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- 📝 License
[Catalog of my things] A web application that allows users to create, read, update, and delete blog posts, add and delete comments, like/unlike a post. Users can sign up, login, update and cancel their accounts.
- [Sign up]
- [ Login ]
- [ Logout ]
- [ Edit profile ]
- [ Cancel account ]
- [Add new post]
- [Delete post]
- [Add comment]
- [Delete comment]
- [Like post]
- [Unlike post]
Ruby version >= 3.0.0
Clone this repository to your desired folder: sh cd my-folder git clone https://github.com/ernestmusong/Blog-app.git
Run: bundle install Run: npm install
Run: rails s
Run: rspec
👤 Musong Ernest
- GitHub: @ernestmusong
- Twitter: @MusongAkeh
- LinkedIn: Musong Ernest
👤 Oussama Elabdioui
- GitHub: @codedit334
- Twitter: @oussedit
- LinkedIn: Oussama Elabdioui
- [reply to a comment]
- [Search for specific blog posts based on keywords or tags]
Contributions, issues, and feature requests are welcome!
Feel free to check the issues page.
If you like this project, give it a star please!
This project is MIT licensed.