run JavaScript tests alongside Python tests
- Validate JavaScript syntax (check for lint).
There are some optional external dependencies in the sections below.
#Checking JavaScript Syntax
NoseJS will find JavaScript files (e.g. app.js
) along the Nose path and run them through the jsl
_ command line tool to check for "lint." In other words, show you syntax errors, warnings, etc. You can install jsl on most systems using your package manager (i.e. port install javascript-lint
on Mac OS X) otherwise it is available for download on the jsl
_ site.
.. _jsl:
To check for lint without running any JavaScript unit tests, type::
$ nosetests --with-javascript --no-javascript-tests path/to/javascript
To disable lint checking, add --no-javascript-lint
NoseJS will also find and run JavaScript test files, those that match Nose's test pattern and end in .js
. Currently, NoseJS supports running executing tests in Rhino, a Java implementation of the JavaScript language.
Assuming you've downloaded Rhino into ~/src
, discover and run JavaScript tests with this command::
$ nosetests --with-javascript --rhino-jar ~/src/rhino1_7R1/js.jar path/to/javascript/tests
This command would look for any files along Nose's path ending in .js that match Nose's current test pattern, collect them all, then execute them using Rhino in a single Java subprocess at the end of all other tests. By default, files looking like test*.js
will be collected and run.
The idea behind NoseJS is that you might have a Python web application that relies on JavaScript for some of its functionality and you want to run both Python and JavaScript tests with one command, [nosetests] ( You can put these JavaScript tests wherever you want in your project.
Here is a more realistic example that shows how the Fudge <>
_ project is tested simultaneously for Python and JavaScript functionality. Its project layout looks roughly like this::
|-- fudge
| |--
| |--
| |-- tests
| | |--
| | |--
| | |--
|-- javascript
| |-- fudge
| | |-- fudge.js
| | |-- tests
| | | |-- test_fudge.html
| | | `-- test_fudge.js
Both Python and JavaScript tests can be run with this command::
$ nosetests --with-javascript \
--rhino-jar ~/src/rhino1_7R1/js.jar \
--with-dom \
--javascript-dir javascript/fudge/tests/
Test Fake
can find objects
can create objects
expected call not called
call intercepted
returns value
returns fake
Test ExpectedCall
ExpectedCall properties
call is logged
Test fudge.registry
expected call not called
start resets calls
stop resets calls
global stop
global clear expectations
Loaded 6 JavaScript files
Ran 54 tests in 0.392s
The dots are the Python tests that were run and the output below that is what Fudge's JavaScript test files printed out. Be sure to read the Caveats section below ;)
If JavaScript files are nested in a subdirectory, like the above example, specify that directory with::
$ nosetests --with-javascript --javascript-dir javascript/fudge/tests/ --javascript-dir ./another/dir
All JavaScripts have the nosejs
JavaScript namespace available for use. The following methods are available:
Load a JavaScript file from your test script. If you require the same file multiple times, it will only be loaded once. If the file does not start with a slash, then it should be a path relative to the directory of the script where requireFile() was called from. For example, here is how test_fudge.js requires the fudge library before testing::
if (typeof nosejs !== 'undefined') { nosejs.requireFile("../fudge.js"); }
Require a JavaScript file that is bundled with NoseJS. There are a few available resources:
- Will load the jQuery library before loading any other tests
- Will load a very minimal set of JavaScript functions for testing. It is a partial implementation of the QUnit test runner interface.
- Supported methods:
, andexpect()
For example, test_fudge.js uses jquery and the testrunner ::
if (typeof nosejs !== 'undefined') { nosejs.requireResource("jquery-1.3.1.js"); nosejs.requireResource("jquery/qunit-testrunner.js"); nosejs.requireFile("../fudge.js"); }
If your JavaScript under test relies on a browser-like DOM environment, it might still work! Just run::
$ nosetests --with-javascript --with-dom
This will load a copy of env.js to simulate a DOM before loading any other JavaScript.
Rhino is pretty much the only stable, command line oriented implementation of JavaScript I know of and it's well supported by Mozilla.
- Upgraded env.js to latest from @thatcher's fork
- Nuked Spidermonkey implementation for now
- Nose now sees each js test file as a python test case
- Failures and errors are now detected and displayed in the summary report
- Multiple paths for the --javascript-dir option can now be specified on multiple lines in setup.cfg
- Added --with-javascript-only option to stop execution of any other Nose tests when needed.
- CHANGED: The --js-test-dir option is now known as --javascript-dir
- Added experimental support for python-spidermonkey
- Added JavaScript lint check using the jsl tool
- Fixed bugs in how custom paths to JavaScript were expanded
- Fixed distribution problem
- Initial release
- Add spidermonkey support
- Distribute a Rhino js.jar with NoseJS
- Simplify command line inputs