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Project: Rebar3

Pablo Costas Sánchez edited this page Feb 27, 2022 · 5 revisions

Rebar3 is the standard build tool within the Erlang community. It essentially bundles all of the other tools shipping with Erlang along with a few open-source ones, and makes them all work under a unified project structure. It also supports pluggable compiler back-ends and acts as the build tool of many other languages on the BEAM virtual machine.

Idea 1: Rebar3 Dependency Reduction


In an attempt to bring ourselves closer to being an official build tool included with the Erlang programming language, one of the starting steps is to find out how we can reduce the number of dependencies required for the tool. This task will require doing careful surgery on rebar3, a tool with a strong commitment to backwards compatibility with thousands of users.

Recommended Skills


Possible Mentors

  • Fred Hebert (@ferd)
  • Bryan Paxton (@starbelly
  • Pablo Costas Sánchez (@pablocostass)

Expected outcome

A version of rebar3 with a reduced number of dependencies required to build and use the tool.

Expected size

175 hours

Difficulty rating
