Customer Driven Project - Group 2
- Clone the project
- Open the project in your preferred terminal
theodorc@mycomputer kpro2/backend: cd backend
theodorc@mycomputer kpro2/backend: virtualenv venv && source venv/bin/activate
(venv)theodorc@mycomputer kpro2/backend: pip install -r requirements_dev.txt
(venv)theodorc@mycomputer kpro2/backend: python migrate
(venv)theodorc@mycomputer kpro2/backend: python initdb // this populates the localdb with some test data
(venv)theodorc@mycomputer kpro2/backend: python runserver
- Your application is now available at http://localhost:8000
To run the backend you need the correct privileges to connect to the DynamoDB instance
- Install aws-cli for your system
theodorc@mycomputer: aws configure
- User 'Access key ID' and 'Secret access key' supplied to you by Theodor on Slack
- Restart the application
- Ask Theodor for access to the EC2 instance
theodorc@mycomputer kpro2/backend: ssh -i your_priv_key.pem [email protected] './'
- clone the project
- Open the frontend folder in VScode
erlinvan@mycomputer: npm install
erlinvan@mycomputer: npm start
- The project will be available at
Netlify is configured to automatically deplopy changes from the main branch. Every PR will also get a test site.