Python wrapper for Wappalizer (utility that uncovers the technologies used on websites)
>>> from wappalyzer import Wappalyzer
>>> w = Wappalyzer()
>>> w.analyze('')
{u'Apache': {u'confidence': 100, u'version': u'', u'categories': [u'web-servers']},
u'Varnish': {u'confidence': 100, u'version': u'', u'categories': [u'cache-tools']}}
>>> w.analyze('')
{u'Apache': {u'confidence': 100, u'version': u'', u'categories': [u'web-servers']},
u'Google Analytics': {u'confidence': 100, u'version': u'', u'categories': [u'analytics']},
u'comScore': {u'confidence': 100, u'version': u'', u'categories': [u'analytics']}}
>>> w.analyze('')
{u'reCAPTCHA': {u'confidence': 100, u'version': u'', u'categories': [u'captchas']}}
You can specify the User-Agent to use:
>>> w.analyze('', user_agent='your_user_agent')
Or analyze from already downloaded pages (in this case you'll need to have the url and response headers too):
>>> w.analyze_from_data(url=the_url, html=the_html, headers=the_response_headers)
Apps and Categories are available as dict objects:
>>> w.apps
{u'Google Wallet': {u'website': u'', u'cats': [41], u'script': [u'checkout\\.google\\.com',
u'wallet\\.google\\.com']}, u'Lockerz Share': ...}
>>> w.categories
{u'42': u'tag-managers', u'48': u'network-storage', u'43': u'paywalls', u'49': u'feed-readers', u'24':
u'rich-text-editors', u'25': u'javascript-graphics', u'26': u'mobile-frameworks', ...}
Data can be also updated with the latest version available from the Wappalyzer Github repo:
>>> from wappalyzer import updater
>>> updater.update_all()
By default app icons will be updated to the data/icons
folder, in case you need them somewhere else you can specify the destination folder:
>>> from wappalyzer import updater
>>> updater.update_all(icons_folder='your_icons_folder')
Or update them individually:
>>> updater.update_icons(icons_folder='your_icons_folder')
Note for macos users: If you have problems installing PyV8 you can use PyV8-OS-X:
pip install -e git://
Using setup:
python install
Using pypi:
pip install wappalyzer-python